
World War Zerø

Vortexsama · Kỳ huyễn
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73 Chs

The soul heaters

Chapter 12

"We're here!" I uttered with both eyes closed. We were now standing at the front of a tall building.

I brought out a chip, then inserted it while licking my left thumb.

"I can't believe that's the entry code." Hinata said as she heaved a sigh.

"Yeah! That's the only way of preventing unwanted outsiders." I said as I removed the chip.

It was so funny to say but yet, it was a medium of high restriction. One needed the chip to asses the building but, without licking your thumb it isn't going to open. That was the entry sign because of unwanted intruders.

"You can wait for me here." I said with a serious tone.

"Humph! You worry too much, I'm okay." She replied me as she raised her hands midway in nonchalance. Her bright and positive way of approaching things never seem to erode or diminish.

I didn't like it when she followed me to buildings like this. Although she was a general but you know, that feeling of a brother trying to protect his sister....

Anyways, buildings like this were always special, it was filled with orders and missions from both the government, and Head general of the army: which was Minamino.

It was also filled with people of course, as they always checked, and reviewed unfinished cases, hidden mysteries and treasures. But, only the special forces from the army are allowed in here. Even with the tight security, anyone could be right inside the building.

Inside here, it was so safe in a dangerous manner. You could be shot dead by anyone.

You never know, an outsider might have gained access into the building, and might probably be playing the Mr. Innocent role.

In here, some of the researchers learn new things and you know, it gets to their head. Or a traitor in the army trying to twist the situation to avoid been caught, and then boom! The blood party begins. It's so risky in here but it's the only means of conducting researches in the army.

And of course, this wasn't the only building, as there are quite a few in sangatoro with different hidden locations, that are only known by high ranked fighters.

There were security cameras but as far as it's dangerous, I didn't like taking sis in. Even if she was the strongest in the world, I would still discourage her from coming into this building. On the other hand, she was so jovial anytime we were in buildings similar to this. Like, for real?

"Don't let your guard down!" I told Hinata with a strict voice.

"Huff! You're always too serious when we come to buildings like this." She said with pouted lips, as she folded arms.

As we entered, the interior of the building was extremely dark, with no rays of light or source of illumination but it wasn't new to us, as it wasn't our first time being somewhere similar.

We walked a few feet forward and then, *Clamp!* Was the sound that echoed.

We've been switched from the room we were currently in, to another.

The room was quite luminous compared to the one we first entered, as we could see a man who sat on a chair upfront but was shaded by multiple hovering shadows.

The shadows of the thirty men that were standing beside him, was obviously what shaded the appearance of the man.

These men that stood beside the man sitting in the chair like royal guards, were called the soul heaters. Having one of them, is like having a hundred trained battle machines.

"So you came with your little sis?" The man asked coldly. His demeanor made it look like he was constantly sighing.

"Yeah!" I replied as I looked at the faces of everyone of them stealthily.

This was the first time in which I entered this building with Hinata. We went together to other buildings on occasions but this one, and two others I've never taken her there but, here we are!

Hinata walked forward a bit, as she opened her mouth to speak. "Hi, I'm Gene----"

"I know! You're Hinata, his younger sister." He interrupted curtly to provoke her.

"Oh then that's nice." She said, alongside a sincere smile.

"Hmmn...Oh?!" He said in a bossy manner.

"She's Just like him." He thought as he got up from his chair, while his companions stood in the firmest way possible.

Even with their current strength, the soul heaters feared their leader still. Even I a general, is weary of him. Although we were on good terms but, his strength was the same as a general's so we needed to be watchful at least.

As he walked towards me, I looked at his members in haste. Something wasn't right...

Yeah! His men had increased. It might sound so funny but that's how buildings like these were dangerous. My fingers moved on their own, as they aimed for my chest area.

"Hey chill!" The man said as he chuckled. "He's one of us." He said, as he goes back to putting on his usual facial bossy look.

Man he read me quite well, what a genius! As expected from the leader of the soul heaters.

"Gentleman, learn how to talk to a general." Hinata said with respect as she walked towards him.

Man! I should've told Hina about this man. I didn't inform her of this person's status earlier. When she knows, she'll be a little surprised to see this individual in person for the first time.

"Now she'll be on his watchlist." I mumbled.

