
Let's go to Houten

After Zilver Ondiep accepting my invitation. We goes over to the chief and officially told him that they will staying in the village for half a year. Then afterwards I ask his permission to browse his books, to gain more knowledge about this world. But all I can found out was things like Vahl Village harvest journals, a literature book from this world that basically the 6 Heroes stories, also general information. So I only borrowed the general information from him.

Then afterwards Glen and company, following us back to Klein house for discussion. So I explained to them about the current condition. Honestly there not much to be explained.

"So basically right now we doesn't have any teaching equipment and also the materials only come from our own experience?" Said Drat as he summarize our talk.

"Yes." I affirm him.

"Then I think it will be much better if we rush to the city tomorrow." Said Drat as he remember something.

"Indeed, there also few books in our luggage." Glen that reminded of their luggage explaining Drat opinion.

"Ah, there also that! you need an identification card Charavgi." Then Klein exclaiming since talking about city made him remember he can't find any identification on me.

"Mister Charavgi didn't have any identification? Then it more reason for us to go to the city." Nods Liefa. Indeed having an identity card will be helpful, to fool those hero later on if I ever met them.

"Eh? But we gonna start the school in 3 days?" I said worriedly, since it won't be good if we didn't starting the school after all those words to the chief.

"Fufu, relax mister Charavgi, the city that we were staying before wasn't that far from here. It only a day walking to reach there." Said Rose yo dismissed my worries.

"Yeah, we can also used carriage to goes back from the city. It will only took half day to go back then." Said Glen assuring me further. Indeed if it like that we can travel in day and half. Then we still have time for a day to prepare the other things.

"Umm.. that good then. So should we go tomorrow?" I ask them.

"Hmm... We should depart now." Said Klein. What today? It already around 3 p.m.

"I agree with Mister Klein." Said Drat.

"True, if we depart now, we should be able to reach there by next day after noon." Explain Glen, ah that a good reason I think. Faster we go, the faster we could go back.

"Then we can rest for a day, before going back here." Continue him.

"I see, that indeed make sense. It much better then going there tomorrow and arrive the day afterwards. Before coming back right away." Yeah, if we do that we can got plenty time to rest. Hmmm... Maybe we can bought some teaching equipment too.

"Then we should depart immedietly" said Klein with a grin... Somehow seeing his grin make me have a bad vibe. He definitely planning something! But the other already agreeing with him. He then goes back to his room, and come back after awhile with the equipment from before when we goes to Vahl Mountain.

"Then we should meet at the East gate after your preparation done." Said Klein to Zilver Ondiep. Seriously I got a bad feeling while looking at him! Sigh... Anyway he gave me a leather armor and a robe this time and for the weapon he give me a short spear? Really I am curious with his room now. Until now I never seen his room.

"Can you used this?" He ask me. As we walk outside, while Zilver Ondiep already goes back to chief house since their equipment was there.

"I am not really sure. I guess I can?" I said back to him unsure, well I got the knowledge of spear arts from my world but I never trained the move.

"Hmmm.. well even if you can't, I guess with brute force you can kill any C rank monster in one stab or flattered their head with a swing."

"Indeed..." What he said was correct either way. Even if I can used it, as long the enemies wasn't on Selene level, I can flattered them.

"Anyway Klein, I wanted to meat a carpenter first."

"What for?"

"For some teaching equipment. We're gonna goes out for a while, so I hope he can made my order while we are away."

"Oh that is right. Then we should go straight to northeast, since the carpentry work there."

Then we walking with Klein as the lead. Yeah Vahl village is really peaceful. And it quite big since there only 37 household. Not too long we arrive at the carpentry. I can see a kid working on a wooden plank. What did this kid doing? Is he helping his parents?

"Ain't cha Klein brat! Whatcha need from dis oldie?" Said the kids with a heavy tone.

.... It wasn't a kid... It a hobbits!

"Yo oldman Loo, still small as always aren't you?" Said Klein... Are you picking a fight?

"Tsk. Dis brat still rude as always. If cha just wanna small talk, I don't have time." He said those while making a 'shoo shoo' gesture.

"Come on old man, I am just kidding. Also it wasn't me that got a business for you."

"Is it the black hair brat? So what cha need?"

He then looking at me. I should probably introducing myself.

"Hello.. I am Charavgi. I kinda want to order something."

"Just told me."

"I want you to made a square board around 1,5 m tall and 3 m long. The width doesn't matter but if you can please made it as thin as possible."

"Oh dat was easy. Is dat all cha want?"

