
Save 112 ─ The end of the tragedy

I remember it like it was yesterday.

My parents threw a party for my birthday.

I was thrilled.

"Mother! Father!"

I ran to them so they could see my new clothes.

"How do I look, good right? I really like these new clothes!"

My mother─ Marian Ciel Rosenberg congratulated me first.

"Fufu, Romeo, you look great in everything. You're my little angel for a reason."

"It's like your mother says, you look good no matter what you wear. And I'm not just saying that because you're my son."

My parents always praised me and I liked it.

But there was one more person I liked who complimented me.


I called out to my older sister, Sara, who was only two years older than me.

She turned her back to me, my mother who was identical to my sister asked her.

"Is something wrong Sara? Aren't you going to congratulate Romeo?"

Sara shook her head.

"It's not that."

"Then why don't you congratulate your younger brother?"

"He expects his big sister to give him a compliment."

"It's not that I don't want to. It's just that if I do..."

My sister turned around and hugged me tightly.

"I won't be able to stop hugging and kissing my cute little brother!"

"Aaah! Romeo, you're the cutest little brother in the world!"

"I want to show you off to my friends and take you everywhere with me."

Our parents started laughing.

"Gosh Sara, you're a big sister who spoils her baby brother too much."

"Hahaha, no doubt Sara will be a danger in the future if we don't get Romeo a wife when he grows up."

My big sister refused.

"I refuse. I will not give my Romeo to any girl. Romeo is mine alone."

These days were so loving and happy that I didn't realize they existed then.

After a few hours after the party started, I saw some family members whom I didn't get to greet earlier.

As I crept closer to them, I could hear what they were saying.

"It's really disappointing that at his age, Romeo still hasn't gotten his emblem."

"I heard that Randolf hasn't wanted to wear it, it must be that he found out that his son is no good."

"Sara-sama has shown better manners and better social skills than him. Even when greeting my wife, he acted like a child hahaha."

The venomous comments from my relatives hurt me a lot.

They were not the only ones, others also did it behind my back, many sent me nasty looks.

Among them murmurs like.

"Rosenberg Household would have a better heir than him."

"I'm sure my son is better qualified."

"The future of our family is in the hands of a child who doesn't know how to behave, what a shame."

I couldn't stand it so I went outside and hid behind the giant tree in the garden.

I cried a lot that day.

My memories were blurry of that incident until now.


Something that didn't appear in my blocked memories suddenly came.

My older sister appeared.

She came up to me and hugged me.

"What's wrong with you? I saw you leave and came looking for you."

I answered her as my tears came down.

"It was horrible. Everyone made fun of me, criticized me and even said I was a disgrace to the household."

Sara hugged me tightly.

"Forgive them. This is the dark side of nobility, dealing with horrible-hearted people is hard."

"I went through it too. I ran to my mother's lap and she said these very words to me."

"Ignore them. Get over yourself and you'll see how they'll shut up in shame when they see you're better than them as a person."

"No matter how hurtful. Always hold your head high, that's what the Rosenberg emblem means."

"The top will always be shiny and strong, even if it's surrounded by thorns."

The meaning of our last name made me laugh.

Sara was always just like that rose, beautiful and elegant as well as aggressive when appropriate.

But me... I was just a worm who despised everything I had because of nonsense my head was playing tricks on me.

I always had a problem, I knew it and I couldn't do anything about it.

I looked at my older sister and said.

"Thank you, onee-chan."

She smiled and hugged me again, that hug was so warm, I didn't want to let her go. 

"What a fool you are. No need to be thankful."

"I am your big sister and will always be your ally."

"Even if our parents turn their backs on you, the nation or the world hates you. Your big sister will always be there for you."

Those wonderful words I had forgotten.

Why did I forget something like that and focus on thinking everyone hated me?

I don't know.

I just know that it's too late to repent and ask for forgiveness.

The reason for that was because of what I was hearing outside my cell.


"Death to traitors!"

"My family died because of them!"

"Finish those who provoked the wrath of the sacred tree!"

The location was a nearly destroyed government building in downtown Aster.

