
World Rejector: I Isekai'ed the Cast of DxD

Reincarnated as a Nobody. Cursed to be forgotten, to never have your name be remembered. That was my curse. To be forever irrelevant to the plot, not even my existence being acknowledged. Yet, my power allows me to give others the life I wish to live. To see the infinite reality of fiction, of all media and anime. So, I live my life, while those around me become powerful enough to destroy realities. But, the story begins to change as I walk through my life as a Nobody. I have sent the Protagonist into a world of Fantasy and he returned as a Demon Lord. I sent the mob villain into a world of Abnormalities. He did not return. I sent the fake magical girl into a world of real ones, and she returned as the final and greatest magical girl in the multiverse. World Travel, Starting world is DXD. Multiple love interests, story and narrative driven with wish-fulfillment here and there. Many niche and small fandom crossovers, with a lot of side plots and interludes with many storylines at once. Won't you take a chance, to see a new world? Cover image does not belong to me. No, Serafall will not be Iron Man in this novel. I just though it was funny. If I get enough requests, maybe I will make a omake or something.

SynthScythScorpion · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

That Time I Reincarnated a Guy as a Slime

Feed me Power Stones.


I was walking along the sidewalk, not really caring about anything, wallowing in my own self-pity. Pathetic, I know, but something we always do once in a while. I was wearing a blue suit, with a multi-colored striped tie, white undershirt, and dress pants. 


 It was a drowsy morning, with the sky being gray and a melancholic atmosphere lingering like a fog over everything. I was walking home from a tiring day at Kuoh Academy, ignored by everyone, to my home. Sure I had the best grades in the country, but since I was a Nobody, nobody cared. 

Thunder crackled in the distance, and a chilly breeze swept through town, but no rain fell. Most of the citizens that normally roamed the streets were inside, preparing for the rain that was forecasted to fall later. It was overall a depressing sight all around. 

This was a path I normally took, one that hadn't deviated since I started school at Kuoh Academy a year ago. I yawned, ignoring everything around me as I walked home. I had traveled this route over a hundred times. Nothing had ever happened, and I doubted anything would ever happen. Of course, this was because I was a Nobody, and had no plot relevance of course. 

And so I walked, not expecting or caring about anything. But as I passed the park, with the sun falling just below the horizon, I felt something strange. It was an indescribable feeling, of being somewhere I wasn't meant to be. 

 I furrowed my brow, looking across the park, confused. I had never felt something like this before. Why wasn't I supposed to be here? Was somebody watching me? I looked around to find the park, and the city around me, strangely empty. People would normally be here in mass to watch the sunset with their dates or loved ones. It was a well-known hook-up spot. 

 So why was this park so empty all of a sudden? And why did it feel so eerie? Was there some event I was unaware of, or was the park shut down? Unlikely. I saw no signs of construction, or signs in general informing people of the park being closed. 

 This was suspicious as hell, but I really wasn't worried. I had long since realized I wasn't the protagonist of this world. And while the very thought left a vile taste in my mouth, I was curious about this strange feeling. 

 And so, after a few minutes of thinking, I did a 90-degree turn and walked into the park. I looked around for anything strange but saw nothing. I frowned. I approached the center of the park, which was surrounded by small hills. 

 I walked towards the center, the strange silence of the empty park unnerving me a bit. It was strange. No birds were chirping, no crickets or other bugs. None of the joggers who liked to run along the walking path were around, or the elderly couples who liked to sit and watch the sunset. It was quiet. Too quiet, 

 I approached the center and stopped. There, lying in front of the fountain, was the form of a human male, bleeding out. A corpse. 

 A murderer killed somebody here? Disappearances were common in this small town, but murders? That was unheard of. I stared blankly at the corpse, wondering if I should do something. Call the Cops? An ambulance? 

 But for some reason, I decided not to. A strange whim, one of unknown origin that compelled me in a way I couldn't describe. I consciously recognized it, but really didn't worry about it. 

 I recognized what this was, and could barely contain my excitement. This was the Plot at work. It was telling me to stay away, giving me a dangerous feeling to not interfere. I should just leave, and not get into something beyond my understanding right? Right?