"Ah, please also cover one side of it with water proof paint, and then cover it with a dark paint."

"Now dat ish... Are cha talking in Hobbit language?" He shocked... Eh did I talk in Hobbit language? I look at Klein that completely got confused face.

"I can speak in Hobbit's a little." I said that.

"Oh, cha kinda good, none of cha words were wrong. Anyway dat order of cha, is kinda pricey. But since cha can talk in Hobbit's it mean cha must be had a relationship with other Hobbit for quite while. I'll give cha discount. So all is 10 silver."

10 silver? I look at Klein.

"Well old Loo, we will payed it after it done. For now I'll give you 2 silver in advance."


Klein then take a pouch from his back pack. Then give Loo his money. Before we leaving for East gate.

"Well I owe you once again Klein."

"It fine I'll made sure you work your bone to paid me back." He said with a grin.

Darn, I seriously have a bad feeling seeing his grin. Right, I shouldn't raise a flag! As we arrived around 10 minutes later Zilver Ondiep also arrived.

"Then shall we go?" With that words from Klein, we goes on journey to... Hmmm, I never ask the city name.

"Where we going again? I am not from around here after all." I ask it truthfully.

"Hmmm, it called Houten. Well it speciality is wooden furniture." Said Drat.

"Yeah, there so many good furniture there. After all it one of the biggest city in Pratje territory." Said Rose, somehow Liefa shift her glance away. Oh so Vahl and the city we're going is Pratje territory.

"Now that I think about it, Liefa aren't your last name is Pratje?" Said Glen.

"Eee... Yes"

... You haven't told them about that?

"Oh are you by any chance related to Marquis house?" It here! Glen puppy eyes.

"She of course related with them, if she isn't related with them, she won't got those family name." Retort Drat.

"Oh that right. Then can you introduce me to Sir Dilan van Pratje?" Ask Glen glittery.

"Eh.. Gran... Sir Dilan? Why did you want to meet him?" Ask Liefa... You definitely going to said grandpa before.

"He is a Master Swordman! I really wanted to meat him." Reply Glen energeticly. Liefa face started to get a cold sweat.

"If it Sir Dilan, I can introduce you to him." Cut Klein, yeah he was saying that Liefa grandpa was his benefactor.

"Really Sir Klein?"

"Yeah he was my benefactor and teacher before."

"Ohhhh! So Sir Klein also got relation with Marquis Pratje household."

"Kinda, but since their swordsmanship can only be learn by their households member. I am not officially related, it more like Sir Dilan only teaching me the basic."

"Ah... So I can't learn his swordsmanship?" Said Glen as his shoulder fall down. Why are still such a Swordsmanship maniac even with only one arms.

"Yes you can't, but you should be able to ask mock battle."

"Really?! It will be an honor to be able to have a mock battle with him!" Said Glen... His glittery is back... This guy...

"Gahahaha... I am sure that old man will take your mock battle invitation."

... They both keep talking about it. So I move slowly to stand beside Liefa and the other.

"So, was Pratje household that great with their swordsmanship?" I ask them, well my glance keep goes to Liefa. I thought that her house will be good with magic since she got those title, never thought it will be the other way.

"Well their direct decendant always become general, and some even reaching master swordsman. Even a girl of the household will learn swordsmanship from childhood. Sir Dilan is one of them that reaching Master Swordsman realm, and there a chance that the head of Pratje, Marquis Sven van Pratje, will able to reach it too." Explain Drat to me, I see... That why Glen so hyped.

"Well even the sons of Marquis Pratje both got a brilliant swordsmanship. The eldest already reach Great Swordsman, while the second son already on the peak level a step away from being great Swordsman. There a rumors tho that their only daughter can't learn any swordsmanship. Hey Liefa is that true?"

"Auuu... I- I don't know..." Yep, she bite her tongue again... She definitely hiding it! Then I pull her out and whispered.

"Liefa, a haven't you told them yet?"

"Aaauu... Cha-cha-charavgi... No I haven't told them... "

"Then isn't it a good time to told them."

"Tha-that right..."

Then Rose suddenly cut us.

"Fufufu, what were you two whispering about?"

"He must be nervous now, that why he whispering to her to get to know the details about her position in Pratje household."

This guys imagination is really high! So I nudged Liefa to tell her the truth. She got flustered then stumbled by her own feet, of course I catch her before she fall.

"Tha-thank you."

"You're welcome. So just tell them already!"

The two of them then staring at us before laughing hard.

"Fufufufu, we already know. Only that stupid Glen doesn't know about it."

