
Arc 7 (2). Are My Dad and Teacher In love?

"What are you guys talking about?" A young student asked his friends, curious on who they were suddenly gossiping about.

"... You haven't heard?" One of his friend frowned when he received a confused look from the other.

"Heard what?"

His friends shared a look with each other before snickering.

"Aren't you in for a surprise..." The young man grew more confused when his friends started dragging him.

"W- Wait! Where am I being dragged off to!?" His friends shushed him as they peeked over a wall.

The young man started peeking along as well and saw a buff student, around their age, licking a lollipop like a child.

"... Is this..."

"The new student? Yes" His friend finished his sentence as they watched the new student quietly.

"He's like a baby elephant..." The young boy commented.

"Tell that to his face and you'll get punched" His friend pursed his lips.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw earlier that he beat up a kid for messing with him" His other friend nodded before speaking.