
Business King

After that i went to my father study and asked him for the permission to take over family business of herb and guess what he was so exited that his useless son is now in the race (human). And now i'm working here in my family as an accountant so after so much of effort all i'm now is an accountant.

Sitting at the table just when i'm thinking how to expand my business i heard uproar when i came down stairs i found that a woman carrying her child and crying for help, so i asked one of the guards why that woman is crying he said "she does not have enough money to buy the medicine plants and without money she can't save her child". I took pity on her and just when i was about to give her free medicine but what can i say i no saint so it's my time to shine has come.

so i came to receptionist and asked her about the price of the herb she want. When receptionist girl heard my voice she turned around and said "Sir, this herb is of 2 gold coins ". After that i simply turned to the woman and said "if you can agree on my conditions then this herb can be yours". that woman eyes were shining like she just seen a god himself and simply kneeled in front of me and said "i can agree to any condition you wants" after her action i realize how important strength can be so i decided in my mind "even though i cannot practice martial arts i must go through it once", when i was in my own thoughts i was woken up by woman's soft voice "sir". so here's my condition you only need to pay 12% i.e; 240 silver coins per month for 10 years (1 gold coin=100 silver coins=10000 bronze coins). She agreed to me in good mood because her salary is 800 silver per month so i asked the receptionists to take the white cloth and write down our conditions which i stated to her and at the end of our cloth i asked the woman to put the thumb print with her blood since there are spirit dogs in family i didn't have any fear to loose her with the help of her blood i can trace her in one day no matter where she hides.

After all the hard work of the day when i thought to sleep for a bit, at the very same moment uncle pin who is a servant of the family came to me running and said "Little chen hurry you have been called to the elder's conference". so i simply followed him and when i went to the hall i'm aghast of the view are they TV actors or what my father is sitting on the throne like the king in warring states and the elders are like ministers sitting in both sides and looking at me like i did some crime.

One of the elder who looks like taking pity on my father shook his head and said "Lion's birthed a pig " all the the others elder's looked at him and said it's not leader's fault that his son is failure. When all of them are putting up their opinion my my father slammed his hand on the table it produces a sound like bomb dropping and just like that he got attention of everybody he looked at my side and asked "why did you give that medicinal herb to that poor woman on such low price" and ignoring everyone's sharp eyes i simply said "because i want to expand my business " everyone looked at me same as looking at clown one of them even poke up "looks like young master is having some of his brain cells dead" my father simply glared at him and with just that he puts lock on his lips while giving it some thought my father asked me again "can you explain your plan to me in detail" so i simply explained him that "if we give that woman the same medicine on 12% per month of actual price for 10 years then it will be 24 gold coins in 10 years and we need to pay gate tax for one time when we enter in city with the herb so total profit in 10 years will be 23 gold coins and this is just for advertisement of our herb business when she will spread the news can you imagine how many people are there who cannot buy medicine because of high prices we will be simply swimming in gold after this and also with spirit dog we can track them every where" after my explanation it's not hard to guess what next in my mind all of them were looking at me like they have seen some monster.

My father looked at me and said "How can a loin produce a pig" with all said and done my father given me the lease and full authority over herb business. All the other looking at my father and giving him congratulations for my achievement. Some even praised me as "Business King".

After that my father asked me to stay when only me and my father were alone in the hall my father asked me "when did your personality become so straight forward", i simply smiled at him and replied him shamelessly "now because i'm Business King". It ticked my father so much he laughed to his heart content.

what can i say i'm as shameless as my MC hahahaha....... :P

uyUtkarshcreators' thoughts