
World Trigger: The Azafurian

In a world where Trion warriors and Neighbors threaten the peace of Mikado City, a new and enigmatic character has emerged: Hoshizora Kurenai, a Neighbor known as The Brimstone Shogun, who has a Trion signature that resembles brimstone energy, setting him apart from normal Neighbors. With an otherworldly Trion body and a reputation that sends shivers down the spines of A-Rank agents, Kurenai is a force to be reckoned with. As the story begins, Border HQ is abuzz with rumors and speculations about this mysterious new fighter who has been taking on Neighbor incursions single-handedly, with unmatched finesse and power. Some view Kurenai as a vigilante, a rogue agent unaligned with any official squads. But little is known about the true motives and allegiance of this enigmatic figure. His origin remains a mystery, as they don’t know how or when he arrived on Earth or the circumstances surrounding his existence. Meanwhile, Osamu Mikumo, Yuma Kuga, Chika Amatori and Hyuse continue their everyday duties as members of Tamakoma Branch. They are intrigued by the stories of The Brimstone Shogun but are cautious, not knowing whether this new player is friend or foe. Some agents view Kurenai with suspicion, unsure whether they can trust another Neighbor. However, he has proven himself by taking down powerful Neighbor incursions with his unique abilities. One day, Kurenai's path crosses with Tamakoma Branch, setting the stage for a complex web of alliances and betrayals, as the true threat to Mikado City becomes more apparent. As the Neighbors unveil a sinister plan that threatens both the human world and the Neighbor universe. Tamakoma Branch and The Brimstone Shogun must decide whether to join forces to protect their home or remain as rivals in this dangerous new era.

Zeesuhs · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Thoughts of the Shogun

Director Rindo, known for his shrewd strategic thinking, responded, "Indeed, Commander. But we should also consider the possibility of cooperation. If he can be an asset in protecting the city, we need to weigh the benefits and risks."

Director Shinoda, who had a history of understanding Neighbors, chimed in, "We mustn't forget that peaceful coexistence is our ultimate goal. If we can determine his true intentions, we might find a way to bridge the gap."

The discussion continued, with a tense undercurrent as the Directors navigated their differing perspectives and the critical decision of how to handle him.

Following the Directors' discussion, Osamu and Yuma stepped forward to present their case, emphasizing his potential as an ally and the need to explore peaceful solutions.

With a firm but respectful tone, Osamu stepped forward, addressing the Directors. "We understand the concerns surrounding Hoshizora and the potential risks involved. However, we've had direct interactions with him on the field, and we believe there's a compelling case for considering him as an ally."

Yuma, standing beside Osamu, continued, "He's demonstrated a strong commitment to protecting Mikado City. The actions he's taken against Neighbors show that he's invested in our word."

Osamu nodded in agreement. "We propose a thorough assessment of his intentions. We need to determine if he's genuinely interested in cooperation. If so, we might have an opportunity to bridge another gap between us and the Neighbors, ultimately working toward a more peaceful coexistence."

Their words hung in the air, the weight of their proposal echoing in the high-tech chambers. The Directors listened intently, their decisions regarding the vigilante poised on the precipice of a profound shift.

Commander in Chief Kido, his expression unyielding, addressed Osamu and Yuma. "Your points are noted, but my primary concern is the safety of Mikado City. We cannot afford to take risks, especially when dealing with a Neighbor like him."

He turned to face the other Directors. "I stand by my decision. He must be captured or eliminated to ensure the security of our city. Our protocol regarding Neighbors is clear."

Director Rindo, and Director Shinoda exchanged glances, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. The differing viewpoints within Border were now laid bare, and the tension in the room remained high.

"Thank you for your input, Osamu, Yuma. We appreciate your perspective. We will take your proposal under consideration." With that, Director Shinoda tone made it clear that the matter was closed for discussion. Osamu and Yuma exchanged glances, knowing that their case had been heard, even if the final decision did not align with their hopes.

Osamu and Yuma, having presented their case, rejoined their fellow agents. Their faces revealed the strain of the debate, and their thoughts lingered on the unresolved matter. "We made our case," Osamu said to Yuma in a low voice, "but it's clear that this won't be settled easily." Yuma nodded, his expression reflecting a mix of determination and concern. "We need more information about his intentions, and we have to find a way to convince Border to consider him as an ally."

As Hoshizora navigated the park's familiar paths, his attention was drawn not only to the physical damage around him but also to his damaged trion body. The coordinated attacks from the Border agents had taken their toll, leaving him with some injuries to his body. Despite his resilience, he knew that he couldn't afford to underestimate the extent of the damage or the potential consequences it might have on his ability to continue his mission.

Feeling the weight of his injuries, Hoshizora knew he needed to act quickly. With a focused mind, he whispered the command, "Trigger off." Instantly, his trion body dissipated into thin air, leaving behind only his physical form, unblemished and whole. 