An hour had passed since the moment Rudel defeated the monster tree.

The people of Aster should be focusing their hatred and anger on it.

But due to Ixion's improvised plan it didn't happen.

And that was.

"This country was saved by the knight of the kingdom!"

"We can't criticize them when our own soldiers attacked them. I watched as military men kicked them out of their home."

"Even though it was not his duty and they could have fled, he stayed to fight to defend us."

"But wasn't he the one who caused the sacred tree to become a monster?"

"It wasn't! It was Zack of Wayne Household's fault."

"It's true! He saved us from the crazed sacred tree, and even that giant of light was his doing to fight that monster."

"The knight of the Kingdom is not to blame that our rulers were inept."

Ixion managed to get all the stored hatred and anger of all those who lost their homes, families and saw their nation being razed to the ground by the object of their worship, to be deflected to the great nobles and their responsible kin.

Even those who belonged to the revolutionary army and survived declared that it was all Zack's fault, who even convinced them all that this was for the best.

But Zack was dead.

They could not blame someone who was already dead to atone for their sins.

But there was someone they could blame.

Those who were recruited.

Those who watched as he teamed up with enemies of the country.

Those who called him the second mastermind of everything.

All the scorn fell on him, on Romeo.

After Aurora descended to drop Randolf and the others near the center of the city, armed knights came aboard to seize Romeo and execute him.

Randolf pleaded for him to representatives of all the families, including his own.

"I beg you!"

"I'll give you anything you want, jewels, property, my head even, but... Please don't execute my son!"

Randolf was crying on the ground as he pleaded for Romeo's life.

Rudel was fighting the empire's fleet while this was going on.

Sara, who was listening everything. She also knelt down and pounded her forehead against the dust-filled floor.

"I implore you too! Spare my brother's life and take my life instead."

Both father and daughter implored to spare Romeo.

The representatives of all the houses looked at them full of hatred.

"Do you really say that?"

"In the current situation of the country, it is in our best interest to satisfy the people. If they want to see someone's severed head, we will give it to them."

"It's better to focus all the hatred on the one responsible for the revolution happening than the one who saved us."

"Randolf-dono. What's done is done. Romeo will be executed in an hour to calm the anger of the whole country. It is better for you too that this happens."

"What nonsense are you talking? We can't execute Randolf since he's the only one of the great nobles left! It's better for us to leave the whole burden to him than to face the consequences of a ruined country."

"Idiot don't say that out loud."

Randolf was still crying as he pleaded.

"I beg you. Take my head instead of my son's."

One of the representatives, who lost his son in the war said.

"Don't worry, your son will not be the only one to blame, the witch who pretended to be a priestess will also be executed when we find her."

"We brought your wife, so enjoy your last moments as a family. Let's go."

The representatives left leaving Randolf and Sara alone.

The door in a while opened and Marian came in crying.

"Sara! Darling! Is it true what I heard?"

"My son will be─!"

Seeing her mother, Sara nodded painfully.

Marian's eyes turned red from the suffering she just heard.

Worst of all, that suffering won't compare when the moment happens.



Mother and daughter hugged each other as they cried.

Randolf cursed himself as he hit the floor.

"This is no doubt a punishment for what I did. Worst of all, this should happen to me and not my son."

The countdown to Romeo's execution began.

After driving the empire's airships away, I returned after Ixion sent me a message that it was urgent for me to come back.

After landing, I went running to the designated building after running through a huge angry crowd.


I entered and there I saw almost everyone in the Rosenberg family gathered.

Randolf was comforting his wife, Sara was crying on a couch.

She came running to me with reddened eyes.

"Rudel I implore you! Save my brother! I beg you!"

Now that I took Sara as my wife, it was normal for this to happen. Romeo made a big trouble and I must save him just because he was Sara's brother.

"I'm afraid that's impossible."

"Why is it?"

I asked Ixion. His cold tone was very obvious.

"It's simple. If you save Romeo, the wrath of all Aster will fall on you."

"Who cares about that when my brother-in-law's life is in danger!"

"It matters to me."

The cold tone of his electronic voice was increasingly insensitive.

