
World: Geoblade

Hirogi is a sixteen year old neat who has no job and no skills but gaming, later he gets transported into a new digital world that he doesn't know about with 2 million other players as well, they are later known as summons people who were summoned to be adventurers, he goes up against strong opponents and dumb people everyday, join his adventure as he becomes the hero who saves the world from the Demon Lords of the dungeon

Gothic_Dawn · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 3| Three weeks later

Hirogi awakes his body aching from grinding on monsters for weeks and getting his levels up, he brings up his stats to see that he's only level 23 "Only 23 huh?" he says to himself, he brings up his inventory to see that he has enough money to get them in "i finnaly got it" he says proudly.

He stands up and starts to walk to town to give them the money, meanwhile somewhere ontp of the dungeon a young demon lord is up there loking around "Where could it be?" she says to herself "I need to find out what these summons are doing" she says trying to find this item desperatly.

"There it is"

She grabs a crystsal ball that can show where anyone is "Show me where these summons are" she says to the ball showing Ten multiple summons, one of them is Hirogi who is roaming around town, while the others are in dungeons except for one who's sitting in a tree, and that person happens to be Akito.

"So these are the top summons" she says to herself "I need to make sure the others wont find out" she stuffs the crystal ball away and starts to leave the room awaiting for her instructions.

Hirogi enters a building where people stay, he goes up to the receptionist and asks "Is there a room under the name Takeshi or something like that?" he asks "Yes there is, it should be room 17, to your left" she points to the stairs "Thank you" he says walking to Room 17.

"I told you to clean you're bed!" Sakuri yells at Kin, it seems that Sakuri has gotten more liek herself after being summoned here "Im sorry Sakuri but me and Takeshi have been working hard to get money for us" he says to Sakuri "Excuses! you could of still made you're bed, or in fact cleaned the whole room in fact!" she says also scaring Hirogi a bit.

Hirogi knocks on the wall to show that he's there, the two look over to Hirogi "Hirogi, you're back" Kin says "Yeah i am" Hirogi says, "Where's Takeshi?" he asks "He's doing some bodyguarding work, today he got up to level ten so he wanted to try and protect someone" Kin says "Well im level 28 right now..." Hirogi says

"What?!" Kin says shocked

"Where did he go?" Hirogi asks

"Well he should be coming back in a while" Kin says, the door opens fast slamming Hirogi into the wall

"KIN!" Takeshi yells

"HIROGI!" Kin says

"What?" Takeshi says, he looks to the wall as Hirogi was on the floor

"Dumbass..." Hirogi says

"H-Hirogi, you've returned" Takeshi says

"Yes" Hirogi says, he leaves already

"Hey! why are you leaving already!" Takeshi asks

"I'm going to check out the dungeons" Hirogi says

"W-What" Kin says "You need backup don't you?"

"no...i should be fine" Hirogi looked devilish, his eyes green and piercing, he walks as his sword was on his back

"I'll be back tomorrow" Hirogi says "Maybe 12 hours" he says as he leaves to the dungeon

"Do you think he can do it?" Kin asks

"No way, he'll ask for help later" Takeshi responds

"Well...he isn't stupid but...he may be able to do it" Kin says

"Why?" Takeshi asks

"He's level 28, he's very capable currently" Kin says

"No way..." Takeshi says as he looks up sighing

"Looks like i'll need to train" Takeshi says


Hirogi arrives at the dungeon, blade in hand, he sighs as his piercing green eyes illuminate the dungeon, his dark armour shining from a mile away, his face mask covering his expression, his blue hair highlighting everything.

He looks around, he thinks for a bit, he grabs a rock, it's pretty hard, he throws it into the dungeon as multiple different monsters came out

"Here we go..." Hirogi says, a monster attacks him but Hirogi slashes it in half, more monsters come but he kills every single one of them swiftly

"Too easy" Hirogi says as he looks at the dead bodies, one of the monsters were dragging themselves away, Hirogi steps on them, he slowly stabs the monster making them feel so much pain.

"Don't run from me" he says as he chops the monsters head off

"Weaklings" he says as he ventures deeper into the dungeon, more monsters come out of nowhere but hirogi doesn't flinch and just slashes them all in half swiftly.

He arrives to the final area of monsters, he attacks the first one which fights back but still gets killed by hirogi, Hirogi kills the rest of them, he decapitates one of them and hold they're head, he looks above to see a light

"Finally" he says as he throws the monsters head away, he gets transported to the final room where the boss is waiting for him.

The boss was a large orc with a pig mask, they had a mace in they're hand and was pretty muscular, the boss had red eyes and yellow sharp teeth, theirs a tattoo on it's back that says 'Despair'

"Lets get this over with" Hirogi says as he readies his sword and rushes to the boss, he goes and attacks the boss many times with his sword, Hirogi's sword started to turn black as the black started to ooze out, Hirogi slashes the boss in half with the sword as he quickly gets back up.

The orc dies, Hirogi get's the boss's items, a mask, a mace and a magic ring, all boss's have magic rings that can increase people's magic

"This will come in handy" he says as he equips the ring, he looks at his hand as a ring appears from nowhere, he walks to the exit of the dungeon as he reads 'Floor 2 or Floor 1?' it says, Hirogi says

"Floor 1" it teleports him back to the entrance of the dungeon, he looks to his tab to see floors, he can teleport to floor 2 and from the member count people can go to it if someone defeats the first floor dungeon

"I guess i should go and find everyone" Hirogi says, he walks back to the motel to go and bring everyone to floor 2 with him