"Hahahaha, you guys thought we don't know Liefa real identity?"


"Fufufu, how long do you think we've been together? Of course we know you're that daughter."

"We only pretending to not knowing about it, since seems like you don't want us to find out."

Oh so they already know it, well it weird if they both didn't know it. Since they kinda sharp on human relations. If I think it now, they even said those clue before when we being left alone. Yeah they definitely know about it, that why both of them said to take advantage out of it. Liefa still shocked as she standing still and pointing her finger at them.

"Hahaha, we already found out about it since 2 month after you joining us."

"Fufufu, I still remember those guys that following us."

Whelp... I guess that expected which Marquis would let their children run away from home for so long. He must be sent some people to search for her.

"What?! So all this time..."

"Well they left you alone, since the last time we reach Houten. I guess your grandfather told some words to them."

"Auu... Then the when we running away from Alps Plains..."

"Yes they cut the goblins horde for us."


"The time when we encountered Valk those people also hold it for us I guess. Well Marquis peoples indeed are strong."

Liefa got a disbelieving face when she heard them. But somehow I feel they're unlucky to encounter Selene when those people aren't there, or maybe it fortunately that it only them on the mountain at that time? Since either way they can't do anything against Selene, maybe if it only Beary-tan they can hold on. Since from Klein's monster catalogue, Valk is a hawk like monster that got a power around rank B to A. So if they can hold a flying monster like that they should be considerable strong. I keep silence and only listening to them since they were talking about the past events.

Then we finally reach the bridge from before, hmm according to maps that Drat holding, we should go along the Plains, by the way I just found out the name of the river from the maps that Drat holding. It called Bourn River, this river stretching for hundreds kilometers. It started from Draco Mountain, until Rubelia sea. And the other side of the river is Galga Forest, basically there's 4 village surrounding the forest that streched for 500 km², it all on the edge of the forrest. A forrest with a rank D to C difficulty. It habitat for Rock Boar, Goblins, Orc and grey wolf.

But somehow... We we're crossing it right now! Yes we didn't walk around it we venturing it! Darn you Klein! I know that those grin of yours mean trouble. All of this happened when he said.

"Isn't it faster if we goes this way?"

"But there is many monster living here mister Klein. We even hunting rock boar here before."

"What are you guys afraid of? I am a Rank A Adventurer, you guys are Rank C party, moreover there also this guy with not weaker then me."

And with that being said, they got assured. When I disagree Klein just ignore my words as if he heard nothing. Dayum... I definitely won't goes traveling with him again! To make things safe I keep releasing the sonar and also bloodlust. But sometimes there still a stupid boar coming, like this one.

"In coming!" Yep the boar coming through with it charge. And easily got slayed by Zilver Ondiep teamworks. While Klein only directing them to do those. Sigh... At least it safe, well they are really good, but now since Glen only had one arm there is no shield bearer anymore. I guess that why Klein choose this path, so they can get experience to fight against monster without shield bearer. Also I can see Liefa stats and skill raising, seems like my blessings is effective. She already ahead of Glen in level now.

"Good work you guys." I said to them, but I can see they already tired. I mean they fight against every enemies without any help from Klein or me. After the 7 boar, they already got slower, and Glen almost got punctured by the boar fang. Fortunately Klein safe him in time, and slayed it. We already walking for 4 hour at that time, while my baggage basically goes higher. Yeah Klein made become a baggage carrier. There already 7 boar around 150-200 kg, on my back it even made me hard to walk... I even got skill from it! Not just that a new job and title appearing in my status screen.

"Whoa, Mister Charavgi, you're really strong aren't you?!" Said Glen when he look at my baggage that reaching 4 m tall.... I am sure if I didn't get Body Balance skill, I will swaying around when I walk.

"Gahahaha, I told you he ain't weaker then me, if it brute strength I am also losing against him." Said Klein... Darn you!

"I can't hold anymore then this!" Also I realizing something... My STR increasing by 5 after I walk with this shit for 2 hour... I see so you can raised your stats normally by training... And I can finally feeling tired, before I tried to walk around for half a day, but I didn't feel tired at all. But with this burden, I already feeling tired. I holding this, because Klein said this will be our living budget. So for living budget I following his words. Ah, I also learn dismantle, when I try to help skinning and draining the blood.

Then after another hour, we finally stopping since it almost midnight. We are around the middle of the forrest. Then Zilver Ondiep starting to build the camp, while I am making a dinner. there a fresh meat, so I guess it good enough to just roasting it. Damn it klein, if I know we're going to camp, I'll bought salt at least. So I cut the meat with a dagger that I used to dismantle them before. Then just roasting it. Then after it done I called them.