"I'm sorry for Romeo. But Master's safety is more important."

"By saving Romeo, what you will be doing is sending all the hatred that was directed at him thanks to my intervention straight to you."

My eyes widened in surprise.

"... You did this?"

"Yes. But, I only made sure that the hatred was sent to the great nobles and not Romeo, it was unexpected, sorry."

I grabbed him angrily.

"Never mind, save him!"

"I refuse. If I do, a new war will break out due to Aster seeking revenge against you."

"I made sure that Zack would be left as the one to blame for everything, but being dead, Aster's people want to see an execution with their own eyes to appease their desire for revenge. You could say that because you were the one who killed Zack, Romeo was harmed. I don't blame you, but it all ended up that way."

I stopped grabbing him and thought about it.

(Romeo will die because I chose to kill Zack with my own hands?)

"It's a joke, it must be a fucking joke."

I said that and Ixion just made everything worse.

"After Aster sought revenge against you, they would be able to ally with some enemy of the Kingdom and declare war on us."

"This is called 'critical choice'. Master, choose not to kill millions of lives at the cost of punishing a single one. Choose."

"I don't mind sending missiles to millions of people who want to kill you, but you don't want to kill people who resent the one who brought about the ruin of your nation."

"Master, Romeo must die for Aster's sake and yours."


I heard as Sara's mother broke into tears again.

Randolf-san looked at me with pain-filled eyes.

"I understand everything you say, even the consequences. But he's still my son. My only son."

"And it is for that very reason that he is my only Master."

Ixion replied to Randolf with his same answer.

"For me there would be no problem in taking him out and killing all those who come after us. But those who suffered at the cost of the destruction Zack caused will want revenge."

"Romeo is a trigger that generates two options."

"Be a hero so that millions live... or save just one, be labeled an enemy of the nation and millions die."

"Choose one."

I felt time stand still, every minute, every second, every beat of my heart was time I could not waste.

The choice I gave would either lead to this country sinking further or going out on top, just like my psychological state now that I would have to kill innocents.


Suddenly, a laugh came from the back of the room.

There was Romeo getting up from his bed.

"You're really making a fuss about this."

"The simplest and most logical answer is to let them cut my head off."

Romeo walked over to us and looked at Ixion with a face full of confidence.

"It's like the floating sphere says. Leaving me alive won't bring anything good for the family or the country."

"I helped Warrick so he could take over this country, I helped Zack recruit people who hated Rudel, I tried to kill you too and your crown prince."

"I am a criminal who deserves to be tried. You must not cry, you must only laugh."

Sara reached over and slapped him hard.

"Why would you say such a dreadful thing like that!"

"Don't you understand what we are all going through right now!"

"Can't you understand what will happen to us after we see you die?"

Romeo replied without batting an eye.

"I'm sorry. I don't care, I caused part of this and all of Aster is cheering for revenge."

"Nee-san, if I had died during this chaos and the culprit was Zack or someone else, wouldn't you want him dead?"

Sara didn't want to answer because she knew what the answer was.

"You are cruel. Asking your own family to watch you die."

"No one tells them to watch me, they'll just cut my head off, it's quick and I won't cry."

Again, Sara slapped Romeo hard.

"How can you be so insensitive about your own death!?"

Romeo without turning to look at her said.

"It's because I'm already used to death. A second time doesn't change anything."

I heard that and knew the meaning of those words.

(Romeo... is a reincarnate like us.)

I see. That's why he's not afraid of death.

I approached him and said.

"Let's talk privately for a moment."

Smiling he said to me.

"I wanted to talk to you one last time anyway."

We went into the opposite room to talk.

"I'll put it bluntly, are you a reincarnate?"

Romeo was looking outside the window with a smile on his mouth.

"I am. By asking that, I gather you are, too."

"That's right."


"First Zack and now you. Why do reincarnated people only cause trouble and now they're looking to die?"

I wanted to have a long talk with Romeo, but time was running out.

The executioner had already arrived, he had a sharp and shiny axe.

He was preparing everything so that people could watch, they were even entering buildings to watch the spectacle.

