
World Rejector: I Isekai'ed the Cast of DxD

Reincarnated as a Nobody. Cursed to be forgotten, to never have your name be remembered. That was my curse. To be forever irrelevant to the plot, not even my existence being acknowledged. Yet, my power allows me to give others the life I wish to live. To see the infinite reality of fiction, of all media and anime. So, I live my life, while those around me become powerful enough to destroy realities. But, the story begins to change as I walk through my life as a Nobody. I have sent the Protagonist into a world of Fantasy and he returned as a Demon Lord. I sent the mob villain into a world of Abnormalities. He did not return. I sent the fake magical girl into a world of real ones, and she returned as the final and greatest magical girl in the multiverse. World Travel, Starting world is DXD. Multiple love interests, story and narrative driven with wish-fulfillment here and there. Many niche and small fandom crossovers, with a lot of side plots and interludes with many storylines at once. Won't you take a chance, to see a new world? Cover image does not belong to me. No, Serafall will not be Iron Man in this novel. I just though it was funny. If I get enough requests, maybe I will make a omake or something.

SynthScythScorpion · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Enough Confidence to Run for President of Hell

I hunger for power stones. 


I ignored the main gate, opting to go through the guard outpost rather than through the gate in front of the road leading to my mansion. After all, why would the guards let a Nobody like me through? While I could get by, they would stop me and create an unnecessary hassle that could be easily avoided. I passed by, without them even so much as looking at me as I passed.

I walked down the street, noticing a young woman walking her dog. I watched them silently, sneering at the dog as it neared me. Its head snapped to me the second it detected my presence. It then began to bark widely, pulling its owner into the street, away from me.

I watched sadistically as the owner exclaimed in shock as it was pulled across the street through oncoming traffic. Once both the dog and its owner reached the other side, somehow miraculously not getting hit by oncoming cars as several angry people honked their horns at her. the owner took a moment to catch his breath before beginning to shout at their dog, confused. 

But, the dog didn't cower or lie down despite the yelling. Instead, it stood straight and alert, staring at me from across the street, not breaking eye contact with me for one second. I met its gaze and sneered. The dog then began to try and run away again, pulling its owner along with them. Barking wildly in fear, running as fast as its small body would allow. 

I watched it flee, amused by its reaction. It was not something uncommon for me to see. People ignored me, treating me as a nobody. All things besides humans were deathly afraid of me. Animals, bugs, insects, they cowered in fear. There's a pun to be said about being King of the Flies, or something. 

Any animal I came across was irrationally afraid of me, unable to approach me. Dogs, cats, birds, or anything alive. Our house had not a single spider or ant, because they were afraid. Those doctors I hired were baffled when I was unable to be infected, because the bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens seemed to be repelled by my body tissue. They simply refused to infect any cell from my body, for seemingly no reason. 

Hell, even viruses, which weren't even alive, refused to infect me. It was another strange quirk of my existence, one that I dismissed after testing it long ago. Still, watching grown male lions cower in the corner of a zoo exhibit in my presence when I was 8 was rather amusing. The newborn cubs hiding behind their mother, crying and roaring weakly in fear for their life, not so much. 

Still, it was rather amusing at times, even if it did cause some awkward situations throughout my life. I turned away, debating on whether or not I should go to school, or if I should skip. It wasn't like anybody would care about a Nobody skipping, after all. 

I wandered around for a bit, wondering about what happened yesterday, and the strange dream afterward, looking for something interesting, when a person began walking towards me along the sidewalk. 

He was dressed in a gray trench, with a black fedora hiding his face as his head was tipped downwards. I could see he had short black hair, pale skin, and a tall, lean frame. 

He walked slowly down the sidewalk, a purpose in his step. He seemed shady and suspicious, practically screaming 'important'. He ignored everyone around him, walking purposefully past people. I watched him closely. 

As he brushed past me, he froze. Like a jolt of lightning hit him, he turned into a statue on the spot. Of course, I noticed this and made myself scarce within the flow of people. My suspicions were confirmed. He had been able to detect my power. That meant that he was likely a part of the hidden world. 

