
World Development System

While returning home from a boring day of work, a black hole opened up in front of John and sucked him in. Before he was floating in the blackhole, a helmet latched on to him. "Uploading A.I under progress...Activating Survival Kit" A weird robotic sound appeared within the conscious of John and suddenly a white energy enveloped him... After opening his eyes, John noticed he was teleported to a whole new world. A world of magic and he was a user of a system. Arkon, the world John was brought too, was a medieval world which is 10 times bigger than earth. This new world held many new mysteries and this was the beginning of John's adventure. John will dominate and stir the world with his new system. Old technologies begone and use my advanced techys instead! Ha! you want to hold a politic, economical and military war with me? Sorry but my system is too broken for you all to counter.

autistic25 · Khoa huyễn
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347 Chs

267. Plato and Endo's meeting.


In the Imperial Palace of Aelius, His Majesty Lionheart was looking at the newspaper which was speed delivered to him by Prime Minister Hasse and Mayor of Imperial City, Andrew Greenwald. 

After looking at the newspaper, there was a look of satisfaction on Lionheart's face.

He spoke as he read the newspaper, "Looks like Plato did a very fine job this time around. Now I will see how those pesky nobles badmouth me behind my back."

Lionheart then looked toward Hasse and Andrew and asked, "So what are your opinions now?"

Looking at the energetic mood of Lionheart, Hasse nodded and spoke, "It was a fine result, your Majesty. Since Sky Times has officially printed this news we can now be sure of their intentions of not going back on their word on Princess Sally. A temporary peace is the best result for us in the long term."