 Yeah, funny. This world had long since abandoned me and shunned me. Why should I bow to its whims? I felt a vindictiveness rise in me. 

 I walked slowly up to the corpse, and as I looked at his face, I recognized him immediately. Issei Hyoudou. A student who went to the same school I did, and was in my grade, though I shared only a few classes with him. His perverse nature was well known and earned him deserved hatred within the mostly girl populace of the school. 

 It was surprising to see him. He was an interesting character if not someone who was irrationally obsessed with Women's Breasts. His over-the-top devotion to them and his perverse nature were textbook anime troupes. Mostly those of a protagonist. 

 And it was this recognition that sent my good mood down the drain. My imagination shattered and crumbled under a realization that made me angry. Of course. My hopes and dreams were shattered once again. It hurt every time, but the aftermath wasn't so bad, having been the Jester who wished to be King for so long. This world was cruel. Why should I expect anything different now?


 I was a Nobody. And I would remain as such. I wasn't the protagonist. Instead, this boy in front of me was. He was somewhat handsome, and kind, and even if perverse, he was determined and held on to his beliefs. He was the classic main character. 

 I walked slowly up to him, idly noticing the gaping hole in his chest and his expression of pain. Honestly, he should have died immediately, but this world was different from the normal world. Like how an 80's action hero was always buff and strong. 

 His expression of immense pain brought a little smile to my face. Yes, I was an asshole. Sue me. His pain brought me pleasure. But I was sadistic, not cruel. 

 "Issei Hyoudou," I spoke emotionlessly, looking down on his dying corpse. He was rather pitiful looking, all things considered. I could let him die, and ruin whatever plot this world had in place. But I wouldn't because this might be the one act of plot relevance I will ever get. 

 His eyes flicked to me, watching me watch him die. He grimaced. His eyes filled with suspicion and anger. He tried to move but groaned in pain. 

 "Don't look at me like that. I have no idea how you ended up like this. I assume you finally perved on the wrong girl or something of the sort. Would be ironic, and quite fitting for your death." I narrated to myself. 

 He still looked at me in confusion, anger, and something unplaceable. Tears were streaming down his face, blood pouring out of his mouth. 'Pitiful' didn't do him justice at this moment. 

 "I know, I know it hurts. Trust me, the pain will go away soon. In fact, I doubt you will be feeling much of anything in a few moments. Not that anything could really change that either. That wound of yours looks quite severe." I mocked him. I took a sadistic pleasure in this, watching him squirm and groan in pain. It was amusing to me, narrating like this. 

 "Now, I probably could call an ambulance, but I doubt they could help you now. So why bother?" I held my hand up in a 'what-can-you-do' gesture. His eyes were filled with rage again, but it was dulled. He seemed to realize his own demise was coming, and that me mocking him and talking to him would really not matter much. That what I was saying really had no purpose beyond angering him. 

 I growled slightly, angry at his acceptance of his own death. Why was he okay with this? The world gave him a death like this, so he should rage, fight back, and do anything until the bitter end to get back at the world. Why was he so accepting of his death?

 Sure, this was self-projection, but come on. 

 I looked at him like a disgusting bug. I kicked his side, causing him to groan lowly, not that there was much air left in his lungs. I knelt beside him, looking him in the face. "Stop complaining. We all have bad days, suck it up!" I spoke harshly, trying to get a reaction from him. He groaned again in response. It was childish, yes, but my schadenfreude was something I couldn't ignore after having my hopes destroyed.

I looked down at him, before sighing. I knew that this was unwarranted, and he likely was painfully remembering all the people he loved or who would regret his passing, remembering his life as it flashed in his eyes. 


It probably looked like an ad for a game that has fake ads about a game that seems like a Hentai game but is actually just another mobile game.

I signed again, closing my eyes for a moment, before turning to meet his gaze. "There's probably not much I could say right now to console you, so I won't bother," I stated simply. 

"You won't even remember this probably," I stated simply. "In your new life, you'll only try to forget about everything that happened in the past." I stated. His eyes filled with confusion, and I smirked at him. 