The hatred for the one who destroyed their country is so strong that they stopped being rational people and became barbarians.

I asked Romeo.

"Are you afraid?"

After a while of waiting for his answer he told me.

"The truth is... I'm not."

"How so?"

I'm terrified of death and this guy is not afraid of it.

He looked at me with a smile on his face.

"In my previous life I tried to strive for a high position in an office and live well."

"I died like I was garbage, then I woke up here and my head had a trauma because of it. I thought my family didn't love me, that they despised me. Everything I did was based on that and I never thought to ask to help or talk to them."

"That's why, now that it's all over like that, I just have to accept my fate. For that reason, I'm not afraid."

"Why not?"

The smile in Romeo's words made me see something I never thought of.

"Because, I'm sure if you reincarnate once. You will reincarnate again."

"My family wasn't close and I suffered. Now I had a family that loved me and I treated them badly. So, since I learned that I was a dirty bastard, I will wake up in an equally loving family and this time I will do things differently."

Ixion whispered to me.

"Your positivity in amazing. Even in Erselica's situation she couldn't see the bright side of the situation."


Even it's as Romeo says, it doesn't take away from the fact that it made me think.

I don't know anything about reincarnation, but if I could have another chance. I'd like it to be in a better world than this one.

That's why I understand Romeo.


Someone knocked on the door.

"It's time."

A staff member who was standing guard said that.

I looked at Romeo and told him how I felt.

"I'm sorry for not being able to help you."

"It's okay,"

He said standing up.

"If you really want to do me a favor. I'm asking you to take care of the Rosenberg Household, to be more exact my parents and my sister."

"I want that after I'm gone, they won't think a single moment about my death, can you promise me that?"

"... I'll try not to let them think about you."

Romeo laughed and then pulled a letter out of his pocket.

His clothes were smart, a white shirt and black pants. Only his jacket was missing and he was a grown man.

He wanted to dress well during his last moments in this life.

"This is for you. I gave one to my sister and my parents."

"Consider it a bittersweet memory."

"I'll see you in the afterlife, brother-in-law."

Romeo touched my shoulder, uttered those words, and a lump rose in my throat.


As he left the room, Romeo was hugged by his mother and sister.

"My little boy!"

"Romeo you idiot! Your big sister is so sad!"

He hugged them tightly and affectionately one last time.

The guards removed their hands and escorted him outside.

The screams of two women were so loud that they reached the street.

The guards acted as a shield so that no one would do anything to Romeo, even throwing trash and rocks at him.

Romeo was smiling in such a way that the crowd got even angrier.


"You're one of the demons who brought ruin to this country!"

"Kill him in the most painful way possible!"

Within a few steps he stepped onto the platform, where the executioner, that was Jude avoided his gaze.

Jude was forced by his family to be the executioner, because he was also part of the revolutionary army, those who participated are being tortured before executing them in painful ways.

Only Jude was saved because he helped the people of the Kingdom, with this he would clean his sin was what he was told.

Romeo told him without wiping off his smile.

"I'm sorry it has to be you. Think you'll be cutting a watermelon and not an acquaintance."

It was worse for Jude to know that Romeo accepted his death.

In the middle of that platform was Randolf.

He wanted to hug his son, but he couldn't, if he did, people would think he was sympathizing with the criminal.

Romeo didn't want his family to be branded as traitors as well.

Just like with Zack, he wanted to be branded as a monster so that no one else would be harmed.

He knelt down and placed his head on the chopping block.

Jude approached and began swinging the big axe in practice.

Randolf began to list the charges of his crimes aloud.

With each word, he only enraged the crowd.

They cheered for blood.

They cheered Romeo's death as if it were a repressed desire.

The square was crazy to know that it was almost over.

Randolf's voice is trembling.

Even though they knew that man standing there was prosecuting his own son, no one cared.

Randolf's voice increasingly knotted as he kept the tears from coming.

That man just wanted to be here to spend as much time as possible with his son.

He didn't care that his family was tainted, he loved his son.

But his own son told him it was for the good of a ruined nation.

