
World Rejector: I Isekai'ed the Cast of DxD

Reincarnated as a Nobody. Cursed to be forgotten, to never have your name be remembered. That was my curse. To be forever irrelevant to the plot, not even my existence being acknowledged. Yet, my power allows me to give others the life I wish to live. To see the infinite reality of fiction, of all media and anime. So, I live my life, while those around me become powerful enough to destroy realities. But, the story begins to change as I walk through my life as a Nobody. I have sent the Protagonist into a world of Fantasy and he returned as a Demon Lord. I sent the mob villain into a world of Abnormalities. He did not return. I sent the fake magical girl into a world of real ones, and she returned as the final and greatest magical girl in the multiverse. World Travel, Starting world is DXD. Multiple love interests, story and narrative driven with wish-fulfillment here and there. Many niche and small fandom crossovers, with a lot of side plots and interludes with many storylines at once. Won't you take a chance, to see a new world? Cover image does not belong to me. No, Serafall will not be Iron Man in this novel. I just though it was funny. If I get enough requests, maybe I will make a omake or something.

SynthScythScorpion · Tranh châm biếm
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Mr. Nobody, Start a New Game

Feed me Power Stones.


I was reincarnated. Now, normally, this is the start of a very amazing, or cringy and repetitive story. Does this mean this story is different? No. In fact, it is even worse. Now how does it begin again? We both know the story. I died. I met ROB. I was reincarnated. Actually, how do we know that?


 Maybe I was summoned to another world, along with my classmates. We were all granted a blessing by a goddess, to defeat the Demon King. And I was kicked out of the main party, because the prettiest girl in the class, who just so happened to be my closest childhood friend, and just so happened to have a crush on me, was in it. And because she liked me, the bully with the skill that seemed strong but became obsolete as I leveled up my cheat skill convinced everyone I was worthless and deserved to be kicked out. 


 Then, I leveled up, got strong, gained a whole bunch of skills, humiliated, and kicked out the bully. I then got the childhood friend, and all my classmates growled at my feet for ignoring me and not being my friends back in the normal world, telling me they never realized how cool and amazing I was.

 Or maybe they all tricked, betrayed me, and fooled me. Then, driven by revenge, I would kill them all, and feel complete. What would my cheat skill be? Something powerful that a villain would have. Like Necromancy, Power Stealing, Power Copying, or something that allowed me to become strong fast. 


 Or maybe it was the opposite. Maybe, I was reincarnated as the Demon King, and had plans of world domination, to become the cool villain. I would gain a harem of people who loved me despite me being the demon king. I would conquer others, and make people fear me. 

 Or maybe it was something different. Maybe I was killed by Truck-kun and got reincarnated by a R.O.B (Random Omnipotent Being), or maybe by God himself, or maybe by a beautiful Goddess of Death that I would then claim as a member of my Harem. Or an Angel. Or any Goddess in general would do, really. 

 What would I wish for? I hope they will give me three wishes, instead of one. If he only gave me one, I would wish for a system of course. It would be amazing, leveling up, watching my stats rise, watching myself gain power against insurmountable odds. 

 Where would I be reincarnated? Likely a fictional world, one I had in-depth knowledge of, to exploit every event, character, and power to become absolute. My knowledge of the future would pretty much guarantee me safety, and power. Even if it took a while for me to get on my feet. 

 Oh, the possibilities!

 Infinite power! Cheat Skills! Revenge! A Harem of Women with Unrealistic Body Proportions! Satisfaction! Amusement! Happiness! Everything I wanted, and more!













 Yeah, right. 

 I thought that once, too.


 But this is reality. 

 Or rather, not reality. 

 This is a fictional world. This much I knew. It was given. I knew that, with no doubt. Except that it was just exactly that. Not real. Fake. Confined by a storyline, plot, and anime logic unseen by its denizens. 

 When I first reincarnated, I thought I was all that. That I was HIM. I was THE Guy. I was the protagonist. That the world was my oyster. Nothing could stop me, because I was the chosen one, to reincarnate. Obviously, that meant I was destined to be the hero, to have my every desire satiated. THAT I WAS THE GODDAMN HERO OF THIS STORY.