"What? Do you want to die? Well, too bad. I suppose you must be wishing for some sort of continuation, and today's your lucky day! You have been selected by the world for who-the-fuck-knows-why, but not today! Instead, you are going to be reincarnated! Amazing right? Why aren't you cheering you ungrateful brat?!" I snarled at him, knowing he couldn't. I know he probably doesn't deserve this, but I was angry and didn't care. 

"This world has picked you as its scapegoat, to pull around like a puppet and manipulate however it likes. Like a fucking Jester, dancing on the stage before the King at his whim. Actually, I am the Jester. You are just the Knight the King sends to fight some battle for the kingdom. Then after you win, you get to marry the princess, become a Duke, and have a family and a small kingdom of your own to rule. Seems like a good deal, right?"


 "You see, I have an interesting power." I started mysteriously, turning my right handover and staring at my palm. "I am cursed. I am cursed to be a nobody, not the Hero, not a Secondary Protagonist, not a Supporting Character, not a Side Character, not even an Extra. I am a Nobody." I spoke with vitriol. 

 "But, I have a power. I can 'Isekai' other people by simply touching them. Quite interesting, is it not? The problem is, there are a few conditions. One, I have to activate it willingly. Two, they have to have conflicting desires within their heart, and wish to see a different world, while still clinging to this one. If those conditions are fulfilled, they are isekai to a new world." 


 "You don't hate this world. But, you wish for a different one. One where you are free to do what you wish and have a Harem of women. Quite simple. You also wish for a world where you can have a second chance, live again, and perhaps get powerful enough to get revenge on whoever put that hole in your chest. That understanding allows me to create a [New World] for you. One where you can be a Harem Protagonist, and live however you desire." I explained calmly, while his eyes widened. 

 "H-how…" he spoke for the first time, his voice cracked and painfully wet with blood. 

 "How? I have no idea. I simply was born with it." I stated simply. "But the point is, I will make sure you live again, in a new world with a second chance," I explained calmly. 

 Issei shook his head. "I-I…. o-only want t-to see my family.." He breathed out. I blinked at him, surprised by his kind heart, to give up a chance to have everything he could ever want to see his family again. 

 That innocence, to wish for happiness for your family rather than yourself, is something I admired in him. I knew of his reputation, and how carefree he was, but to set that aside for those he knew deserved it was something only someone selfless could accomplish. Someone much different than me. 

 I shrugged. "Well, if you gain enough power, you theoretically should be able to travel to this world one day. If you get some sort of ability to traverse dimensions, and if you are determined enough, you should be able to see your family again." I stated simply. It really didn't affect me what his goal was. "But, I am still going to use my power on you. Why? Because the world compels me to do so, then tosses me to the side when I'm not useful. How kind of it, right?" I sarcastically commented. 

 I sighed, thoughts of my own mother filling my head. "I suppose I will make sure your family is safe after your passing. That I swear. Whether you ever see them again is up to you though." warned. I had money to burn, and paying for some people to check on the Hyoudou family, perhaps with some counseling, wouldn't be hard. I sighed as I realized I was going soft. 

 His eyes filled with gratitude, as he spoke. "T-thank … you." He spoke, his voice low. I could tell his end was nearing. And I debated on whether I should use my power now but decided to wait a moment. 

 "Maybe you'll wake up in some generic fantasy, where a Hot Goddess gives you power in exchange for you defeating the Demon King. You'll collect your Special Hero Sword, your hot Nun/Priestess/Healer, your snobby cute tsundere Mage, your Badass Loyal and Cool Rogue/Assassin that would die if you asked him to because he owes you his life or something, maybe a strongman barbarian who is also loyal to you, and your party is set, and then you'll be on your way! Of course, I will play the Role of the Bard, singing your praises and accomplishments, in my marry song." I spoke jealously and sarcastically

 "Maybe a Cultivation world, or a Dungeon Society World. You'll be given a cheat power or skill, and show everyone who thinks they are better than you up. Oh, the look on their faces when they realize your power! I'm so jealous I could just kill you now." I idly threatened, though I had no intention of actually following through. 