When he finished reading the charges, among them treason. He dictated that his surname was removed so as not to tarnish the family lineage.

This was written by the family members themselves who sought the opportunity to take control of the Rosenberg Household.

Applause is heard as the sentence is carried out.

Jude raised the axe as high as he could.

The screams of the audience as their bloodshot eyes made Jude perspire at the same level as an asthmatic.

He put all his strength into his hands to finish in a single instant.

Randolf did not close his eyes to see until the last moment his son.

While Romeo thought.

(Everything I had to say, I said in those letters. For that, I have no regrets.)

(I only ask for happiness for you. And, if someday we meet again. I wish I could be accepted again as Romeo Ciel Rosenberg.)

Those were his final thoughts as his head flew straight into the basket.

The axe blade was so hot that it cooked the wound so that no blood came out.

Randolf collapsed as he watched his son's head go peacefully through his smile.



While in the room, his wife and daughter cried consoling themselves on the floor due to the loss of that little boy who was with them.

Jude vomited after seeing Romeo's corpse.

Aster's people cried for joy cursing Romeo as they celebrate.

Randolf reached over and grabbed his son's head.

He pressed it so hard on his belly, he didn't mind being stained by the falling red drops. Which combined with his own tears.

Rudel saw it all from the room.

A dark aura surrounded him after reading Romeo's letter.

The same words he said to him he wrote there.

They even had more words dedicated just to him.

Rudel tightened his grip on the hand rest.

"Ixion. I need to go somewhere. How long would it take you?"

"Depending on what place it is, it could be a few hours or days."

"Where do you wish to go?"

Rudel glared hatefully at a map on the wall.

"To get rid of this urge I feel in my chest."


An icy place located south of the Kingdom.

It was the country known the Ereboreas Republic, formerly called the Kingdom of Domination which gave it the title of a powerhouse because of its army.

That country was so frozen, that the sun never rose or the season changed.

Its population originated from people who fled their homes or were banished there.

That country once had a king, but that man and his family were slaughtered by a man called the captain general.

A man wearing military clothes, a cap that covered his bald head and a stone face without eyebrows.

He was the captain general, Gilles zu Rais. He was in a building called the parliament where he was talking to a guest.

That man had naturally tanned skin as well as long black hair.

He came from the Danafor Desert Kingdom and was their king, Ramshel Dirk Danafor.

The two were quietly talking business.

Gilles was smiling at him with his usual foxy face.

"As I was saying Your Majesty, we are grateful that you want to help us get into the 'Elite of Ten' after having so many frictions in the past."

Ramshel after sipping his tea told him.

"There is nothing to apologize for. Anyway, those fights were happening due to your king just interfering with us."

"It's as you say, that useless king all he talked about was peace trash. A nation like ours where cultivation is exclusive to certain farms and the economy is centered inland would be affected if we don't take action and conquer other nations."

"I understand. Our homeland is full of rich resources to exploit, but food is not one of them."

"For that reason, now that you are in command, I am sure there will be an improvement in our nations' relationship."

Gilles smiled a wicked smile.

"You can bet on it. After losing Professor Rasputin in that incident that took away the plans to build the bloody knight armor we gave Bandel, we suffered a great loss."

"But despite that, our nation will rise once again as we not only continue to have greater influence in the world than the empire itself."

"We will now be the eleventh member of the Elite of Ten and gain more power."

"And more so now that we learned that Aster fell hahaha. No doubt the one who brags a lot then regrets is what they say."

Both countries wanted manpower.

Either to build ships or armed units.

The desert kingdom could build airships while the republic armor.

It was a mutual cooperation where civilians would be affected as both rulers sold out their citizens.

Ramshel pulled out a document equal to a scroll.

"Please sign here to close the deal."

"With pleasure. We will have a dinner show after this, you should stay to see it."

"I will..."

Ramshel suddenly stood up.

"Is something wrong?"

Gilles asked quizzically.

Ramshel answered him...

"I'm hearing a strange sound. Can't you hear it─?"

For the last time, before a light covered the entire parliament.

It was a huge explosion that devoured the entire building.