"Oh?!" He said in the same manner he echoed the first.

"Well? You were summoned here for a reason weren't you?" He switched topics as he didn't seem to care about her reply, which was quite a relief on my side.

"Yes, I was told we had a mission to carry out here." I uttered, as I stared at him in the eyes.

"Well Minamino is right!" He said with a high pitched tone as he walked back to his seat.

Staring at his eyes, was like looking straight into a burning fire. Although, it didn't affect me. Neither would it have any effect on Hinata or most high ranked fighters in the army. But, if someone lower than the higher classed category was here, he might experience some problems while staring at him.

His eyes anytime he turns, is followed by strokes of light like fire, enhancing his eyes that was plum in color.

"The neighbouring rebels have been making quite the noise recently, and we want you to put an end to it now." He announced with a bored look.

Putting an end to them wasn't a problem, but the time was.

"He's so bossy." Hinata whispered.

Yeah about that, the reason he sounds so bossy is that he gets information from the media, generals and even government officials. So even if it was another person he was conveying it to, he'll sound the same.

Pretending not to hear Hinata's remark he gets up and walks towards us as his men bowed to the core.

He let out a deep sigh as he stretched out his arm in authority.

"I know the timing isn't proper but, that's what the officials want." He said.

"I know! *Sigh* So how many men would I need?" I asked cooly.

"Since it's those annoying brats, you'll only need a thousand men, and two of my newbies." He said, as he turned to look towards his men who were still bowing.

The rebels were so annoying but yet so tough, we always won the battle in hours but, they keep coming back. It'll get to a time that we'll have to silence them.

"So it's the rebels again?" Hinata said. She sounded like the situation was now anticlimactic.

"Huhn." I replied with my nose.

"Then you can handle it alone." She muttered, not tending to care about the situation anymore.

"Now, now, they claimed to be well prepared this time. I'll advise you to take them seriously." He said. "Now, this is how the Battle will go....."


(Minamino's Pov)

"So he made it?" I asked in amusement.

"Yes sir!" Said the chief warrant officer two.


After she had reported a few things, I permitted her to leave for now since they were no other things to ask

As she opened the door to exit, I called her back.

"Yes sir?" She asked humbly.

"Delay the results, don't tell the participants.

I'll notify you when it's time." I ordered.

"Yes sir!" She echoed as she excused herself.

"The boy's just like his dad." I thought as a smile crept on my face.

Well I'm happy for his son, I never knew he'd make it this far. He and his dad did the same thing, they didn't write a single word in the written aspect Lol! It reminds me of those good old times when we took the exam.

Truly, the written aspect was the most important out of the sections but, the written aspect is just an attendance. As far as you finish the exam without being sent out, or without quitting, then you're all clear.

If the army tells the participants, then entry will be easier. To pass the written aspect, you just need to submit your paper to the instructor no matter what happens. As far as you finish the test without dropping out or tearing your paper, you've earned your place.

Oh! Other sections are still doing theirs.

Let me get to work then.....

Shit! All this papers and reports that were filed on my desk was very annoying to read, breakdown, interpret and solve.

As I searched for a way to reduce my work stress, I remembered that Hiroshi might be battling some rebels right now. I actually detested sending my fellow generals on missions that are not important. However, it was an emergency so the government officials requested for the army's intervention.

I hope they're doing well? Well that's if Jinoshi cooperates with them.

As I was still in thoughts, I heard a knock on my door.

"Sir!" It was definitely the warrant officer Steve Clark.

"Come in!" I said.

He entered with few sheets in his hands.

"I'm here to report how our section's test went." He said as he bowed slightly.

"Go on." I ordered.



Hiroshi's Pov


I was now standing at the front of a thousand and two men.

"Hinata you can take your leave, Fushi should be done by now." I said gently.

"Okay be safe, off I go!" She waved as she entered a SUV (sport utility vehicle).

"Now!" I echoed with authority.

The whole place was now silent till we were only hearing the rustles of dry leaves.

"No need for tactical strategies." I said with a smile. "Just fight alongside your instincts. Onward we march!" I raised my hands up as a sign of full authority.

"Yeah!!!" The people echoed joyfully as we journeyed for a mini battle that was probably the trigger of a greater loss than any human could ever imagine in a bloody era.