 "In return, I hope you answer a question of mine," I asked, though he couldn't answer back. "You see, I am cursed with the knowledge that this Multiverse is Infinite."

 "If the Theories about the Multiverse are true, and there exists Infinite Parallel Worlds that are each slightly different from each other, does anything we really do matter?" I questioned as I looked up at the setting sun. 

 "You see, online people wish for a fictional world, a fantasy world, somewhere where they can be whatever they want, unconstrained by reality, with the power of imagination as our guide. But, even if I were to be reincarnated in a fictional world, would it really matter?" I questioned out loud. 

 "It is just that. Fictional. Created by the figments of someone's imagination. And even if it were real, it is just a single instance of that world. There exist infinite other variations and parallels of that world, where you didn't Isekai into. And in that world, perhaps someone else did. But, why does it matter? The world is fake, and anything you could change would only affect that one timeline, and wouldn't change the story itself and how the people in your previous world knew it." I rambled on angrily. I wanted to talk to somebody about this, but no one would take me seriously as Nobody. Given the chance to actually talk to somebody and then them acknowledging me as something other than a nobody, was a chance I wouldn't waste. 

 "Ah, you probably don't understand a single thing I'm saying. How to say it …. Infinite. I hate that word. If the universe is infinite, and there are infinite universes within the Multiverse, then Infinite Multiverses within the Omniverse, keeps going on and on. Gods to rule the Universe, then a stronger god that rules the Multiverse, then a stronger god that rules the Omniverse, then another God that is even Stronger. It goes on and on, for infinity. A God that rules over those Gods, a God that then rules of the Gods that Rules over those Gods. Quite tiring to think about, isn't it?" I remarked sarcastically. 

 "There are infinite universes that you are happier in. Infinite universes where you did more. Infinite universes where someone else was isekai'ed and did a better job at saving the world. Pretty depressing right?" I rambled on and on, outpouring my anger and grievances with no real reason or meaning. 

 Why was I spouting existential problems at a dying man? Because I had no one else to talk to. I couldn't rationalize that I was a Nobody, in a Fictional World, that I was nothing but a Plot Point for someone else's Story. I couldn't accept that this was his story. Not mine. 

 A breeze swept through, and I could tell he really probably didn't understand a thing I said. Well, given his perverted, and rather dumb personality, did I really expect anything else? But then, why? What did he have, to be the main character, to be chosen and be given everything he wants, that I don't have. Why was he the Hero, and not me? 

 I bitterly looked down at him as the sun continued to fall behind the horizon. I sighed, closed my eyes, and organized my thoughts. This event would not be remembered but was just another action of a Nobody. 

 "I suppose this is Goodbye now. Any last words? Some wish? Some lost will or regret you want me to fulfill before you go?" I asked emotionlessly. I was expecting some sort of last words for his family to console them about his death. 

 "B-burn my collection. E-erase my internet history, b-before my mother … s-ee's it." He spoke seriously, hope, trust, and determination in his dying eyes. I blankly stared at him. Yeah, I should be surprised, but to be honest, I expected him to say something like that. 

 I sighed, rubbing my eyes. "Of course, you would say that…" I muttered to myself. Such was the life and duty of an Isekai protagonist, to be a degenerate Weeb until the end, I guess.

"W-we are s-so small … in the end." He spoke, voice weak and breathing hard. He spoke these last words, as he finally closed his eyes, his final breath leaving his chest. I sighed in response, before kneeling, the puddle of blood under him causing me to wrinkle my face in disgust. 


 I looked at his now peaceful face and hated it. Nevertheless, I reached out and placed my arm on his chest. The shadow of my arm grew unnaturally, covering the entire center of the park, despite the sun having set past the point of such shadows forming naturally. It was shaped slightly odd, with long fingernails and a claw-like appearance, though not much could be seen otherwise from a normal human hand. 

 "Do you wish to see a new world?" I asked, my voice even, but a strange reverberation echoed throughout the empty park. A sound rang through the park, strange and unnatural. Like someone took the sound of glass shattering, threw it into an audio editor, and inverted it, reversed it, trying to create an exact opposite of that sound. It was something that could not exist naturally. 