 But reality is often disappointing. I learned that quickly. Of course, I refused to believe it for years at a time. To put it simply, I was the cringy character that had a Hero, Protagonist, and Savior complex. I was the ultimate Chuunibyou. 

 I could talk by the time I was 6 months old. I could do College Level Math by 2. I could recite the dictionary by 2 and a half. I did push-ups, training that would make a body-builder sweat, by 5. And that wasn't a flex. It was quite literally true. I invested in this world's versions of Google, Apple, Amazon, and dozens of other companies. I practically paved the way for cryptocurrency to become mainstream. 


 My bank account had more money in it than America's National Debt. Yes. Literal Trillions. I was the richest, most powerful person in the world. I could predict the stock market, the flow of the economy, and global politics. I influenced laws, and how the government was run in my younger years. I was the most powerful man in the world. 

 I ran around, beating up terrorists, Drug Dealers, Kidnappers, and corrupt politicians. I did whatever I wanted. I talked down to everyone I met, too caught up in my own Ego and Power Trip. I was high on power, and I thought nothing could stop me. 


 I used my knowledge to further humanity. Mathematics, Physics, Political Theory, Economics, Military Strategy, Technological Advancement, I progressed them all years faster than they would have progressed normally. 

 I ran for president, Prime Minister, and Emperor, for over 12 different countries. I was unstoppable. It was amazing. It was everything I wanted. I was power. I was the Hero. I was…. 







A Nobody. 

 Except, I wasn't the Hero. I was nobody. When I said this world was fictional, I meant it. It runs on concepts, theories, and physics different from ours. Concepts such as Fate, Plot, and Cannon exist here. And they dictate how the world works.

 I was a Nobody. Not even a side character, not a random extra, even less. Lesser than the least. I was nobody. 

 I could tell them my power. I could explain my accomplishments, my infinite knowledge, and anyone in this world would ignore me. I could prove it, take them anywhere in the world, show them my power, and have thousands kneel at my feet, and yet, they physically, emotionally, literally, and conceptually, couldn't see me as anything other than a Nobody. 


 I turn the school into a prestigious university that exceeds Harvard's reputation? '

Oh, it's just a slight change suggested by one of our students.'

 I stop a future war? 

'Today's forecast is sunny with a slight chance of rain. A war was prevented by a suggestion from a normal citizen, sources say. Next, rumors are spreading about a 0.000001% drop in the stock market today, here's Barry to explain the scary future for our nation's economy. 

 I hunt down, and force my father to come back to my mother after the deadbeat Fucker left after I was born? 

 'Oh, that's nice son. How was school today?' 

 This world cannot recognize me as anything other than what I was destined, fated, born as. A nobody. A nameless character with no influence, no power, no meaning, no reason for existing. 

 This put me in a dark place. I contemplated doing something awful. Killing somebody, murdering somebody, nuking a country, a public execution. An urge to kill, to show I was alive. Or something awful, that would fit in a Hentai world. Something. Anything. Anything to prove I was alive, and my actions mattered. To be remembered, no matter if for a good reason or not. 


 Luckily, I stopped myself. I would have done something awful, had I continued the way I was. I would have done something I would have grown to regret later. But I didn't.

 'Why am I alive?' I constantly asked myself. 'What is my purpose?' And I received no answer.

 The world I was born into was only more ironic. I would have preferred reincarnating into a normal world, rather than this one. Because the Supernatural existed here. I knew this for a fact. Mysterious, strange, and stereotypical things happened all around me. Murders, Serial Killers, Gas leaks and Explosions, Insane Priests, and Rumors of Monsters and Demons circulated the town. 

 It seems like everyone I met had a story of seeing a monster, a strange person, and a deal with the Devil. In my little town of Kuoh, something was lurking just beneath the surface. The previous town's mayor met a mysterious demise, foreign families investing and starting an academy here. There was a story, a mystery, a plot. 

 But that plot didn't include me. It wasn't my first clue or coincidence that sent my gamer senses tingling. Everywhere in the world, I heard of similar things. Gods, Legends, Demons, Monsters. And there were differences between this world and my last. Like the Pendragon family's existence, being acknowledged by the Government, and actual historical proof, evidence, and worldwide acceptance that things such as King Arthur and Sherlock Holmes were not fiction, but actual historical events. 