"Dinner ready."

"Ohhh. That smells good."

"Well the meat is fresh."

"Not just that, seems like Charavgi got cooking skill."

"He indeed got cooking skill, that why he was teaching me before until I got the skill too."

"Ehh? So princess is learning to cook for him?"

"It called bride training."

"Nn-no! It, it just that I was making an awful dishes before, that why mister Charavgi teaching me."




Yeah the dinner was lively, they are really a lively peoples. While somehow Klein and Glen keep wolfing the food.

"Ahh. . I am full... I don't think I can eat anymore..." Said Glen while patting his belly.

"Of course you are! I already told you to slow down before. You need to stop over eating Glen!"

"But Rose... "

"Don't but me! If you becoming fat I won't let you touch me again." Said Rose, seems like she is the one dominating in their relationship.

"Ye-yes ma'am!" Answer Glen meekly.

"Hahahaha, they always like this." Looking at them Drat laughing merrily with a satisfied look.

"Anyway we should decided rotation for watch." Klein cut their merry conversation, right it a camping on another world so there must be a night watch.

"Hee... But I can only see one way of rotation. It will be Glen and Rose, me and you Sir Klein, then the last one is Liefa and mister Charavgi." Drat answer him confused, good idea Drat! Then I can... Uehehehe.

"Oh indeed... But no, I can't face Sir Dilan if those two do stupid thing under night watch! It better if it Glen and Rose, me and Liefa, then last one you and Charavgi." Klein said while pointing at my face.

"Hey we won't do anything like that!" I said. "Why are you keep distrusting me in this things?!" I am gentleman you know! I won't force Liefa doing those things! At most I'll just cuddle her and touch her... Uehehe... Evil thought goes away...

"Because your face just now! How the hell should I trust you when your face look like that!" Liefa can only blushed under the fire light.

"Ugh.. fine..." I said reluctantly. The other also agreeing, since me and Drat were last we goes resting straight away until our turn come. In the end I woken up before my turn and goes to the fire place. There is still Klein and Liefa sitting there.

"Anyway that why I am living in Vahl." Seems like I am coming when Klein was telling a story.

[Skill Stealth has been acquired]

[Skill Sharp Hearing has been acquired]

[Skill Stealth has been level up to Lv. 7]

[Skill Sharp Hearing has been level up to Lv. 7]

Danyum I acquired skill... Well this time I acquired it accidentally. But I keep staying there not moving, while my both those skill keep raising, and eavesdropping them...

"So why are you run away from your family?"

"Ah.. that... I am sure Sir Klein already realized the facts I can't used any swordsmanship. Those stare from my families, and my surroundings is really burdensome. Then when I am still feeling down for not being able to learn swordsmanship, father decided my marriage partner. Then I run away and become adventurer. But since adventurer card can't be faked, they seems like they found me, and that when I meet Rose and the other."

"Is that so? Then why were you throwing yourself at him before?"

"Th-that... It was because he saved me on the cliff, and also I thought if I come home bringing a children's... And husband they will let me do anything I like and I can finally stop seeing those gaze. But now it wasn't because of that, I completely feel save and it is fun by his side. That why when I heard his messy and forced proposal, I accept it. I feel happy."

"Gahahaha... I see. Well you should clear your mess then. We should meet Sir Dilan when we reach Houten. Since he living there now days."


I see... So that why she running away, but I guess now it good already. I walk back to my tent, and pretending to just woken up as I walk noisily. Then Klein look at my direction.

"Oh you already wake up. Hmm it indeed almost the time for us to switch." Said Klein calmly. While Liefa kinda blushing. Yep, I shouldn't said I heard their conversation.

"Yeah, morning... " I walk lazily to their side. "You guys can go to rest, ah please wake up Drat for me, I kinda forgot him."

"Sure." Then they left me, before Liefa leaving she glance at me, so I gesture her to go away and rest. Then Drat come after few minutes with a really sleepy face. So I prepared him some water with my magic. He drinks it right away while saying thanks.

"So how was your rest?" I ask him to start a conversation, I mean we got 2 hour time to spend after all.

"Kinda good, usually we were doing night watch alone, it made me worried. But this there is you and Sir Klein so I kinda able to rest relaxed."

"Indeed if it only monster of this level, Klein can took a bunch of them alone. Anyway I've been wondering fr awhile, why are you guys calling him Sir?"

