
World Travel Mercenary Works

All things follow a rule. Even the Multiverse and Worlds. As it expand, the system governing all will also adjust. There are four organization looking over the Multiverse. Guardians, the ever-living protector of order. The light of the chaotic Worlds. Dark Hall, counterforce of order is the chaos that only exist for all works of dirt and gore./Shadow Isle, where death is peace and painless death is blessing. Mercenary Guild, the walkers of worlds for reaches and glory. Where do you think you belong? Current World: [Trial Task] Naruto First World War. --------- Cover is not mine https://www.deviantart.com/baklaher/art/Fenrir-707545701 ------- Please do review. Let me know what you think. Mc, is a flawed man and will never be perfect as no one is. He will commit occasional mistake but he will learn from it. Current Schedule: 3 Chaps/Week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday)

LoveJoy · Khác
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20 Chs


About 10km away from a burned village. A thin frail body of a very pale man is breathing rigged as on edge of a knife. A dark shadow hovers around him waiting and waiting. Then a woman arrives, she was wearing a yellow robe with a hood over her head. She set up a fire and left bread on the ground before leaving. Her presence dispersed the shadow apparition.

In the morning, Kevin wakes up from the wood cracking sound of the burning fire. His body still pale and weak. Previous strength is gone in the wind replaced by a weak and struggling man.

Kevin: Vivian... Carlos. Marla... I'm sorry... Daddy can't protect you as I promise. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... Don't worry..... I will kill him for you all and follow you after. I love you... Wait for me.

The shame of not having there for his family and the pain of losing them powerless. His spine on cold ground while fighting to keep his sanity intact.

Kevin: I need to live and kill him... I will kill him! I will make him feel how painful it was.

Kevin left the camp with the bread alone on top of a rock.

The night came and Kevin got back to his barely flaming camp. On his back is a deer he hunted on his way. He lights up the campfire again using the remaining ember. As he waits, knees grinding to each other eager to move but Kevin remain sitting watching to the tongue of flames flicker. Reaching out, as thin black film coats his fingers. When the flame touches the coating. It didn't burn and spread but got devoured.

Kevin: It absorbs flame and life. Is this nen? Can I bring them back with this? There is only one way to find out.

The meat got cooked and Kevin started to eat and sleep after. In the morning, he started a very monotonous routine. Train his body to top condition, hunt, meditate and devour before sleeping and waking up in the early morning and begin his routine again.

Months came and Kevin recovers. His body was full of scars from jumping off cliffs. This pushed his endurance to a high level. He started to abuse and break his body.

His Death Aura, helps him recover from devouring things. He learned Zetsu, Ten, and Ren. Beside them, he can make his thick death aura form a claw. Lifting a few tons became easier for him now. What did progress more is his speed.

Kevin knows that he can't fight that ogre in frontal combat. In that battle, his subconscious warns his body of danger and every swing can kill him if he doesn't coat himself with nen but this also will burn his vitality in return.

Kevin became faster and stronger. He can take a hit from him multiple times before losing the capability to resist more. His Restriction Leather Armor now pressured his body up to tons of force making him move like a normal human during his training but Kevin still not satisfied with it.

Appearance-wise, Kevin now stands 6'5 with a lean body full of scars and white eyes, and some streak of gray hairs on his head. He is now walking toward the South. He needs to collect more vitality. That place will give him what he seeks.



At the very edge of the battlefield. The war is raging like a fierce fire body is everywhere. Tanks lined on the empty field of debris. Trenches hold bay of every soldier in uniform. A few hundreds meter away from them are camps.

Soldier1: Reporting sir!! A man is sighted from the north-east heading to the warzone.

Officer1: What the hell?!! Let him die!

The soldiers run away before coming back again.

Soldier1: Sir!! The black fog started to covers the whole field! I-

He was suddenly silenced when the black fog eats them inside. Everyone feels their heart beating so strong like someone is listening to it close-up while the sound of breathing encompasses the whole place.

The soldier stands shivering as a silhouette of blood-red veins pulsing claws in front of him.

Voice: Corruption is low. I let you live...

A low growling like voice said and it vanishes. When the dark fog disappears like smoke the officer in front of him is gone. The soldier still has his heart on his mouth fell in terror as the warzone became vacated. The tanks on their side have decaying signs on them.

Soldier: MAJOR!!!


The strange event didn't happen in one place but also in all battlefronts and the majority of them are German Camps. Concentration Camps were also attack killing of prisoners that seeks fast death and killing all the remaining soldiers in it.

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