
World of Beasts: I Can See Their Hidden Stats!

"Locke transmigrated into an era where everyone had Battle Beasts. Daemons were rampant and humans were forced to build walls around their dwellings while depending on Beastmasters to keep those monsters at bay. It was time for academies to open their enrollments and Locke only had a small snake that everyone claimed was useless! ""A snake? Isn't this just a normal snake? What a useless Battle Beast."" ""What potential can a snake have? Even if it evolves into a two-headed snake that's still only Level 1 strength. You might as well continue living like any other normal folk."" ""Who are you kidding? What makes you think you have what it takes to enter a Beastmaster University?"" Locke stayed calm as countless classmates and teachers mocked and made fun of him while he turned to his System's interface. ""All Beasts Hidden Evolution Paths!"" From a Two-headed snake to a Fire-and-Ice Two-headed snake... Then to a Demonic Shadow Snake... a Bright Serpent... Before finally, evolving into Medusa..."

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Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

Not only were Andrew's moves powerful, they covered a wide range as well.

In just a few moves, he had already completely demolished the fighting ring. There was almost no longer any steady ground to stand on.

"Andrew is forcing Locke to fight in the air..." Jacques said while lighting up a cigarette.

"It seems that he is very confident about his performance in the air!" Diana was not familiar with Andrew's techniques.

Locke had also realized his opponent's intention.

With a simple command, Gale Wings lifted Locke into the air as well.

Seeing that he had succeeded, Andrew laughed out loud, "Hahaha! Come and experience the King of the Sky's techniques!"

After saying those words, Andrew summoned his second Battle Beast!

It was two balls of swirling wind!

In the blink of an eye, they had already transformed into two silver hammers!