 Something seemed to have occurred, an unnatural presence flicking into existence for the briefest moment. It appeared for a time so shortly that light particles didn't have the time to bounce off its form, so no one could even see it. The world seemed to dim into a depressing shade of gray, with a flicker of unrecognizable figures and events happening, but unknown and unseen to all. 

 And within that single instance of time, so short that Time lost meaning as nothing moved or changed, not a single atom or energy particle, it was gone. And the dying man, along with the stain of blood. Any trace of Issei Hyoudou was erased from the world, to never be seen again. Or so I thought. 

 The park itself was dark, with little light at this point. I stood up, staring blankly at the sky. This meant I had a great view of the sky. The lights from the city however made seeing any stars impossible. It looked depressing. A blank, endless void, with no stars or planets to shine, hidden by the lights of the town. It was a New Moon, meaning the sky looked even more depressing, with not even the moon to shine on me. 

 Nothing could be seen anywhere. And endless black void spanning the entire universe. "We truly are so small, aren't we?" I remarked to myself softly, staring at the sky. 


Issei Hyoudou awoke to a strange sensation. A weird sensation of being unable to move. At first, like a normal person, he panicked. He flailed around wildly, unable to rationally comprehend the situation he was in. The feeling of his arms, legs, body, and eyes were gone. 

 Sensations overwhelmed his brain, nearly putting him into a catatonic state due to brain overload. Touch, so many things he was touching, without comprehending how or why. He had no arms, no legs, no nothing. He thought at first he was being kidnapped, or something horrible had happened to him. Had he died?

 He did this for some time until he finally stopped. His continued attempts at screaming and shouting for help failed. His movement was confusing but resulted in nothing. And because nothing was happening, he finally began to calm down. And then, he remembered. 

 He had died, killed by Yumma, the beauty who had asked him out on a date. The image of her scandalous latex suit, with black wings behind her, firing spears of light filled his mind. He felt a deep anger. She had killed him, and in such a lewd outfit too! He was neither alive, nor would he be able to see such an outfit again! She had wronged him twice over!

 He eventually calmed down due to the voice in his head, which called itself 'Great Sage'. After all, as a weeb himself, reincarnation was not a new concept to him. In fact, he felt extremely relieved and happy he got to live a second life. 

'Great Sage! Why can't I see?' He complained, unable to see anything but darkness. 

[Lack of vision is due to the loss of Biological Skill [Sight], you have instead been given [Magical Sight], the basic [Sight] trait held by monsters through the detection and manipulation of [Magicules] in the air.] It emotionlessly explained. 

'Loss of sight? I don't have eyes?' He questioned. 

[Correct. Host lacks biological adaptation [Eyes]. The user does possess [Magic Sight].


[Magic Sight: (Rank - F)

 Basic visualization and detection of Magicule Particles in the air, intrinsic to all Magical Beings in the world, and can be gained through continued attempts at detecting Magicules in the air. The biological skill of all Monsters]

'Well, how do I use this Magic Sight then?' He asked impatiently. 

[Host must simply activate the skill by consciously thinking of doing so.] It explained. 

'Sounds simple!' he thought to himself and tried to think about activating the skill. Suddenly, he could see. A strange world, with no color or meaning, but energy and shapes. He blinked, not understanding what he was seeing. 

'Uh, what the heck?' He questioned Great Sage. 

[Skill Creation Request Accepted: [Sight Interpretation] Created.]

[Sight Interpretation: (Rank - Unique)

 By using any method of [Sight], such as [Magic Sight] or [Thermal Vision], skill [Great Sage (Rank - Unique)], can transform and interpret the [Sight] skill to mimic [Biological Sight] through cognitive filter's in the Host's Brain.]


Suddenly, the world regained color, and he could recognize what he was seeing. He was in some cave, with huge glowing crystals poking from the ground in clumps. He then saw a water puddle nearby and tried to make his way over to it, wigging and flailing around. It was strange and unusual to him. 

He did so after some time, wiggling his way to the edge of the underground lake, and taking a look at his reflection. He blinked before he comprehended what he saw. A blue slime. A slime that looked straight out of a Fantasy Game. 

