
World: Geoblade

Hirogi is a sixteen year old neat who has no job and no skills but gaming, later he gets transported into a new digital world that he doesn't know about with 2 million other players as well, they are later known as summons people who were summoned to be adventurers, he goes up against strong opponents and dumb people everyday, join his adventure as he becomes the hero who saves the world from the Demon Lords of the dungeon

Gothic_Dawn · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 Hirogi Hayashi

"Are the preperations complete?" "Yes, the project will start in a few hours" "Get the Demon Lords ready for awakening" "Yes sir". Hirogi Hayashi is a high school student, he's sixteen and a neat, hes single, edgy and boring, he looks down at his phone "I need to get back home soon" he sighs. He walks up to his house and opens the door "Im home mom" his mom turns around "Oh Hirogi welcome home, dinner should be ready soon k?" she said "Alright mom" Hirogi goes up to his room and face plants onto his bed "Damn school is a pain in my ass" he looks over at his computer, it seemed that he got an email "i got an Email?" he stands up and goes over to his computer "Who'd message me?". He opens the email and sees that the message said "Would you want to join an amazing experience? download Swords of God and join the amazing experience, choose between eight races and become a hero of the world..." Hirogi reads the message "So an MMORPG aye?" he downloads the game and waited "What will be my game plan? should i have fun or go strategic?" he opens the game and gets greeted with a message "Welcome to Swords of God, save the world hero" Hirogi starts creating his character and makes his character, his character had blue hair, a face mask that covered the bottom of his face, the character had a slim muscular body, Hirogi clicked enter and then he saw a bright light surrounding him, his hair started to change to bloe and then his clothes started to change as well, he became more muscualar and was given a face mask as well, he gets knocked out within a new body but before he gets knocked out he seesa message that says "welcome to first world Geoblade, first floor, waiting for players...". Hirogi wakes up seeing a blue sky "What the hell, i was just inside" he looks around to see hundred of thousands of people waking up which were all from Japan like him, Hirogi looks around to see people freaking out and people staying calm, he sees two people conforting a young wolf girl who was crying, she had red hair while the men had white and black hair, Hirogi walks around looking where they could be but then he sees a small town up ahead, he wonders if anyone knows so he just walks over to the three to know whats going on "Hey! what the hell is going on?" one of them look at Hirogi "How the hell should we know!" he said to Hirogi "Its okay Sakuri, we'll protect you" the other one said "Well there's a town up ahead, if you guys want to stay there then you can go there" Hirogi thinks to himself "Really? guys did you hear that!" he said "Yes we did, thats fantastic" the other one said "My name is Kin" Kin was the one with white hair and conforting Sakuri "I'm Takeshi dont forget it!" Takeshi is the one with Black hair who was talking with Hirogi "This is Sakuri" Kin said. Hirogi looked at the crying Sakuri, he kneels down to see her crying face "How old are you?" he asks her "HEY DONT JUST ASK THAT!" Takeshi said "i-im sixteen" she said "So you're around my age then" Hirogi stands up "I'll walk you guys over to the town" he said "HUH?!" Takeshi said "We dont even know you! how can we trust you huh?!" Takeshi said "Because i know i can protect you guys, and you guys need someone to protect you since people are going to figure out that people could possibly kill eachother" Hirogi said. "T-Thats true..." Takeshi said "I think we should let him Takeshi" Kin said "Dammit" Takeshi said to himself "Fine, you can bring us there but you better not steal from us!" Takeshi says, Hirogi looks at Sakuri "i wouldn't need to" he said as he eaned on a tree waiting for them. "So they have started? i think we should list our order of bussiness, reaper is currently on one of the floor waiting for them to arrive" "Great! but i wouldnt trust him, he's pretty crazy" "Dont talk of our leaders judgement Gryphon, he's smarter than any of us" "Shut up you damn whore!" "Shut up both of you! i'm trying to think about how icould toy with them!" "I dont want to toy with them...i-i just want to know what they act like really..." "You really are wholesome arent you" the demon lords scheme about what there plans will be but as they scheme, civilization is starting there plans while the summons have just appeared right then