Still, I didn't look back as he searched through the crowd for the source of the strange sensation he just felt by carefully inspecting the surrounding area. He continued panning his gaze for a few moments, before turning around and continuing. 

I smirked. Sure, I probably didn't have to actually hide, but it made me feel skilled and cool. I watched as he continued to walk towards wherever he was going, constantly checking around him and behind him. 

He continued through the streets, constantly taking turns and doubling back until he reached his destination. In a way, it was funny how his attempts to keep watch for anyone were not useless, considering someone was actually following him, but they still failed due to his inability to recognize me as anything other than a nobody. 

He eventually came upon a warehouse, before he looked around one more time, before ducking inside. Honestly, I was impressed by his constant vigilance and paranoia. He continued to check even after any normal person would have long since lost him. 

I sauntered up to the door, a sarcastic confidence in my step. I was about to throw the door open loudly and dramatically, when a deep voice resounded from behind the door, making me blink. 

"Is it finally time, Dohnaseek?" A deep, beautiful, feminine asked, laced with impatience. 

A male voice responded in kind, gruff, and emotionless.

"You are far too impatient, Viser. Both of the Satan's daughters have been looking for you after your last stunt. Raynare and the rest were even commanded to kill you if we found you." He spoke coldly

I froze, considering my life choices, before deciding to be a bit stealthier. I looked through a nearby boarded-up window, looking for the source of the voices. I quickly digested everything they had said. 

Satan's daughters? As in the Devil himself? First off, I didn't remember Satan ever having a daughter. A son, yes. And who was Raynare? So many interesting questions. 

I peered through the boards until I could see who was talking. I blinked as I took in the giant monster in the middle of the warehouse. The lower half was expected. A giant, four-legged monster with fur, almost similar to a lion. There was a large opening in the middle of where the beast's chest would be, almost like a second mouth with rows of teeth. 

What was not expected was the rest. Where her head should be, the voluptuous body of a human woman sat, her legs connecting to the rest of the monster. She was completely naked, her 'assets' bare in the open air, with long black hair. 

I blinked, uncomprehending of the beast. I had never seen anything like it before. This world had refused to show me anything regarding the supernatural world, so why was I able to see it now? Was it because I messed with the plot or interfered when I met the dying Issei? Was I still considered a 'Nobody' in the supernatural world? 

I grew excited at the prospect of finally being able to interfere and interact with the supernatural world. The monster growled and rumbled in displeasure at the man's, whose name I assumed was Dohnaseek, answer. 

"Calm yourself. Raynare's plan has already been set in motion. The girl has been summoned to Kuoh, and Freed is beginning his purge of the Devil's Supporters." He spoke calmly, with a cold tone. The beast growled again, while the women heaved a displeasured sigh. 

"I am getting hungry. I haven't had a meal in over 3 days. I do hope you hold up your end of the deal, otherwise, you know what will happen." She complained, before threatening the man. The man looked unbothered by her words, dismissing them easily. 

I watched this with fascination, admiring the woman, and not for the human parts of her body. I wondered idly about the mechanics behind her appearance and the exact biological ramifications of being half-human and half-monster. 

I also wondered who he was talking about. It sounded like the woman-monster, who I assumed was Viser, had done something before that brought unwanted attention to herself and the people she might be connected with. 

But who was Raynare? Dohnaseek made it sound like she was someone who normally wouldn't care about Viser but was forced to for some reason, or ordered to by a higher-up. And what was her plan? And Viser somehow attracted the attention of Satan's daughters? 

That was a whole can of worms to open. Mainly the existential question of God, Angels, Devils, and Humanity as a whole. But I shelved that for later. Right now, what mattered was that they were interested in Viser for some reason, and Dohnaseek didn't treat it as a good thing.

Another person named Freed was also purging the Devil's supporters? And a girl was summoned to Kuoh? How interesting. 

I was getting goosebumps, feeling like I was hearing something I shouldn't get involved in something dangerous and big. And I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from breaking out into laughter. 

I then refocused myself on the conversation happening in front of me. "You will be able to feast as much as you want to. Just remain patient for a little longer." The man assured Viser. She growled in displeasure but spoke no more. 

