
Author's Notes (Volume 7)

Howdy my dear readers.

Greetings once again from Siegburn.

I am grateful to all of you for giving me your support and reading one of my works again.

It makes me very happy.

I'm sure many of you want to know what happened here, let's get to it.

Starting with what most annoying questions ask.

Why didn't Diana die? She deserved it!

Certainly it is as you say, Diana should have died, indeed; she would die after being pierced in her stomach and upon meeting Lugh, the two would become one, thus achieving a new sacred tree.

Why didn't I do it, you ask?

The answer is even simpler.

How I killed Diana, I would have had to kill Randolf as well.

And nobody wants that!

You see, at the time of drafting, Diana would die first, then Randolf instead of Romeo.

His son would take over and Rudel would destroy the republic.

Why did I change it?

Because I thought of this.

If there is no one to listen to the words of the tree, how will they collect the orbs?

Who would take over Aster since no great noble wants to take over a ruined nation?

The citizens of Aster would be angry with Rudel if he takes away the only livelihood where their faith and economy collector resides.

While Aster having no one competent would sink into despair, leaving Mayer to do to them what he did to the commonwealth and republic, absorb them.

Wouldn't that be bad for the plot in making Rudel look like a tyrant?

Sara would be traumatized since her country has no way to survive and they would have to move to the Kingdom, it wouldn't be bad, but imagine the trauma.

And Lucy would be the worst, she would not leave people alone knowing that she is the only one who can help them.

That's why I made that decision which I consider the best option and that's why I will explain it to you.

Diana is not dead because she is going through something much worse, a humiliation and helplessness of knowing that everybody hates you, they want you dead, but they don't do it because they know it will ruin their country.

So every day they will write her hate mail full of resentment and curses for her.

It's only been a month and look at her the way she is.

Are you still mad that she didn't die?

Knowing that her life will be drained out of her little by little anyway?

And believe me I won't touch the obvious issue of whether or not that child she will have will be born alive.

As for Romeo, it was as Ixion said.

It was necessary if he wanted to save millions from his fury, meaning Ixion didn't mind killing millions of innocents if it was to save Romeo.

A stupid decision was not made.

One of the best and saddest decisions throughout the novel was made.

The death of Rudel's first relative.

Recall that his biological parents died as a child and that saddened him, but in this world he has lost no one but a pet and that depressed him.

Now think how it will be with someone who is the brother of one of his wives?

Airi and Lucy don't have parents, so he can't give importance to someone he never knew.

Besides, Ixion who is an excellent manipulator showed a reality for him as well.

His loved ones may die if he keeps thinking about not killing. And with what happened with Zack, the great nobles and Zero... he will have to kill without mercy.

And this event is very valuable for what will happen now that the whole world is seeing Rudel as a threat to them.

We already left aside that detail that you wanted to know and the novel itself explains, let's go to the next thing.

The demons.

As you could see, all the events since volume four have been linked to the demons.

I'll explain here if you're too lazy to remember them.

In volume four we have the creature that Rudel and the boys fought.

In volume five it was Zorn who appears briefly in Jude's armor.

While in volume six it was another of his companions who used Derrick.

Leaving the final boss for this volume.

See how everything is connected?

Don't you find it curious that a reincarnation plot in a game is so deep and mysterious?

I can't say more about the demons since they are just being introduced.

I don't know if we will ever hear from them again.

On to the next one.

Who the hell is the saint?

And what does this Rugel guy matter in the plot?

Let's remember volume three.

There was a minuscule but all-important detail to the plot that dealt with Rudel having a strange dream about the royal ship.

A woman in white tells him that he must go to "Aster" as the "light" is in danger from the darkness.

If you remember the meaning of Lucy's name, it is light. While Zorn represents the obvious darkness.

Everything was planned for this event!

In the end that mysterious figure helped Aster by sending Rudel!

When they were attacked by Bandel or rather Diabolos.

Airi's powers were activated, these powers were evidently the holy powers of the saint.

What happened in this volume is proof that those powers are more powerful than you think, as they can even materialize something as imposing as a gigantic Airi made of energy.

About Rugel, I don't want to go into detail, but little by little it was revealed about how the royal ship that was sunk had its origin.

Unless it was for another one.

I have nothing more to say regarding the volume.

In fact, I do have something else.

Did I tell you there were things I didn't like. no?

Well, that's what it was.

The events.

They were in keeping with the plot, but not what I wanted.

It also applies to material I have from the spin-off that doesn't leave me satisfied.

For that reason, I decided to take an alternate route.

That's right, alternate.

Rather, it's the same story, but with things rejected from the novel.

You're going to like it, since in this story you'll see how Rudel treats Lecia differently.

Not to mention that it will be for adults as it will cover his first time with her.

Thank you pigs!

After saying that, it now remains to announce the spin-off.

It had to have ended in the next volume, but the events with Lyn and Rudel went beyond what was planned, earning its own evolution.

That's why it won't end soon, be happy about it.

Now it is, all that's left is to look forward to what's going to happen in volume 8 coming home.

In the next arc, the secret of the Bradford family!

What secret will a simplistic family of poor country farmers have to reveal?

New characters also appear, among them, a mysterious blonde woman who arrives at the family barony will cause some trouble for someone.

Pola's official debut is sure to come in the next volume!

Thank you for reading volume 7 of World Ixion/SAGA, I'll see you again in volume 8.

It's a shame that my new novel isn't ready, but we'll have the best villain protagonist of my novels instead.

I am the strongest Cheat Lord in the whole world volume 3 will start soon!

See you soon and look forward to what Razel volume 8 will bring!


Did you think I would just leave just like that?

Let's go with fan service spoilers!

The tastiest sister-in-law of all.


The return of the lioness.


The appearance of Alicia to Rudel's life and with that, problems with the Bismarck's and Lucy will meet her rival in being the most charismatic of the harem.


There is no design of Pola, she will not see the light until volume 8 and everyone will die of diabetes to see her sweetness.

That was Rudel's fan service, now let's go with Cheat Lord.

The all-powerful Cheat Lord and his leading ladies, remember we will be discussing Rose's status with Rei's family and Elicia's opinion on it!




Dear readers, we come to the close of this story.

It was entertaining, it was sad, it was shocking, it was a lot of emotions as well as unexpected twists and turns.

But best of all, we had fun watching the world and Rudel demonstrate a mutual discord to the point where one of the two ends up destroying the other.

It's certainly sad to say goodbye, but thanks for everything.

See you in volume 8.

Siegburncreators' thoughts