
World of regalia

In the world of Regalias power is everything

Zenex6 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Might of the strongest student

The commotion caused by the incident between Damian and Cain finally died down due to the appearance of Freya bad Sagara on the stage, the whole training ground instantly quiet down becoming like a ghost town, as no one want to miss the greatest show for today, although some argued that Damian's show was much better.

"I hope you managed to entertain me!" The ever arrogant tone of Sagara remained as not even a single shred of respect for his opponent could be present. "Don't get to cocky and do not underestimate me!" Freya said as her body instantly turned blurry because of her movement speed.

She wielded a Katana like a samurai and her regalia power as also related to her style of fighting. She appeared behind Sagara with a vertical strike as she didn't intend to hold back at least not against someone like Sagara. Just as she expected, her attack didn't connect as Sagara had only just avoided it so much that it looked like she missed on purpose. Of course she could tell that he was taunting her.

"Oh, you'd have to do more than that to actually entertain me, if that's all you've got, then please this match is as good as over!" Sagara said this time not with arrogance but with a sign of dissatisfaction. It was a that moment that the scarlet aura of a heaven grade Regalia became visible on Freya's body.

She had gave up the idea of warrior's honour few seconds ago, as she didn't want to use her Regalias power without Sagara using his, although no one even knows the rank of Regalia that Sagara possess or nether have they ever seen him using it, they could tell that it was something higher than heavens grade.

This time Freya's speed and combat abilities instantly sky rocketed as she was moving a little bit over 250 meter per seconds, a little bit impressive than what Damian had displayed, everyone found it hard to follow her movement as she was already close to the speed of a bullet. She launched multiple attacks towards Sagara but none of them actually connected, it went in to a point that people began to say she was fooling herself.

In the eyes of most people she seemed to be missing purposely while they couldn't see Sagara moving, only Damian, the teacher, Mr John and a few people could actually see what was going on. Maybe because of how high the stats is in Damian's, intelligence is as well as his perception that he was able to decipher what was happening.

But even after, he felt that such a feat was almost impossible as even though it sounded simple it's mechanism was simply not achievable. Sagara had placed a later of zeta energy around his body 2 cm above his actual skin. That layer of zeta energy was connected to his main body be it his bones, muscles or veins.

The zeta energy acted as a detection as well as an activation. Of the blade of Freya were to come in contact with the zeta energy during that moment it instantaneous send the information to the body at the same time causing his body to move instinctively avoided the attack only so much that it never touched his skin during the entire fight Sagara had both hands in his pocket which was even more frustrating to Freya.

No matter how hard she tried she could never touch him, no one hated Sagara more than her, his arrogance portrayed a negative image in the mind of Freya, she could only curse her self for being weak.

"I think this is already getting boring I'll end this fight but not without giving you a piece of advice, forget about training your swordsmanship as it will never advance further unless u train the fundamentals, you lack control over zeta energy, if you can successfully control zeta energy and even apply it to your fighting style, then you might just bypass my most basic defensive skills.

Only at that moment would I finally recognize you as a person worth my time, you may think of me as an arrogant bastard but am I really, is just like your saying a human being is arrogant by ignoring all the effect put in by an ant to kill him, no matter how hard the ant try it would never be recognized by the human, but if it eventually managed to land a bite on specific places, then the human would no longer be stupid to ignore the ant as he would definitely react.

Don't feel stupid being compared to an ant, as I literally don't view you as anything more, you literally can't lay a finger on me nor even bypass my most basic defensive skill, what else would I call you... I hope you only realize what I'm trying to say, now with that in mind prepared yourself as I plan on attacking!" Sagara said as he finally got the first time since the battle bring out one hand from his pocket only pointing his pinkie at Freya.

At this moment Freya no longer saw what he did as arrogance but she prepared to use her most strongest skill to defend against his attack a blue light began to condense on his finger tip the size of a fire fly barely visible but the pressure was enough to increase the gravity around the entire stage multiple folds that even people outside the stage felt a pressure of 1000kg instantly falling face flat.

Everyone instinctively ran fifteen meters backward only then did they feel the pressure reduced to only about 100 kg which was still bearable. They couldn't help but pity for Freya who was in the same stage with Sagara, They knew that the pressure she would be telling would make Cain's regalia be a mere child's play.

"This preassure! my whole body wants to give in, I won't survive this attack, who the hell is this monster... !" Freya who was feeling the pressure of over five thousand kg couldn't help but fall on her knees as even with her strongest defensive skill that halves any external force on her, she still fell a pressure of five thousand kg.

She wanted to give up but her mouth would not even move, at the moment that Sagara was about to release his attack he suddenly blew his attack away like a candle flame extinguishing the light from his pinkie.

Everyone was surprised as to why he did that had the last minute but then the saw the teacher rushed towards Freya who had already fallen unconscious with blood rushing out of her skin, nose and mouth.

This was the first time had Sagara ever raised his had to attack, and all who thought he was too arrogant to attack now thank the god that he hadn't during their fight with him, he was not only the strongest in the class in their eyes but the strongest in the school. Atleast the Teacher knew that as a fact as she knew none of her students would even come close to reaching him. The highest ranked regalia in the whole school was also Heaven grade, and that was proven to be in efficient against him.