All the officers, officials, servants and diplomats were devoured by flames and debris.

After the sound of falling missiles stopped, only Gilles survived.

Everyone present, even Ramshel was buried by debris.

His cap fell off and his bald head was full of blood.

"What was that, enemy attack? From where─"

Were the final words he uttered before he was swallowed by the flames of new missiles falling on him.

He wasn't the only one this happened to, the entire republic was under attack... by Rudel.

Why was I bombing the republic?

The answer was simple, I was getting even with them.

After watching Romeo die, my heart was filled with anger and I had to take it out on something or someone.

There was no better way to do it than by destroying one of the enemies of the game according to Erselica.

These guys would be a threat in the third year as they would send assassins to cause political trouble to the Kingdom and thus make it their enemy.

I was ahead of them all.

In these moments I am leaving a clear signal.

You follow if you seek my wrath!

That is why I started by attacking the republic.

It will not be the only place, there are many countries that are enemies of the Kingdom.

Like the desert kingdom and the empire... but it seems the empire had nothing to do with that fleet.

According to Ixion, the one responsible for all that was the commander who will be punished after coming home and losing.

The empire is an enemy of the United Kingdom, the nation where Lecia lived.

It is possible that with this the world will see me as a real demon king.

After all, I am unreasonably attacking embassies, military bases and all traces of whoever is in charge.

I was aboard the main body of Ixion sitting in a chair in a common room.

I watched through the monitor as missiles were dropping like flies to erase hundreds of lives.

I know many humans are being wiped out, but I don't care.

I don't care anymore.

I will never regret killing again, only losing someone dear to me.

That's why this time is different.

So that a problem like the one that happened here will not happen again, I will kill all my problems.

There are several countries to destroy, at least only a political part, the civilian part will be left intact.

Ixion approached me to indicate.

"Master, I detect airships and armor approaching."

Without looking at him I replied.

"And what are you waiting for to kill them?"

"Use Lumiel or a drone and wipe them all out."

After saying that, I thought I was left alone. But Ixion was still here.

I looked at him.

"What's wrong?"

He said to me.

"Master, I detect that your stress and cortisol levels have increased drastically."

"It is dangerous to your health. I suggest you take a break and find a way to relax immediately."

"Shut up."

I shut his electronic mouth,

"I'm fine, I don't have anything. I just want to get this over with and go now. There's a lot of things to do."

I heard him say something after seeing my face in a reflection, my face looked like that of a defeated and dejected man.

How fucking disgusting.

"I knew something like this would happen, that's why I prepared a countermeasure."


I saw him approach the door.

"Normally, the cure for pain would be medicine, but there are times where that's insufficient."

"That's why..."

The door suddenly opened.

"I think the best way to erase that is with human company. And what better company than someone who stresses it out in a good way."

Liam stood.

Ixion spoke to Liam.

"Normally I'd refuse to let you on, and even throw you overboard. But the Master needs you, so I'll let you step on my body this time."

"Huh... sure."

Ixion left and Liam came in, it was just the two of us.

He sat down next to me. 

"What did you come here for?"

I asked as I watched Lumiel finish off the enemy army.

"Well, I wasn't really going to come. Ixion threatened me to come up and after seeing the explosions I got an idea of what happened."


I had no interest in anything Liam said, I just wanted my enemies to stop meddling in my life.

But I had forgotten who Liam was.

"Do you want to play cards?"

"I've gotten a lot better now that Clovis taught me. I always wanted to play with them, but I didn't have anyone to play with."

"I don't want to."

"Hey, but aren't you bored? I mean, you just look at that screen, this is more fun."

I'm sure with this guy it's hard to concentrate, it's better to listen to him.

"Alright, one game and that's it."

I agreed and we placed the cards on the table.

I wanted to get this over with quickly.

But Liam was beating me.

I started to get angry.

The sound of explosions continued, but I was more interested in beating him.

I didn't want this ignorant prince of the world to beat me.

And then...

"I won."

I lost.


I couldn't believe it, I had a good hand.

I wouldn't take it.

"Let's go another round."


And so our second round began.

Again I lost it.