'I'm reincarnated as a Slime!' He shouted in his mind. 

[Host Species is that of a [Slime]]. Great Sage confirmed. 

'Cool!' Issei smiling in his mind. 

While normal people would be panicking and complaining, Issei could only begin to fantasize about his new life. He wasn't deterred. It barely bothered him at all. He was in fact more excited about his new life as a new creature, instead of a human. 

'Great Sage! Show me my Status!' He commanded in his mind, and a mental image of a screen appeared. 

[Name: None


Race: Slime


[Magic Sight (Rank - Common)], 

[Sight Interpretation (Rank - Unique/Common)], 

[Great Sage (Rank - Unique)],

[Predator (Rank - Unique)]

[Boosted Gear - (Rank - Apex)(Locked)]

 Issei blinked at the status, before asking a few questions about it. 'Great Sage, what are these skills, 'Predator' and 'Boosted Gear', and why is the last one sealed?' He questioned. 

[Predator is the unique skill the hosts possess, to store anything in a magical space where it can be analyzed, and you can copy the object's skills. The object can also be mimicked once analyzed]

[Skill 'Boosted Gear' is isolated and barred from the intervention of the System. It has been sealed until the System deems it safe to unseal, due to the inability for it to be analyzed or mimicked.]

'So what does that mean?' he questioned cluelessly. 


'Uh..' He decided to move on, deeming it an issue for another time that he didn't want to solve right now. He had a whole world to explore, the mysterious power he possessed could wait!

He jumped around for a while, learning and accommodating himself to this new body, absorbing water to learn the ability to use Water Blades by storing water in his body and then shooting it out in blasts, some random magical plants that were growing in a small pasture until he eventually came upon a giant dragon. 

 After getting over his initial fear and nearly running away, he came up to the dragon after it asked him to come back because it was lonely. Then they worked out a deal where he would devourer the dragon in its seal, and would free him from the seal after becoming friends with the dragon, named Veldora. The dragon also named him Rimuru Tempest, causing him to nearly pass out to the panic of the dragon. 

 [Name acquired: Rimuru Tempest]

 [Name acquired from: Veldora Tempest]

 He shrugged it off, not noticing the change in his body due to being named by the dragon. Then, he began to slowly consume the entire force field that covered the dragon, with Veldora inside. 

Issei, now named Rimuru, woke up some time later, after consuming the dragon. 'Man, that was a lot to eat. I feel so full!' He remarked, Great Sage not answering back. He smiled, enjoying himself. He had died, yes, but he was alive again, in a new world with cheat powers like the isekai protagonists of the manga he read. 

He looked around, the cave was quiet and empty. He began to feel saddened, not being able to see his family ever again. He wished he could have said goodbye, or at least have given them a will before he passed. He hoped they were doing well. 

The memory became clearer suddenly, much to his surprise. He remembered a person, who was crouching above him. Looking down on him emotionlessly, speaking. He couldn't make out what he was saying, the voice being muffled. 

He remembered one thing he had said though. That he could make his way back to his family if he became strong enough. That he might somehow be able to acquire a way to transverse across realities should he look hard enough. 

Rimuru knew it was a long shot, based on the guy in his memories hesitation, but if there was a chance to see his family again, he would take it. If it requires becoming strong enough to cross the boundary between worlds, so be it. 

'Great Sage, is there a way to go back to my original world? Like a reverse skill of the guy who put me here?' he asked, curious. He was expecting some sort of redacted or vague answer, but still hopeful of her confirming that such a power was indeed possible to gain. 


The memory of the man touching his chest, and the feeling of what happened after filled his mind. 


[Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Error. Errr.]

 [Warning: Class Level 6 Redacted Information Detected {Universal Top-Secret}]

[Emergency Life Mode Activated]

[Query: Unknown Violation of {Paragram}, {Paradox}, {Fairy} Clauses]

[Shutdown/Restart Command Accepted]




[Reboot Complete]













'Uh, Great Sage?' Rimuru questioned, confused by its lack of response. Had it broken or something?

