
World Dream Experiment

Mashiro Hiro suddenly found himself in another world with his classmates. Not only that, the world is the world of the VRMMORPG Omnipossibilia. And since he's the main character, he gets to be the OP Hero. Unfortunately, he's in a world filled with overpowered people, some even stronger than him. His mission to save Gaia won't be easy. Lumiere D. Hyacinth, named after his father's childhood hero from some storybook he read, had always wanted to be a pirate, mostly because his father told him that pirates are the embodiment of freedom and fun. Follow his misadventures as he meets new friends and experiences. Updated every two days at least. Hopefully, daily. Cover sucks. I know. I am sorry for my lack of artistic talent. This will only be continued until the end of WFP. Please check out the full version here: https://www.webnovel.com/book/world-dream_18424750706767605

Blue_Crow · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Prologue of Every Act and Entry In This Story

Hello. If you're reading this... that means I am dead. Haha... sorry... Well... your mother is strong so I know she would always smile like she always does, but if she ever cries... be there for her. To all my official children, I give weapons so strong that it could kill even gods; to the next hero that shall try to take my place, I give him/her the Orb of Benevolence; to you, my only child with the one I truly have been living for... I give you... Freedom...