"I have to go. We are likely being watched by Azazel's Watchers. Remember, do nothing to attract any more attention. Otherwise, I will deal with you myself." Dohnaseek commanded coldly, before turning away to leave. 

Viser growled, before stalking away, her form disappearing into the shadows of the warehouse. I watched her disappear, as the sounds of her monstrous form faded away. I froze, listening carefully, looking around for where the man went, intent on following him. I frowned as I found no sign of him. He sounded paranoid, convinced people were watching him.

Though, given he was involved with some supernatural plan, he likely was. I waited for a few minutes, listening to the sounds of the street, finding no sound or evidence of anything. I then carefully crept to the door and opened it slowly, before stepping inside. 

I slowly guided the door close behind me, intent on being as quiet as possible. It clicked close, and I froze as a voice spoke out from behind me, making me stop cold. 

"How predictable. Azazel's Hounds have gotten more strategic, using Humans as Agents." The gruff man spoke from the shadows. The sound surprised me, and I cursed in my mind. 

I had gotten too confident. Time to use 'Bullshit no Jutsu' to get out of this situation. I slowly turned around, with my smugest, most confident smile. I looked like a politician, or a salesman, with my suit and grin. Or a sociopath. 

"Agent?" I quested rhetorically, with a charismatic confidence to convince the Devil to invest in an air conditioning system for Hell. I looked around, but couldn't find him. Most of the warehouse was covered in shadows, making me grimace internally. 

I had a few tricks up my sleeve, like a handgun holstered in my suit. But I wouldn't be able to see him in the darkness, making using it impossible. A voice rang through the warehouse. 

"Don't act coy with me." He spoke coldly. I blinked, slightly surprised. Pretending like I was a Nobody usually worked. Why was he so suspicious of me? I was a Nobody, wasn't I?

"I am just an inspector. This place was listed as abandoned, and a client was asking about it, so I was just looking around for the property value. Of course, now I know it is not for sale, and my client wouldn't like it at all." I confidently stated, trying to talk my way out of this. 

He growled, not amused by my attempt at negotiation. "I am not someone stupid. You practically scream 'Agent'. I am not one of your everyday marks that are stupid, and can't tell the difference between a civilian and a trained Agent." He confidently stated. 

I blinked, my mind wiring. What? Why did he see me as an Agent, and not a Nobody? Was he unaffected? No, that was unlikely. Then, me being a Nobody likely somehow gave him the impression I was an Agent. Was he just that paranoid, to suspect anyone of being an Agent, even if they were a Nobody? 

I inwardly admired his paranoia, to truly suspect that anyone could be an Agent, even someone he recognized as a powerless, weak Nobody human. On the outside, I still remained calm, collected, and confident. 

"Agent? I guess I am a real estate agent, so maybe. But really, I can show you my ID and every-" I spoke confidently, taking a step forward, before a blue was suddenly thrown out of the darkness, impaling my foot to the ground. 

Very little blood began to pool on the floor, owing to my modified body. I grimaced slightly. Pain had very little meaning to me anymore. Yes, woe is me, I am terminally ill, and every second is living agony. Every day I wake up and break every bone in my body, and do so again a dozen times before I get out of bed. And yes, I am accepting donations to help with treatment. The minimum amount is 5,000$. Only cash is accepted. 

I kept my smile, though it was a bit strained now. The spear itself was strange, composed of glowing blue material, and was sharp enough to pierce through flesh easily. I admired it for a moment, before returning to the issue at hand. Mainly, not dying like an idiot. Not that I was very skilled at doing that. 

"What could I do to prove that I am not who you think I am? Do you need ID? Certification? A phone call to my supervisor?" I started to speak, trying to appear frantic and a bit fearful. 

"I'm really not some agent! I swear, I will never spill anything about the Yakuza to the Cops!" I spoke louder. He didn't speak for a moment, confused. I knew that it would throw him off, calling him a part of the Yakuza. It was something normal people might assume, making him doubt himself for a moment. 