[Yes/Unknown.] The system said. Rimuru blinked. 

The voice of the robotic female was much deeper for a moment, sounding like metal scratching on metal. But it changed a second later, so he wondered if he imagined it. He shrugged it off, deeming it a strange fluke. 

He smiled happily, knowing now that his goal was set in stone. He would become as powerful as possible to be able to return home and see his family again. 

He bounced away, determined to find a way out of this place and a way back home. 


Veldora was not easily surprised. Sure, he was a bit socially awkward, because he never talked to anyone and was generally a giant dragon that no one wanted to talk to. He was as ancient as the world itself and had seen literally everything there was to see. Nothing could really surprise him anymore. 

 But, this was something that blindsided him so much, that he was at a loss for words, for the first time in a millennia. He had met a slime who was not afraid to talk to him, which was slightly surprising, but not anything special. Just a bit strange. His offering to devour him, set him free, and become friends was also very strange, but something he was generally happy with. 

 It had been a long time since he had someone to call a friend, and most of them were his siblings. He had made a few friends and acquaintances throughout the years, but not many. That's why he was happy to have a new companion. 

But, couldn't he have at least warned him beforehand!?

Veldora was tall. Actually, in his dragon form, when not confined to his prison, only his father and siblings towered over him. He was not used to being looked down upon. Or even looking at someone eye to eye. But his draw dropped as he craned his neck back, to look straight up at the mysterious being in front of him. 

A towering Red Dragon that rivaled his father in size. He blinked. The other dragon blinked. 

















"Seeing as we are trapped here for a while, do you know any good jokes?"





"I can play go-fish." He had played it with a strange man who approached him an eternity ago, apparently a Hero summoned from another world. 

"Ok. I know enough magic to conjure up some cards."





*Insert Shuffling Card SFX Here* (A/N: Delete This)














"Got any 4's?"

"Go Fish."






"Got any 2's?"






"Got any 4's?"

"Go Fish."


In the middle of the night, a great power broke through the realm, and a crack manifested in reality, before a figure was deposited on the ground, hacking and coughing, near death. They were exceptionally short, wearing fantasy-like black attire with a cape, and a katana at their side. They had long blue hair, with yellow eyes. They were beautiful, but dying. 

They were leaking a black liquid onto the ground, the ground melting where it fell. He coughed up a bit more of the liquid, clutching their chest. Suddenly, they spoke out, their voice wet and weak. "St-st-atus." They spoke out desperately. 

 [Warning: Immense Damage detected to Lord Rimuru's Soul, Imaginary Existence, and Reality Anchor. Imaginary Factor unusable.] A female robotic voice stated in a worried tone. 


 [Warning: Due to damage sustained, Skill [Shub-Niggurath] was destroyed, along with all other skills. Only Skill's [Azathoth] and [Boosted Gear] are intact.]


 He grimaced. The Great Red Dragon that roamed the realm between realms was strong and nearly killed him. Much more than any other creature he had faced before. In fact, he probably could have, but damaged him enough so that he was weak enough to kill easily should he need to. He, who had faced an army of angels, and become a demon lord, was nearly destroyed by the Great Red Dragon. His power rivaled that of Veldanava, the Dragon God who created the world he became a slime in.

 During his long journey, he had grown in power to the point of absurdity. He gained thousands of skills, yet only two actually mattered. His first was [Shub-Niggurath - Lord of Abundance]. A powerful combination of his creation powers, a skill with the ability to create other skills. Its loss was unfortunate, but he didn't really care. It was replaceable, and something he held little attachment to beyond its convenience. 

 Instead, he only cared for his second skill, [Azathoth - God of the Void], which was his second Ultimate Skill. It was formed from 4 skills, being [Rapheal], the final evolution of [Great Sage], the mental companion and helper who had been with him the longest beside Ddraig, [Beelzebub] was the second skill, his first ultimate skill, the ultimate form of his original skill [Predator]. 

 [Storm Dragon - Veldora] was the 3rd skill within the combination, and was the Storm Dragon who was the first actual live being he had met, before he realized Ddriag was sealed within him, and Ceil gained a personality. The hot-headed dragon whom he had made a promise with, and became brothers with. He had promised to free Veldora, something he did several months later, and they had become quick friends. Brothers, even. 

