
world slayer

A mysterious wave of wild animal attacks sweeps across the country, leaving thousands dead and citizens in panic. In a modest suburban home in Washington state, young William Crawford and his best friend Harry navigate the chaos, initially dismissing the danger as exaggerated media hype. However, their skepticism quickly turns to horror when their school is attacked by monstrous green goblins.

Adrian_arroyo8562 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

no escape

Picking up the knifes the goblins had they now had 12 extra knifes total the group moved through the blood soaked hallway their steps heavy with both fatigue and determination. William led the way, his grip firm on the knife he had taken from the goblins. They had one goal reach the front entrance of the school and escape this nightmare

As they approached the double doors leading outside the school, a sense of relief began to wash over them. They could see the outside world through the crack of the doors, a beacon of hope in the midst of this ordeal. William pushed the doors open taking a step outside but as he tried leaving the school a barrier blocked him and a sudden screen appeared before him


'You cannot leave the area until you defeat the boss'


Williams heart sank he turned to the others his face grim reading the message alloud to the others "you cannot leave the area until you defeat the boss"

The group groaned in unison, their brief hope lost. Ethan gripped his spear tighter, his knuckles white "where do you think the boss is?"

"I don't know" William replied scanning the surroundings "my best guess is the gym"

"We will have to fight our way through" mark said, trying to keep his voice steady you could feel the fear he felt in that moment

They turned away from the doors, preparing themselves mentally for what was to come. The school once a place of learning… safety, was now a twisted labyrinth filled with deadly enemies. The group moved through the hallways heading toward the gymnasium, the sound of goblins approaching startled them

As the reality of the situation set in the distant sounds of goblins echoed through the hallway getting closer and closer. The group exchanged fearful glances, knowing they had to find a place to hide before the goblins found them

"Let's go in the bathroom over there" Ethan pointed to a nearby door. They moved quickly, slipping inside and closing the door quietly behind them. The small bathroom felt suffocating, but it was better than being forced to fight the goblins

They listened intently as the goblins footsteps and voices grew louder the tension was unbearable the noises' gradually faded away, they Knew they had to keep moving

"We need to get to the gym" William said "that's where the boss must be"

They nodded in agreement, after a few minutes of silence, they cautiously exited the bathroom. The journey to the gym was fraught with danger, every corner a potential ambush. The echoes of their footsteps seemed to mock their attempts of silence

As they approached the gym the faint sounds of goblins could be heard once again William peeked around the corner seeing 6 goblins standing guard outside the gym doors knowing if they didn't want to lose another person, they had to make a plan

"We will throw the extra knifes we collected from those goblins and throw them at the goblins, after Aiden has thrown all the extra knifes Ethan you will charge with the spear taking one out the rest of us will be right behind you to take care of the others" said William giving each person 3 knifes

"Here we go" William whispered tightening his grip on his knife

As they turned the corner they threw the knifes hitting them with 4 out of the 12 knifes killing one goblin "CHARGE" screamed William Ethan running in front with the rest of the group right behind him Ethan's stabbed one of the goblins hit by the knifes the goblin grabbed the spear not wanting to let Ethan take it out of his stomach but the goblin was not strong enough, Ethan took the spear out stabbing the goblin again in the throat

William aiden and mark all ran past Ethan stabbing the other three goblins The battle was fierce but brief. The group fought with everything they had, their movements synchronized and precise. Finally, the last goblin fell, its death throes echoing through the empty hall. The group split the crystals into four once more this time mark and Aiden getting the extra one

As the adrenaline began to fade, the screen appeared before William once more


'You have leveled up'


The screen change after William read the whole screen


- name = William Crawford

- class = N/A

- level = 2

- strength = 8

- speed = 7

- endurance =7

- magic = 0

-stat points = 5

- Crystals = 0/20


After thinking for a while he added 2 point to magic wanting to see what would happen, he feels a small power flowing through him he took a deep breath knowing he was growing stronger. William also added one point to all other stats

"Alright everyone ready?"william asked looking at his classmates. They nodded, their faces determined yet wary of what was to come

They moved closer to the gym. the tension thick in the air. As they approached the gym doors, they prepared for whatever horrors awaited inside.

"This is it," he whispered, his voice steady. "Stay close and be ready for anything."

With a final glance at his friends,William pushed the doors open slightly, peering into the darkened space beyond.