A third came and so on and so on.

I was getting so angry that I screamed.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! I can't believe I lost so many times to this guy!"

Liam laughed at me as he looked at me with the same face I look at the others.

"Fufufu, what do you think of me, Bradford?"

"Have you finally accepted that you can't always beat me?"

"Do you feel upset?"

"Do you want to cry?"

I couldn't take it anymore and threw myself at him.

"You damn prince, I'm sure you cheated!"

"Only sore losers say such things. Accept that you lost to me!"


We started hitting each other while making a fuss.

We ended up tired on the floor.

We looked up at the ceiling.

"Feeling better?"

He asked me.

"Hah? What are you talking about?"

"Looks like it."

I saw him smiling. Then I understood everything.

"You... did Ixion plan this?"

"No. I just came up with it since it was true what I told you about me getting better at cards."

Liam was trying to lift my mood. He seems to have succeeded.

Right now, I feel like the pain in my chest went away after hitting him.

Worst of all, it was all thanks to Liam.

No. I'm bad, thanking this guy for something is a problem.

(Aah. How I'd give anything for this guy to have been a better woman.)

(I'm sure it would be less stressful if she was a cute princess with big boobs and if she had pigtails even better.)

(No. Why did I think that?)

I felt weird imagining Liam as a woman, as a man he's a pain in the ass. As a woman it would be double or triple for sure.

I stood up and said to him.

"Don't think I'll thank you for this."

He smiled at me after picking up the cards from the floor.

"There's nothing to thank, after all."

He used the cards as a hand fan and looked at me challenging.

"I've already beaten you. I accomplished one of my goals, hahaha."

He stuck out his tongue and undulated it like a snake.

I got so angry that I proceeded to attack him.

But in doing so, I started laughing for no reason.

The door was suddenly opened and I watched as other nuisances entered.

"Hello, Rudecchi! We're here."

"Excuse me."

"The count sure is a messy man."

"Bradford. This place doesn't have a gym. I can feel my muscles getting weak."

The four idiots were smiling at me for no reason, I got so angry, I smiled too.

"Hah? Do you think this is your home? Who the hell do you think you are!"

I think... that if the whole world becomes my enemy, while I can laugh with everyone like this. I wouldn't mind being labeled as a demon king, right?


Drop all your F's and "make me sad" for Romeo.

There were several times I teared up writing this.

Since unlike the villains, it hurts me when I make them out to be bastards like Bandel.

But being filler guys like Grin or Olgren/Balzac it just hurts that I won't be able to laugh at them again and I have to put in new buffoons.

So I don't think I'll ever kill allies or innocents again... that I care about. That goes for you Razel, I already have my eye fixed on who to kill and believe me it will hurt because it's unexpected.

Next chapter the definitive closure of this arc! Look forward to it.

A certain country would be proud of Rudel since he just wiped out the USSR and Iraq together.

The detail I promised you.

Zack and Lugh complement each other as they are both the materialization of the man Diana loves, why? Because it turns out that Zack is a prototype of Blake while Lugh is a prototype of Sirius.

The foolish prince and the crown prince of the Arklight Empire. If you paid attention in both novels you will see the similarities.

Link to the folders where you can read the chapters with illustrations in different formats and memes: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NwaCq6b5_YPa_jJbavzMBxbFHsa2oOth

Also fan art of Romeo so you can cry like Sara when you lose him: https://chan.sankakucomplex.com/es/post/show/5776569

The final chapter of this volume. I clarify, it is the final chapter but not the end itself.

Something I would like to say is that despite everything you say about Zack, Diana and Romeo, as about Zero.

It is in part.

I know that being the author I shouldn't show favoritism, but I wanted the story to go this way to show different facets of the characters. Among them something they had all forgotten.

This is a story of second chances. Deep down I wanted everything to end differently, but it had to turn out that way because the plot required it.

I knew from the beginning that Diana's actions were wrong and I didn't want to reveal that.

So, I'm not saying forgive her, just understand her situation.

Also not to worry, unlike Erselica, she doesn't have a guardian angel who will save her ass.

Siegburncreators' thoughts