He seemed to think, judging by how he said nothing, still hidden by the darkness. "Give me your wallet." He spoke calmly. I smiled inwardly. He wanted to kill me, that was for sure, but based on his earlier conversation, he couldn't afford to draw any attention by killing innocents right now. Not while he was being watched. 

"Yes! It's in my back pocket!" I spoke hastily, before quickly digging in my back pocket. I pulled it out, and then as if my hands were sweaty from nervousness, it slipped and fell on the ground. Along with a white envelope. Quite comical, and something that would be expected of a worthless human. 

I then held my hands up and froze in fear at my 'blunder'. He growled, looking at the white envelope. In reality? It contained money I was going to use to try to bribe my sister to stay away from my mother. Right now? It looked suspicious as hell. 

Sure, it could be money used to buy the property after I inspected it, due to my job as a 'real estate agent'. Or, it could be a bribe for me to look around an abandoned place for anything suspicious, by my 'Client'. To a paranoid old man? I doubted the former. 

He walked out of the shadows, staring at my face, without breaking eye contact. I couldn't pick up the wallet or envelope, having dropped it too far to pick up, and my foot was still pinned by the blue spear to the floor. 

He was cold, still showing no emotion, but eventually picked up the wallet and envelope. 'Boom' I fantasized that I had dropped a bomb, and had set it off as soon as he picked it up. Instead, he slowly opened the envelope, inspecting the Yen inside. I knew that the amount was far too much to be carrying around in cash, even to buy a house. It was enough to buy an entire warehouse, sure, but no one would pay for that in cash. 

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, still inspecting the money. He growled, not bothering to check my wallet. It was suspicious as hell, especially to someone as paranoid as him. I looked nervous on the outside, but inside I carefully observed him. Now that he was out of the shadows, I debated on my next move. I could try to pull out the gun in the shoulder holster, but that would likely not turn out well. 

I decided to gamble again, putting my hands up in a non-threatening manner. "Wait! Wait! I have the deed in my suit pocket, let me get it…" I slowly began to move one of my hands into my suit, before another spear was held at my throat. 

"Don't. Move." He stated dangerously, looking me dead in the eyes. I was sweating a lot, my nervous smile and chuckle doing nothing to reassure him. He slowly lowered the spear, my neck feeling rather tense. He was convinced of my guilt now, thanks to my 'blunder'. I could now plan accordingly what to do now that he wasn't hidden in the shadows anymore. 

"Wait! Before you kill me, I need to ask you a question!" I stated hastily. He grinned, his suspicions confirmed as I dropped the act. His assumption of me being an 'Agent' for 'Azazel' was confirmed as far as he was concerned. He grinned darkly, a spear hovering beside him now, ready to pierce my chest. 

"Speak your final words. No one will remember them, and I will forget them by tomorrow." He stated mockingly. I grinned slightly, reaching out a hand slowly. The rising sun showed through the window behind us, extending our shadows across the floor and wall. 

"Well, I just wanted to ask." I spoke dramatically, the vindictive feeling of victory and confidence in my voice. He frowned, growing suspicious at my calmness and confidence. 

"Do you want to see a new world?" I asked dramatically. He was standing several feet away, and my foot was still pinned to the floor. Physical contact would be impossible in this current scenario. But, who said physical contact was needed to activate my ability? 

The shadow of my hand was stretched across the floor due to the rising sun, my hand touching what would be the button of his boot. The shadow of my hand's shape changed, unnoticed by both occupants of the room, gaining a claw-like appearance. An alien and strange sound echoed, and his eyes widened, recognizing something was wrong. 

But it was far too late. In a fraction of a second, the man in the suit vanished in front of me. No dramatic scene, no grand exit, he simply ceased to be standing there. In fact, he ceased to exist at all. 

He was gone. The floating spear beside him, the spear he was holding, and the spear that pinned my foot to the floor also disappeared, leaving a gaping hole in my foot. A strange breeze swept through the warehouse, whistling as it blew through. 

I then walked forward, picking up the envelope and wallet that lay on the ground, exactly where the man once stood. I picked them up and shoved them into my suit, a disgusted look on my face. I took one last look around, before spitting on the ground. Was it petty as hell? Yes. 