 There was an entire world, with mysterious people, meetings, and other things that lurked just beneath the surface. Yet no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't enter or interact with the supernatural world. My meetings with the Royal family of Japan turned up nothing. Shrine Maidens and other people who lived at the Shrine of Shinto deities acted like Shinto Gods existed, yet showed me no proof, and refused to acknowledge their existence upfront. 

 This world refused to allow me to interact with the Supernatural. I tried to mandate phone lines for people to call in strange occurrences, by lobbying politicians. Nationwide manhunts for demons, but they turned up nothing. Despite people knowing they existed. 

 It was, in a way, worse than if I was reincarnated in a normal world. Because at least then, I would know I was the strongest, and there wasn't an entire world of supernatural beings that could kill me or disrupt my power at any time. It was tantalizingly close, yet unreachable.

 It was like my own personal hell, where I was forced to be a Nobody again, just like my past life, where I was no one of interest. It was my own purgatory. 

 I would rather be reincarnated in some other world, even with no power, no knowledge at all, so that I would at least have a chance of being somebody important. Of doing something. Of being remembered. 

 A Korean novel, of Dungeons opening, Hunters manifesting, and systems and skills. A Chinese novel, or cultivation, sects, and martial arts. Anything at all. Anything other than this hell. 


After I met with a dying Issei Hyoudou, I went home and fell asleep like normal. But my dream was anything but. 

When I first awoke, I awoke to a plain of grass. And a sun much bigger than my old world rising over the horizon. A desert in the distance, and a lake in between. Those first days were the hardest. Grappling with the fact that this was real. I wandered around until night fell. And that was when I learned of the dangers of this world.

Monsters that appeared at night, to hunt me. A living skeleton held together by God knows what, carrying a bow and firing arrows with an accuracy I thought impossible for even the most skilled human. They also seemed to never run out of arrows. They were also human. I was shot, and nearly killed, running away into a nearby cave, and crying while hiding. 

Green zombies that were human-like, giant spiders, and strange green creatures hunted me. As I sat there, praying for help, for it all to be some super realistic dream, I heard a noise. An inhuman screech, followed by the sound of grunting, bones breaking, and explosions.

I peeked out once the sounds stopped, to find a creature standing there. At first, I would have sworn to Satan himself that Slenderman was staring me dead in the eyes. A tall, lanky black creature, with glowing purple eyes. Purple particles swirled around it, and then it spoke to me.

"Look for the eyes. To return where it was lost." Its speech was distorted and garbled, and I hated the sound of it. It sounded dry and cracked, like an old man who hadn't spoken in a long time. It then vanished in front of my eyes. I never saw it again.

Soon after that, the sun rose. And looking over the horizon, I steeled myself. I was given a chance. To waste it, would mean my dying, living, nearly dying, and living again was for nothing. It could not be for nothing. So I swore to myself. For my sister. I would buy her anything she wanted when I got out. I would find her. And I would make her the happiest person in the world.

The days after that were full of discovery. I learned many things. First, mobs burned under the sunlight. For reasons unknown, they burst into flames and died. The zombies easily died, but the skeletons were smarter. They would try to stay under cover, trees, and cave entrances, and shoot at me. Spiders were different. They were hostile in darkness, but under the sun were passive. Creepers, as I came to call them, were living suicide bombers.

Next, I learned there were once people here. I found structures around, old ruins, and books in those ruins. Filled with information and helpful tips, I set out to survive in this new world. I explored, finding not much, but what looked like a ruined settlement covered with zombies and spiderwebs. It looked to be once a village, but it was destroyed and old. Zombies wandered about and took refuge under the broken houses. Next, I found an actual village in the plains.

Without the village, I don't know what would have become of me. The villagers were kind and taught me about this world. Farmers taught me to farm, blacksmiths to make weapons and armor, ranchers to farm animals, and so on. The massive creatures that spawned there, Iron Golems, protected me at night. I was terrified of it at first, nearly attacking it on sight before the villagers saved me in an awkward panic.

