

"That sea is Infinite! How could I NOT wanna explore it!?" Infinite sea, infinite possibilities, infinite outcomes. So how did it end up like it did. I never wanted to loose those closest to me, so if I'm fighting for freedom... It's okay to loose some humanity along the way. Follow Yuma's heartbreaking journey as he sacrifices himself to accomplish his goal. "I WILL take down the world Government... FOR FREEDOM!"

Harley_Wantland · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

The Infinite Sea?

Cani hears an explosion in the distance.

"I hope that isn't Yuma…" Nyct nods.

"Definently… either way… I hope it's not Boombox either…" Cani sighs and suddenly a strong presence fills the air. A maniacle smile on Cani's face.

"I found it… the first step in my goal to-" Nyct is slightly shocked but follows Cani anyway. A large cave opens up and the two walk in. In the middle of the massive cavern was a large purple shard.

"The first ancient artifact… The 'meteorite shard'... worth Ѥ1B" 

Yuma raids through drawers and food cupboards. Trying to find more materials for their travels.

"Find anything, Boombox?" Boombox nods and sighs.

"We should probably go…" Yuma nods and goes to walk out but stops.

"Wait a minute…" Boombox looks at Yuma and notices it to.

"Even though this island is in the middle of nowhere… they still hide this from us?" Yuma nods slowly and leaning down. Feeling around and grabbing the edges of a board. Ripping up the board from the floor an ominous purple aura pouring from the boards. Yuma jumping down.

"Wait! It might not be safe!" Boombox jumps down after him.

Yuma walks down a long cave squinting his eyes to see.

"What's down here that's so important?" Boombox wipes the sweat from his forehead.

"Either way… it's hot down here" Yuma suddenly turns to look at the wall. An ominous purple aura as he punches the wall. Smoke explodes as Boombox is confused. Another cavern opens up with an obelisk in the middle. Boombox walking closer.

"What is this-" Boombox looks as a scroll lays on the stand in front of the obelisk. Yuma walks closer as Boombox unrolls it. The scroll was old and hard to read, but Boombox could make it out. The first portion of the Scroll seemed to depict small pink creatures with purple eyes and long pink horns that aren't of this world.

"What are those?" Boombox looks at Yuma who has the same pink hair and purple eyes. Turning to look back at the Scroll.

"I don't know… it seems like they don't belong to this world…" Yuma rubs his chin.

"Well, keep reading" Boombox opens the scroll farther. Now the scroll showed a massive glowing purple meteor as big as an island crashing into a massive wall. A diagram of the sea seemingly expanding infinitely after that.

"What is it the Government was trying to hide?" Boombox sighs.

"What it looks like… this meteor may have crashed into Heaven's wall… which might be where they built Heaven's Gate! Maybe even created heaven's sea to begin with!" Yuma is shocked.

"Kuza did say the Infinite Sea… 'Appeared'!" Boombox is shocked. The ground suddenly shakes. Several high ranking Military gaurds standing behind them.

"Get ready to fight Yuma… they aren't going to let us leave without a fight!" Yuma prepares to fight as they run at them. Yuma blocking one and kicking him. The kick doing nothing as Yuma spins around and punching him again. There was no effect as the officer throws Yuma to the ground. Boombox shocked.

"Yuma!" Boombox takes a deep breath and releasing a loud pitch screech. The man covers his ears and hits the ground. Yuma taking advantage of the chaos and slamming him into the ground. Boombox stopping.

"Hey, why aren't you effected by my loud voice anymore?" Yuma looks at Boombox, his ears no longer bleeding.

"I'm… not sure actually"

"Hey, watch out!" suddenly Nycto kicks someone trying to sneak attack Yuma. Yuma turning around.

"Nyct? Whatever happened to protecting the ships?" Nyct looks up at Yuma.

"That doesn't matter right now… we just have to get off this island-" Nyct is suddenly slammed into the cave wall shocking Boombox. A man towers over them all.

"You aren't supposed to be down here…"