"Eh you don't know?! Oh I guess all the villagers don't know about it too. Well a rank A Adventurer basically got the same peerage as honorable knight. After all there is not even 1.000 of Rank A Adventurer."

"Ah I see, if there is only 1.000 Rank A Adventurer, what about Rank S?"

"Hmmm Rank S? It should be around 50 people, I don't really know the exact number. But what I am sure is there is at least 4 people with SS Rank. Also those that got SS Rank basically got the same peerage as an Earl " he raised 4 of his fingers.

"Oh, I see. How strong was them?"

"Hmmm.. I don't really know, those people only surrounded by rumors, there is no way to confirm the rumors. But if I am not wrong, those that wanted to test as SS Ranker need to got stats around 10-20× those A ranker. While S ranker is around 5× stronger then A Ranker. Also Sir Klein already on A Ranker peak, since the last time he active he only need to do the Rank Up assignment then he can become Rank S. " He said those as he thinking.

"Heee, so Klein is that strong... Anyway what is his assignments?"

"About that, it keep changing each year, but at least it around Fire Drake's level quest."

Now this is concrete... Fire Drake's is a subspecies of dragon that can't fly. They got a thin dragon blood line in their veins. Well from the book I read it need at least 5 Rank A Adventurer to hunt it down or 2 Rank S Adventurer. So I guess it should be around Beary-tan level. Danyum that Beary-tan was a S Rank monster? Well... Selene is 50 times stronger.

Then at that time my sonar pick up something, hmmm? The Mana amount is around Klein, density is a little bit higher. It coming to here. It must be because of our fire camp. I immediately put out the fire, and taking the spear. Looking at my actions Drat seems like get what happening and running to the camp.

Big! That was my first thought as I seen the monster figure that coming to here. This is seriously big, it was 7 m tall reptile that running with two hind legs... It look like T-Rex with two twisting horn on it head. I immediately imbue 40K of mana to the spear with Mana Coating, and 20K mana to my body while activating body strengthening. While it big, it is moving slowly. I can fight it! At that time I feel mana under my feet... With freight I immediately jump away from the spot, all my body trembling... Darn, I indeed got a phobia from Selene magic. From my spot rose an Earth Spike. Ah, he is slow, even the magic casting is slow also it earth elemental. Seeing it made me relief, and my body stop trembling.

Then I dash at him, while detecting the mana on the ground. Couple of Spike 2 meter high keep appearing as I dodge and jump stabbing him. He greet me with it tail, there also Spike on it. But before it hit me a Fire Lance, and a Mana Slash repelling it. Make it lose it balanced as I stabbed it down. It scale is tough, but I can piercing it. Since it too shallow I pull it back, but it struggle made me move away and take a distance. Klein immediately move in and do over head swing to the wound that I made, and few arrow flying out.

"Are you alright?" Ask Drat that come running, so do Liefa. I confirm it with nods. Then Klein that already distancing himself after the slash coming back.

"Good job on holding up."

"Well I haven't do anything, you guys coming so fast."

"Gahahaha, that what companion for!"

"Yes, we're your companion right."

"Indeed, you guys are my companion."

[Klein has been added as companion. When you and your companion fighting and training together experience, skill, and magic acquisition will raise by 5×]

[Glen Regulus has been added as your... ]

[Rose Arfilia has been added as your... ]

[Drat Luis has been added as your... ]

Danyummm.... The world teacher blessings is tooking an effect...


"What is this?"


"?! You are..."

"Ahahaha... It coming!"

The monster charging at us, they come back to their sense with my dry laugh and spreading. While Klein, me, and Glen charging to then roll away before clashing with it. Klein immediately slashing it feet, while Glen following him. As it try to do another tail sweep, Liefa and Rose at once shooting at to stop the sweep. Then when it losing balance once again, I pour 60K mana to my spear and thrust the same spot from before cutting open it neck and make it blood gushing out like a fountain. It roaring as it happened, and after awhile it stop moving.... The things is, why the heck only me doesn't have a light surrounding my body?! Yeah when it charging Drat immediately casting some sort magic that seems like a buff... And somehow it didn't work for me. I am completely sure now, that light magic is a form of prayer to gods and since I am blessed by the real deal, those things didn't work for me.

[You has been level up to Lv. 37]

And when it died I am completely level up by much... it definitely power leveling! And as I am level up, so do the other. Well it 5 folds experience, so of course they are shocked at their body feeling. Then they looking at me, no it staring curiously.

"So care to explain now?" Ask Klein.

Here a new chapter~

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