Taking a moment to collect himself, Hoshizora surveyed his surroundings with a sense of caution. The encounter with the Border agents had exposed his vulnerabilities and forced him to confront the reality of his situation. His identity was no longer a secret, and Border was undoubtedly assessing his intentions with heightened scrutiny.

"They've seen through my defenses," Hoshizora muttered to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of frustration and determination. "But I won't let that stop me. I'll be prepared next time."

As he continued to move through the park, his mind raced with thoughts of strategy and preparation. He knew that he couldn't afford to make the same mistakes again, not when the stakes were so high. With Border aware of his weaknesses and capitalizing on his inability to combat long-range attacks, Hoshizora understood the importance of adapting his approach to ensure his continued survival.

With a determined exhale, he resolved, "I must refine my methods, hone my abilities, and be ready for the next inevitable encounter with Border. The Brimstone Shogun must evolve to protect this world."

As the sun slowly raised past the horizon, casting a crimson glow over the Forbidden Zone, Hoshizora remained immersed in his training regimen. Each movement was deliberate, each strike calculated as he honed his combat skills in the secluded training grounds he had carved out for himself.

But even as he trained, his mind was elsewhere, focused on the valuable data he had acquired from Border's servers. His mind drifted back to the dimly lit interior of the internet cafe, where he had re-gained access to Border's secure network. With careful precision, he had sifted through the vast troves of data, his heart pounding with anticipation as he sought insights that could give him an edge in the battles to come. And then, like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered, he stumbled upon the trigger data.

With a sense of determination, he delved deeper into the data, analyzing every detail with meticulous attention. "Meteor," he whispered, recalling the first revelation from the data. "A powerful offensive trigger. Weaker than Asteroid, but its gimmick is an explosive payload. Useful to flush people out from cover."

His thoughts then turned to the Shield, a defensive trigger that offered protection in the heat of battle. "Shield," he mused, a flicker of excitement igniting in his eyes. "A formidable defense trigger, it's also indispensable. It will allow me to conjure a barrier to defend against enemy attacks. Since it is capable of hovering, it leaves my hands free. With this, I can fortify my defenses against even the most relentless assaults."

Next came Escudo, a predecessor of Shield. It's a versatile trigger that could be deployed strategically to outmaneuver opponents. "Escudo," he said with a hint of admiration. "This trigger erects a defensive barrier in an intended location by placing a part of one's body, such as a hand or a foot, on any connected surface, even a trion body with the latter resulting in impeding the opponent. It can also be summoned a few meters away from the user, and be retracted at will."  He says, searching more into Escudo.

He stumbles upon more information about it. "Its barriers are seemingly much more durable than the ones created by Shield, taking no damage from the beam of that humanoid invader months ago. With its ability to create barriers and obstacles, I can control the flow of battle and dictate the pace of combat. Although it does eat through trion and needs specific requirements, I like this."

And finally, Bagworm, a stealth trigger that hid the user's trion signature, making them invisible to radar. "Bagworm," he murmured, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "A tool of deception and stealth. With this, I can move unseen on the radar, slipping past my enemies' operators and striking from the shadows."

Each discovery filled him with a renewed sense of purpose, strengthening his resolve to master these techniques and use them to achieve his goals. As he continued to train, he envisioned himself harnessing the power of the trigger data, wielding it with precision and skill to overcome any obstacle in his path.

For Hoshizora, the trigger data represented not only a means to gain an advantage in battle but also a symbol of his determination to succeed, no matter the challenges he faced. And as he honed his abilities, he knew that he was one step closer to realizing his true potential as the Brimstone Shogun.

But even as he immersed himself in his research, Hoshizora remained ever vigilant, acutely aware of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. He knew that his actions had not gone unnoticed, that Border was likely monitoring his every move, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

As he continued to train, he remembered one more trigger that piqued his interest. The Sōgetsu trigger, a trigger shrouded in mystery. Only being used by one Border agent, Kirie Konami. "Sōgetsu," he whispered, the name resonating with intrigue. "A trigger of unparalleled versatility and control. With its ability to change forms on the fly and low Trion costs, the possibilities are endless."

He paused, his mind racing with scenarios of what he could achieve with such a trigger at his disposal. "If I had Sōgetsu," he speculated, his voice tinged with excitement, "I could bend the battlefield to my will with my skills. I could create openings where none exist, manipulate the flow of combat, and outmaneuver even the most skilled opponents."

But then, a realization struck him. "But I don't need Sōgetsu," he said aloud, a determined gleam in his eyes. "Not when I have my own unique ability." He closed his eyes, focusing inward as he tapped into his Side Effect, Thermokinetic Amplification. "Thermokinetic Amplification," he repeated, his voice steady with conviction. "Not only does it allow me to detect heat signatures, but it also gives me the power to amplify my triggers to another level."