I turned and left through the door I came in, excited and feeling giddy at my encounter with the supernatural world I had so longed to see before. The door slammed shut loudly, echoing through the empty warehouse. I had encountered the supernatural. I wasn't crazy. This confirmation made me feel over the moon. 

So where to proceed from here? Now that I knew the Supernatural did exist, what would I do now? I wanted to know more. I needed to find some way to contact the Supernatural world again. I could try to find these 'Raynare' or 'Freed' persons, but that would take time.

I could try to find that Viser monster, but that would likely lead to my untimely death. I would look for her later, hiring some investigators and some criminals. But there was another person I thought was connected to the Supernatural world. The Occult Research Club. 

They were connected, I was sure of it. Especially the strange Rias Gremory, who only came to Kuoh this year. The past listed on her documents and identity were false, as confirmed by my investigation into her past. Her mysterious brother who sponsored her stay in Japan and her attendance at the academy also seemed to be made up. 

The rest of the members were also strange, all having no past either or disappearing and reappearing years later. They were connected, that much I was sure. 

I idly considered the other suspicious person, Sona Shitori. Her past was much more carefully created and guarded, and my investigation into her past was met with resistance. Her past did check out, but there were inaccuracies and discrepancies. The Student Council was much less suspicious, all having been normal people with normal lives. 

The only person besides Sona who was suspicious was Tsubaki Shinra, whose past was also mysterious. She seemed to be connected to the Shinra Clan, one of the ancient Clans of people that lived in a secluded place away from cities. They seemed to be traditional ancient Japanese clans, but my investigations into them found nothing. 

I smiled, as I walked out into the sunlight, I smiled, deciding to head to school for the first time in a while, not paying attention to my surroundings, assuming I was alone. 

Or so I thought. 

Instead, a figure appeared from the shadows, wide-eyed and dazed. They seemed to be wearing a pink magical girl outfit seen in most Japanese shows, showing off her thighs and midriff, hugging her hourglass figure and voluptuous body well. She had beautiful features, and straight black hair pulled into long ponytails. 

They held what looked like a cheap plastic prop of a want in her hand. She looked around, dazed and confused. What was this feeling? She was confused. She had come here to investigate the mysterious murders in Kuoh, to make sure her Sona-Tan was safe.

She knew a few stray devils and rouge exorcists were allied, along with a small group of fallen angels that went rouge from the Grigori. But she had stumbled upon a comical scene of a boy in a suit negotiating with a fallen angel. She detected no magical power, or anything at all from him. 

Yet, instead of rescuing him, her instincts told her to wait. She was someone who was frivolous and acted on instinct, doing what she wanted. But these instincts were the same instincts cultivated during the Devil Civil War, slaughtering her own race and people she once knew and cared about. It was the survival instincts she developed after being ambushed by a mercenary group of fallen angels, intent to capture her and use her body for their pleasure. 

That was it. The survival instinct, the biological warning of something dangerous and life-threatening. That was what she felt. And she luckily had listened. The wave of power that emanated as the Fallen Angel had disappeared was enough to make her hair stand on end. Something more instinctively dangerous to her than Holy Magic. 

She walked down, to the point where the man had disappeared. In the rising sun of the cool morning, a shadow was cast against the floor, of a tall slender man in a suit with a fedora. Yet, no man was standing there. She waved her wand, and a ball of light manifested. The shadow bent away from the ball normally, stretching across the opposite wall like a shadow would normally do. Yet, nothing was casting a shadow onto the ground. At least, not anymore. 


I do love a confident asshole. He is very funny to watch and read about. Especially if he is smart. The whole Mystery setting around his power was actually completely unintentional, but it weirdly does fit the theme of A Certain Magical Index. 

If you couldn't tell by the book cover, my previous story, and this story, yes I heavily Simp for Serafall. She is one of my favorite characters, and will be important in this story. 

Feel free to leave comments! I love to read them! And also feel free to leave a review, or just tell me to work faster. Once again, updates will be infrequent. 

Feed me power stones, or I will starve.