It was like this for a while, before I ventured into the caves. Mining Iron, Coal, Copper, and materials allowed me to advance. Soon, I was wearing a full suit of iron armor. This was quite a change, as my body was conditioned to the life of a pencil pusher. But I made sure that changed. I went days without food on long expeditions. I ate healthy varieties of food and conditioned my body. Wearing a full suit of iron armor put muscles on my body that bodybuilders would be jealous of. Chopping down trees, and long hours spent mining pushed my body to the limits of what humans could accomplish.

The next step after establishing myself was exploring. The desert a ways away from where I entered the world was my next exploration. I knew that humans once lived here, as the villagers told me of ancient ruins and castles. The villagers were not human. That much I could tell. The zombies and skeletons though, were unmistakably human.

I journeyed into the desert, finding an ancient temple, and wells scattered about. Bunnies also hopped around, with dead bushes and cacti the only other life. There was another village deep in the desert, but I wouldn't find that out for many weeks. The desert temple was my first step.

Ancient runes scratched on the walls told me many things. Inscriptions of a three-headed monster, eyes, and other things. One interesting inscription was a structure with a mouth-like entrance, similar to this one. In its center the inscription shows a large shaft at its center, leading somewhere. 

 I frowned. The first temple looked suspiciously similar to this one. And that giant shaft beneath the temple. I looked towards the center of the temple. Perhaps?

I mined under the temple, to find a hidden room deep below. By mining along the side of the shaft, I noticed something. A stone plate in the center. A trap? This was a temple after all, and if Indiana Jones had taught me anything, traps were always nearby.

 What I discovered under the floor was a massive amount of TNT. I pondered for several minutes how they were able to make such a thing, with such an ancient society. I would never find out the answer.

 I journeyed back to the village and spent several days there experimenting. The villagers linked the pressure plate to a material I found while mining, Redstone. This started a several-day experimentation on the substance and its many uses. I had taken an engineering class in school, and the stuff acted suspiciously like electricity. I learned how to make several Redstone contraptions, but I didn't know the true use of the stuff for many months.

 I then learned of another village deep in the desert, which I prepared and journeyed to. It was much smaller than the one I lived in, but it possessed something that the other did not. An apothecary. Learning Potion-making and Alchemy, I realized there was much more to be discovered in this world. I stayed for several days, learning from the Apothecary, how to make potions. It used a rare resource, called blaze powder, that the Apothecary got from the rare Travelling Merchant that visited the village. I learned how to make potions that instantly regenerate damage, make me faster, and stronger, and give me night vision.

 I defended the village from the monsters at night, which was new for me, due to the Iron Golem that protected the previous village. When I asked about the absence of the 20-ton lumbering metal monstrosity, they told me that Iron Golems could only appear in bigger villages. They also mentioned that they could be made.

 As a sign of thanks, and out of worry for the desert villagers, I made one to protect them. It cost 2 entire straight weeks' worth of mined Iron, and a random pumpkin I carved up when I was bored, it was worth it in the end. I had grown fond of the little company I had, and the villagers were nicer than the people of my old world ever were.

 When I mentioned the carvings and the eyes, they told me of a Cartographer who lives in a village north of the desert, across an ocean. Apparently, he had translated the texts from several ancient manuscripts, and with the help of several wandering merchants, created a map of most of the world. If anyone were to know where the structures described in the temple would be, it would be him.

 As I prepared to cross the ocean, I noticed a figure standing in the distance, through the window of the village I was staying at. A tall, thin black figure, with glowing purple eyes.


As I stated before, this is going to be a wish-fulfillment, with a grim/dark philosophical plot about reincarnation and storytelling. This is a more plot based way of him going to different world, like Minecraft. Yes, the story will continue. Honesty, this chapter was extremally easy to write. Refreshing, even. The Interlude with Issei and his new life as Rimuru will not be for awhile, so don't expect it for a few more chapters. 

Comments, Ideas, Suggestions, Question's, or anything of the sort is always welcome and appreciated. I love reading comments. Or just yell at me to work faster. I had a p*atreon and linked in a few previous stories, but deleted the links. I felt bad having a p*atreon with such a inconstant upload schedule. 

Feed me power stones, to satiate my hunger.