He opened his eyes, a sense of purpose driving him forward. His crimstone red Kogetsu blazing with renewed intensity, thanks to his Side Effect. "With Thermokinetic Amplification," he declared, "I can enhance the effectiveness of my triggers, pushing them beyond their normal limits. But I must be cautious," he added, a note of caution creeping into his tone. "The more Trion I pour into amplification, the greater the heat and radiation emitted by the triggers. I must find the balance between power and control or else I'll deal too much damage to myself because of the radiation."

As Hoshizora prepared to leave the Forbidden Zone, his mind still abuzz with the discoveries he had made, he noticed movement out of the corner of his eye. Turning towards the source, he spotted a young child cautiously making their way into the restricted area.

"H-Hello? Are you lost?" Hoshizora called out, his voice gentle yet tinged with concern. He approached the child slowly, careful not to startle them.

The child, startled by Hoshizora's sudden appearance, froze in their tracks, eyes wide with fear. "I-I'm sorry, mister. I didn't mean to come here. I was just exploring," they stammered, their voice trembling.

He crouched down, his stern expression softening for a moment. "Kid, you shouldn't be here," he said, a touch of concern in his voice. "It's too dangerous here, but good thing I found you. There's no need to be afraid. What's your name kid?"

The child hesitated for a moment before responding timidly, "M-My name is Hiro. I-I didn't know this place was off-limits." Hoshizora nodded understandingly. "It's easy to get lost around here, Hiro. But you're safe now. " Hiro tilted his head, unfazed by the peril that loomed around him. "I lost my parents," they explained, his voice barely above a whisper. "I can't find them."

Hoshizora's eyes scanned the surroundings, his heightened senses on alert. "Good, no gates are coming." He whispered to himself. With a nod, he made a quick decision. "All right, stay close," he said, extending a hand to the child. "I'll help you find your parents, but we need to leave this area first." Once they got back within city lines, he felt the child's grip loosen. With a reassuring smile, he knelt beside them, his eyes narrowing as he activated his side effect.

As Hoshizora and Hiro made their way back within the safety of the city lines, Hoshizora felt the child's grip loosen. With a reassuring smile, he knelt beside Hiro, his eyes narrowing as he activated his side effect.

In a moment of curiosity, Hoshizora glanced at Hiro, observing his thermal pattern with keen interest. "Hmm, quite an interesting thermal pattern you have," he remarked, mostly to himself but loud enough for Hiro to hear.

Startled, Hiro turned to look at Hoshizora, confusion evident in their eyes. "What are you doing mister?" they asked, their voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of apprehension. With a soft chuckle, Hoshizora turned his attention fully to Hiro, his expression warm and reassuring. "I'm using a special ability I have," he explained gently, trying to put the child at ease. "Focusing Trion in my eyes amplifies them, causing me to see heat signatures, like the warmth your body gives off. It helps me find things and people."

Hiro's eyes widened in fascination, a spark of wonder lighting up their features. "Wow, really?" they exclaimed, their fear dissipating as they became intrigued by Hoshizora's explanation. Nodding, Hoshizora smiled warmly. "Yes, really," he confirmed, his tone calm and reassuring. "And with this ability, I'll help you find your parents. Just stay close, okay?"

Hiro nodded eagerly, a newfound trust blossoming between them as they continued their journey through the bustling city streets, Hoshizora's heightened senses leading the way. As seconds passed, his side effect started to discern the unique thermal patterns of those nearby, seeking any signatures that matched Hiro's. His eyes moved methodically, analyzing the thermal signatures of the people within the area with precision.

Hoshizora's focused scan revealed a couple, sitting worried in front of a storefront, their thermal signatures faint but present. "Ah, there we go, got matching signatures" he said, a note of satisfaction creeping into his tone as his side effect picks up on Hiro's parents. Hoshizora gently squeezed Hiro's hand and guided him towards the couple sitting in front of the storefront, their worried expressions softening as they spotted their lost child.

"Mom! Dad!" Hiro exclaimed, running towards them.

The mother enveloped Hiro in a tight embrace, tears of relief streaming down her cheeks. "Hiro, my dear, we were so worried about you!" The father ruffled Hiro's hair affectionately, his voice choked with emotion. "You had us scared there, buddy. We're so glad you're safe."

Hoshizora stood back, watching the heartwarming reunion with a small smile, knowing that he had played a part in bringing this family back together. As Hiro's parents expressed their gratitude, Hoshizora nodded in acknowledgment. "It was my pleasure. Just glad I could help," he replied, his voice soft but sincere.

Hiro turned back to Hoshizora, eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, mister," he said, his voice filled with genuine appreciation. As the reunited family moved away, Hiro paused and then turned back, his curious eyes fixed on Hoshizora. With a shy smile, he approached him and tugged at the hem of his cloak. Hoshizora knelt down, and his eyes held a hint of mystery. Hiro looked up at him and asked, "I forgot to ask you, what's your name?" Hoshizora got up and ruffled Hiro's hair, "You can call me 'The Brimstone Shogun' Hiro."