
world slayer

A mysterious wave of wild animal attacks sweeps across the country, leaving thousands dead and citizens in panic. In a modest suburban home in Washington state, young William Crawford and his best friend Harry navigate the chaos, initially dismissing the danger as exaggerated media hype. However, their skepticism quickly turns to horror when their school is attacked by monstrous green goblins.

Adrian_arroyo8562 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Lucas Reed

The goblin's screech echoed through the classroom, alerting the others. It launched itself at the group with wild, desperate fury. But alone, it was no match for their combined strength. Ethan impaled it with the spear while William swiftly ended its life with a knife to the heart. As the goblin fell, William grabbed its crystal and absorbed it, feeling another surge of power.

"We need to move, now," William urged, glancing back at the door. The noise had undoubtedly drawn the attention of the other goblins. They hurried out of the classroom, but it was too late—a group of seven goblins stood just 20 feet away, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent.

With an unwavering look of determination, William said, "We need to kill these goblins."

The group tightened their grips on their weapons, hearts pounding with fear and adrenaline. Ethan took the lead, raising the spear and preparing to pierce the closest goblin. The goblins snarled and charged, their blades and claws gleaming in the dim light.

Ethan lunged forward, driving the spear into the first goblin's chest. It screeched and fell, but the others were upon them in an instant. William slashed at another goblin, catching it across the face and sending it reeling. Aiden and Mark fought side by side, their knives flashing as they struck the chest of two goblins.

Lucas's face set with grim determination, swung his knife at a goblin stabbing it in the stomach, knocking it to the ground. But as he turned to face another, a goblin leapt onto his back, sinking its teeth into his shoulder. Lucas cried out in pain, desperately trying to shake it off.

"Lucas!" William shouted, slashing at the goblin on his friend's back. The goblin hissed and swiped at William, its claws catching him across the arm. He stumbled back, clutching his bleeding arm, while the goblin tightened its grip on Lucas.

Ethan and Aiden managed to dispatch another goblin, but the tide of battle was turning against them. Three more goblins came running toward them

Lucas, struggling under the weight of the goblin, felt his strength waning. "Get off me!" he screamed, his voice filled with desperation. He managed to elbow the goblin in the face, loosening its grip for a moment. But it was a fleeting victory.

The goblin, enraged, grabbed a fallen knife and plunged it into Lucas's side. He gasped, his eyes wide with shock and pain. Blood poured from the wound, and he fell to his knees, the goblin still clinging to him.

"No!" William roared, charging forward with renewed fury. He drove his knife into the goblin's back, over and over, until it finally released Lucas and collapsed. But it was too late.

Lucas lay on the floor, blood pooling around him. His breaths came in ragged gasps, his eyes unfocused. William dropped to his knees beside him, tears streaming down his face.

"Lucas, hold on. You're going to be okay," William pleaded, his voice breaking.

Lucas managed a weak smile. "You… you have to keep going," he whispered. "Protect… everyone."

His eyes closed, and his body went still. William's heart shattered. He clutched Lucas's hand, his grief overwhelming. But there was no time to mourn. The remaining goblins were still advancing, their eyes gleaming with triumph.

Ethan, Aiden, and Mark fought fiercely, but the loss of Lucas had shaken them. William stood, his grief turning to cold, steely resolve. "We can't let them win," he said, his voice deadly calm.

With renewed determination, the group attacked. William's knife flashed as he struck down another goblin, his movements fueled by rage and sorrow. Ethan wielded the spear with deadly precision, while Aiden and Mark fought with a desperate ferocity.

One by one, the goblins fell. Finally, the last goblin lay dead at their feet, its blood mingling with that of Lucas and the others. The hallway was silent except for the ragged breathing of the survivors.

William knelt beside Lucas's body, placing a hand on his friends eyes closing them. "I'm sorry, Lucas," he whispered. "I promise I'll protect everyone."

The group split the crystals into 4 the extra two going to William and Ethan the Blue screen showing itself once more


- name = William Crawford

- class = N/A

- level = 1

- strength = 8

- speed = 7

- endurance =7

- magic = 0

- Crystals = 9/10


William looked at his friends, their faces etched with grief and exhaustion. "We need to get out of here," he said, his voice steady. "We need to honor Lucas by surviving."

They nodded, their resolve hardening. Together, they moved toward the front entrance, ready to face whatever lay ahead. Lucas's sacrifice would not be in vain. They would survive this nightmare no matter the cost.