 His 4th and final skill that was used to make Azathoth was [Scorch Dragon - Velgrynd]. The female dragon and brother of Veldora, who faced Rimuru after learning of Veldora's supposed death. After her defeat, she broke free from the unknowing control of [Michael], the skill that took control of her former lover and emperor of the Eastern Empire, Rudra Nasca. He then promised to help her, as she found out about the internal battle between Rudra and his skill [Michael], which resulted in the death of Rudra after he reincarnated himself hundreds of times across dozens of worlds. The result of the long battle resulted in Rudra's soul being shattered across dozens of worlds, with the real Rudra being turned into a mindless puppet under Michael. Rimuru promised his help in retrieving the shards of Rudra's soul, gaining Velgrynd's trust and friendship. 

 He grinned sadly, looking around. The scenery was familiar. A memory began to emerge, one he often remembered and held on to. A park, alone and dying, looking at a blank sky. A man, standing over him, his hand touching his chest. 

 He smiled widely, despite his injuries. "Ha…Ha. We did it. I told you s-so, Ddraig." He mumbled out weakley. His eyes were losing light as he slowly began to dissolve. His body was losing shape, turning into a pile of blue slime slowly. He was struggling to hold onto his form.

 [You Crazy Bastard! You nearly died trying to get past The Great Red!] He shouted out of his prison angrily. [I would have never agreed if I knew you were going to be so stupid!] He angrily berated him. 

 [Rimuru, that was too close.] A female voice echoed.

 He spoke before another could chime in. "Yes, yes. I know I went too far. I was too overconfident. Ddraig, Veldora, Velgrynd, Ciel, I'm sorry." He spoke sincerely, bowing his head under the moonlight. "But, we made it, did we not?" He chuckled. 

 [Ha ha! Who knew that there were existence's more powerful than Father?] Veldora spoke out, excited at the prospect of other powerful dragons existing within the world. 

 Rimuru smiled, taking in his surroundings. It had truly been an eternity, and he had finally made it back. Of course, he left a clone at home, while he took his most trusted friends with him. He valued his subordinates, and he would return to them in time, but he was desperate after so long to finally return home. 

 Hope, sadness, despair, and joy clouded his emotions as he stumbled to the fountain in the middle of the park, looking at his reflection. He pushed his hand into the water, beginning to devour it and absorb it. Then, he cupped his hands under a few coins at the bottom, before raising his hand to his face, intersecting the coins. 

 He recognized them immediately. "Yen." He spoke out in awe. 

 [It seems true. Haha!] Ddriag began to laugh, echoing as it reverberated around his invisible prison. Rimuru smiled slightly, even as he continued to laugh and laugh. He looked up at the sky, happy and smiling that he had finally made it home. 

 He began to laugh as well, as he fell to the ground and laid out, exhausted. 


Hello. This was a story conceived with the idea of self-fulfillment mostly, with a dark/grim philosophy based narrative about reincarnation and the multiverse. This story is mainly me clearing up writes block and those niche, few chapter crossover's or snippets I wanted to make, all rolled into a story. There will be world travel of the MC into other worlds, along with other characters from DXD. There will likely be some sort of system at some point, but it will be nothing more than a plot point than an actual main narrative device. Alot of Isekai Anime will be included. Eminence in Shadow, Overlord, the whole distance. 

There will be alot of world building as aspects of different worlds are combined. And interludes. For those of you who noticed, yes Rudra and Velgrynd will have their own plot line and be semi-important for the first arc.

His power is inspired by 'World Rejector', a power from A Certain Magical Index, for those who are curious. 

Feel free to leave comments, I do read all of them. Update's will be highly infrequent, and I won't drop my other story either. School is awful right now, so that also will delay chapters by a lot. 

Comments, Suggestions, Questions, Constructive Criticism, or just telling me to work faster are always welcome. This story is fueled by creativity and passion, feel free to leave your ideas and wish's in the comments!

Remember to feed me power stones.