
World of regalia

In the world of Regalias power is everything

Zenex6 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs

Breaking limits

A bright red aura enveloped his entire being Ashe felt his strength increasing exponentially. In less than a second he closed the distance between them once again while he landed a combo move on the Ajuma with both his leg and his right hand. The Ajuma was being suppressed easily and after about twenty seconds Damian finally regained control over his hand as blood dripped from his right hand.

"It seems you're not as strong as you look!" Damian taunted while attempting to finish him with a final blow!

"Do not underestimate me kid! or it would be your quick downfall!" The Ajuma said as His body started to release a bright green energy, it immediately pushed Damian backward. The Ajuma released a powerful wave of energy as it's body underwent a drastic change while it's body started turning green also increasing I'm size reaching about 3 meters which was almost twice the size of Damian.

From what he read Ajumas could increase their power by temporarily forcing an evolution, if it was A natural Ajuma they would breakthrough one rank temporarily while burning their life force after which they would suffer serious backlash while as for tainted Ajumas, the rank of their regalia would increase which would also further increase their combat ability.

So right now Damian could tell that he wasn't facing an equal foe right now as it now had a rare grade Regalia which could be a game changer against his own uncommon regalia. "I had to sacrifice a lot but after I'm done with you, it would all be worthwhile!" The Ajuma said as he instantly summoned 3 daggers which had a speed of 80m/s he sent all three daggers flying towards Damian who was still barely able to move due to the intense pressure coming from the Ajuma. The daggers instantly pierced his legs and right hand as he fell to the floor.

Unlike before, the pain he felt from the stab was triple, it felt as if his body was stabbed by a blazing hit knife. "Damn it!" Damian thought to himself as he couldn't even move his legs at all. "Now that the regalia has temporarily evolved, the paralysis can last for a minute. Also it has a special effect!" The Ajuma said as the heat of the dagger increased drastically reaching a hundred degree Celsius.

Damian screamed in agony as he felt the dagger burning his inner body, His mind went blank because of the pain as he let out a cry of pain. "How does it feel!" The Ajuma taunted with a smile of mockery, "It seems you're not as strong as you look, don't worry I'll enjoy my time killing you!" the Ajuma said as he just waited for the timer to rundown as he used every moment taunting his prey.

His arrogance knew no bound which would probably be the cause of his demise soon to come.

[Zeta fragment (Z.F): 1.8(+0.4)]

[Using all z.f to upgrade regalia <Body of Divinity (200 200)]< p>

[Divine Body Rare grade(0.2/400): increases bass stats to 40 passively and if used actively increased base stats up to 100]

At that moment the Ajuma eyes opened in shock as he instinctively leaped back looking at the scene before him in confusion, green energy enveloped his prey as he felt his power increase up to 3 fold.

"Imp.." the Ajuma was interrupted as he felt a powerful blow to his guts. Cracking sounds of bone could be heard, from the impact the Ajuma knew he had several broken ribs and other internal injury.

Since Tainted Ajuma still retained human anatomy and internal structure with only a little bit modifications, A fatal blow to the head could kill it, of course Damian knew that and that was why his next attack would be a powerful kick to the head of the Ajuma.

"Damn it, I swear I'll kill you, even if it's the last thing I do!" The Ajuma said condensing all his Zeta energy into his fist, the bright unmistakable colour of zeta energy surrounded his fist.

Normally zeta energy is used to fuel the power of regalia with the colour taking the colour of the rank of the regalia, all though it's original colour is white with a mixture of blue and red trails.

It also could be used directly in contact as far as one was able to understand the concepts of the application of zeta energy which usually take years of training but being an Ajuma by passed human coming sense.

Damian confident in his strength charged towards the Ajuma with a full powered punch, meanwhile the Ajuma did the same as he use the fist covered with zeta energy to throw a punch at Damian.

Their fist collided with a strong impact which sent the whole room into chaos, The accademy block was under the influence of a certain regalia that made it sound proof from both insides and against outside noise in other to not disturb Accademies teachings. That was probably the reason while despite so much noises there was nobody to come to his rescue.

While people that had abnormal perception ability probably thought that it was maybe students practicing Zeta energy or the usage of their Regalias.

Although Damian was multiple times stronger than the Ajuma as his strength was easily over 500 kg. Even though the Ajuama was sent flying because of Damian's superior strength, Damian knew that the attack power of the Ajuma was several times his own which made him feel like his finger were numb.

The two continued to exchange blows for three minutes, with Damian obviously suppressing him as his own strength was all round while that of the Ajuma was focused in only his hand.

After about 2 minutes the zeta energy on the hands of the Ajuma gradually died down before totally extinguishing. With that Damian knew his victory was set as he could finally see his chances of winning increasing exponentially, the next few seconds was used to beat the Ajuma to a pulp as it's blood was all over the place.

With a final attack he planned to completely end the pathetic life of the Ajuma. Just as his fist was few inches away from the Ajuma who was kneeling on the floor a splashing sound was made as crimson red blood was all-over the face of the Ajuma.

Meanwhile the facial expressions of Damian had a 360 turn. He had completely forgotten about the main abilities of his foe and let his guard down, he looked down only to see a greed dagger sticking into his chest, which also caused his heart to be paralysed.

Damian immediately lost consciousness as he fell on the floor while the Ajuma got up with a wry smile as he was barely clinging on to life.

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