

"That sea is Infinite! How could I NOT wanna explore it!?" Infinite sea, infinite possibilities, infinite outcomes. So how did it end up like it did. I never wanted to loose those closest to me, so if I'm fighting for freedom... It's okay to loose some humanity along the way. Follow Yuma's heartbreaking journey as he sacrifices himself to accomplish his goal. "I WILL take down the world Government... FOR FREEDOM!"

Harley_Wantland · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs

Heartfelt cry

"Why did they have to take her!?" Cani gulps as Boombox doesn't sugercoat it.

"They were forcefully returning her home" Yuma slams his fist into the ground.

"WHY!!??" Boombox is shocked as he steps back. Yuma sniffles.

"I-if I knew she had… to return home" Cani's eyes widened.

"She could have just returned home with me" Tears hit the grass under him as Boombox looks away. Slowly walking away as Cani chases him.

"Why is he crying??" Boombox looks down at Cani.

"I thought you knew already… being such good friends with him…" Cani pouts thinking that Boombox just friend zoned her.

"Yuma…" Boombox looks up at the sun through the trees.

"...See's Kinsha as the family he never had…" Cani's eyes widened.

"And Yuma just lost that one thing holding him down… Yuma is…" Boombox turns to look at Yuma. An aura of pure rage seeping off of him.

"One notch closer to losing his sense of self… his sanity" Cani is shocked.

"What should we do… if he snaps, a worldwide war could occur!" Boombox nods.

"From now until Yuma finally calms down… we should make it our goal to keep him sane" Cani nods.

"That would be difficult though…" Boombox sighs.

"I know… that's why we need to focus all our strength on letting Yuma rest and letting him figure himself out… we need to take charge so Yuma can get some rest" Cani nods.

"I understand… he's lost both Nyct and Kinsha in one day… we need to be there for him" Boombox nods.

"You're right about that"

Kinsha is slammed against the wall and coughing as her ears go down. The officers handcuff her to the wall. Tears well up in her eyes as she curls into a ball. Her orange hair covers her purple eyes as she sniffles. Tears flowing down her face like waterfalls.

"Mr. Yuma, Mr. Nezxa." She sniffles and silently cries.

"Where are you when I need you?"

"There's no point in keeping it a secret anymore" kinsha's eyes widen as she looks over at Nyct also chained to the wall. Kinsha's ears are still down.

"Yuma is coming for us, if I know him well enough. As for this Nezxa man you're talking about? I've never met him, so he either doesn't exist or he died before I joined you guys" Kinsha's eyes close tightly as she bursts into full fledged tears. Crying loudly as she learned the father figure she finally found had actually died. Arms suddenly wrapping around her.

"Let it all out, Kinsha, You need it" Kinsha cries silently into Nyct's shoulder as Nyct thinks. 'They have a reason to take Kinsha away, her Family wants her back. As for me…?' Nyct exhales and looks at the cell light. 'I'll probably get executed' Nyct looks at the child crying into her shoulder. 'Yuma, if you aren't coming for me, at least come and rescue Kinsha, come rescue this fragile child from the grasps of death'

Yuma stands on the coast looking out at the sea. The cool breeze blowing his hair. Trees behind him are a mix of green and fall colours. The seasons were changing. Yuma was looking out at Heaven's Sea. The Sea of which the Government heavily guarded lay in front of Heaven's Gate. Yuma's eyes were dry as if he had been crying.

The bright blue sky was nearly clear of clouds. The waving water of the sea splashing up on his bare feet.

"Kuza, Nezxa, Nyct, and now Kinsha. I've lost you. I'll make it to Heaven's Sea, get you back, and destroy this corruted Government system" An intense yet calm aura radiates from Yuma's eyes as the sun rises in bright purple, pink, and orange hues on the horizon.

Cani looks over at Boombox.

"What do we do? We lost a large portion of our crew and we only JUST made it to Heaven's Sea" Boombox sighs.

"We need new boats as well…" There was silence.

"Hey, Yuma!" Cani gulps as Yuma turns to look at them. The wind blowing his hair as his purple eyes seem emotionless. The blue sea and ocean behind him.

"What is it, Boombox?" Boombox points to the right.

"If we want to continue, we must stop brooding and get new boats" Yuma looks down.

"And how do you say we do that?" Yuma looks where Boombox is pointing.

"That right there is a Military Port" Cani is shocked.

"In the middle of nowhere?" Boombox nods.

"Go let out some anger, let's steal a military vessel" Yuma locks eyes with Boombox as tensions explode. The gravity around them is growing stronger for seemingly no reason. Yuma exhaled and took one step towards the Port.

"Just this once" The tension evaporates. Cani exhales as the three of them walk towards the port.