
World Conquest Online

Dominic Lazarus is persuaded by his roommates to join a new MMORPG - World Conquest Online, the biggest and most realistic Virtual Reality Game in History. The modern world is in a state of peace after a recent world war, but political strife is still high, with the world walking on a tight rope. Will World Conquest Online give the people the escape they need? Join Dom as he tries to battle his real life issues, with the game that seems to be taking over his life, and the worlds.

TheMightyPerez · Kỳ huyễn
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178 Chs

The Fire

[Rolling for Warrior Hero....Gan Ning

Gan Ning

Hero Grade - B

Hero Strength - Rough Round the Edges and Beloved Leader.

Gan Ning, courtesy name Xingba was a pirate during the late Han Dynasty of Ancient China. He quit his life as a pirate and join a renowned local lord Liu Biao, who he felt was not ambitious enough. He later joined Huang Zu, before finally joining the Sun family. He fought in many successful conflicts during the Three Kingdoms period under the state of Wu, and was renowned for being rough and merciless. A strong leader who encouraged loyalty in his men.]

Suddenly a door on the opposite side to the bedrooms that Lucius had come from, opened. A slim, muscular man walked out from the door. He wore a similar outfit to what Dom now wore. He had his black hair tied tight in a small bun. On his face was a large smile as he inspected Dom. There were some old scar marks on his arms and shoulders. By his side's were two swords that jangled against each other as he walked.

Gan Ning walked over to Dom quickly, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him in to a tight hug. This caught Dom off guard, so he gently tapped him on the back in return. Gan Ning released and stepped back with a smile.

"Hello there Lord, I am Gan Ning, but you may also call me Xingba or Ning." Gan Ning started, "Please tell me what you want me to do!"

"Hello there Gan Ning," Dom relied, smiling back at the happy, but rough looking man in front of him. "The Village is new, myself and Lucius over there are looking at creating a thriving village in this wild world. I'll be relying on your help."

Lucius waved from the chaise lounge that he was lay across near the side of the fire. He seemed to be inspecting the rough looking Gan Ning with interest.

"Sounds good to me!" Gan Ning replied happily. "Anything you are keen for me to get started on?"

"Not right now, currently only yourself and Lucius are with us, but soon we will have more join us. Why don't you go join him near the fire and I'll join you shortly." Dom replied.

"Great!" Gan Ning replied, before quickly turning on his heel and speeding off in Lucius's direction.

"System, Let's Roll another Warrior" Dom commanded as Gan Ning sat on a cushion on the floor in front of the fire, happily chatting quickly to Lucius.

[Warrior Hero will be rolled, please answer the following question: Blood, Water or Wine]

"Well, East got me an eastern historical general, so what do Blood, Water and Wine link to?" Dom said to himself quietly. "If I think about the possible links, Blood could be war, Water for the river or the sea and Wine could be for peace. No, I have no idea what any of this means. Let's go for Blood."

[Rolling for Warrior Hero....Tomyris of the Massagetae

Tomyris of the Massagetae

Hero Grade - B

Hero Strength - Vengeful and Deep Thinker

Tomyris was Queen of the Massagetae, an Iranian people from central Asia in the 6th Century BC. When her father died, as the only child, she became the queen, even though many of the dissatisfied tribal chiefs who didn't want to be ruled by a woman tried to overthrow her, they all failed. She successfully defended her lands against the ever growing Persians that were growing there empire at the time. When the Cyrus II of Persia had her son killed at an ambush at a feast, she made sure to get her revenge by declaring he would have his fill of blood. After defeating and killing Cyrus II in battle, she made sure to put his head inside a bowl of blood to declare her vengeance sated.]

The door next to where Gan Ning had exited from opened, and a young lady walked out. She was tall and slim, with a purple toga that fit her ample figure well. She also wore similar armour over the top of it to himself and Gan Ning. On her side was a sword, and upon her back was a small round shield. Her brown hair reached to the bottom of her neck. She had a serious look on her face as she looked out.

"You seem a little young to be the lord." She stated matter of factly, "And you need to increase the size of those muscles or other warriors will not treat you with the respect."

Dom was taken aback by her words, whilst Gan Ning and Lucius who were sat near the fire both roared with laughter.

"Have you yet killed your first Boar?" She questioned, "Have you earned the right to sit with the men?"

Dom wanted to reply that he had actually killed a few men in the tutorial mission, but didn't know how to respond. Suddenly though, the berating stopped and a smile lit up her face.

"Ha!" She laughed, before bowing her head slightly "I joke. My name is Tomyris of the Massagetae. Happy to be at your service. I see the blood of a warrior king in you, what would you have me do?"

"Erm, please come and sit with Lucius and Gan Ning, between us we will create a new village in the wilds." Dom replied, bowing his head back.

"I see." She replied, "To conquer or be conquered it is then."

She turned and walked towards the two laughing seated men, giving them both a roll of the eyes before taking a seat on a chaise lounge near to Lucius.

"Are you joining us?" She shouted back to Dom.

"Yes, yes, I'm coming!" Dom replied, before heading down towards them. He looked at the smiling Gan Ning sat on cushion on the floor, as well as the smart Lucius who was gazing quizzically at him, as if testing him with his every look.

Dom took a simple chair and carried it towards them, placing it down between Gan Ning and Tomyris, whilst sitting opposite the fire.

"The Village is called Riverside." Dom started. "Currently there are 4 of us, I soon intend to open the doors to the first batch of villagers and warriors, every day from then on more should join us. We are the initial leaders, but we do have opportunities for more to join us. I would like your advice on the next steps."

"Very well." Lucius replied first, "I would recommend that we open the doors as you say, and let the Villagers get used to the initial area. Whilst we can explore the surrounding terrain and mark out plans and initial jobs that need fulfilling."

"I am happy to do some exploring with some initial warriors, whilst Lucius here deals with the important things." Gan Ning added.

"That would be great, I think they are both great ideas." Dom replied, "What are your thoughts Tomyris?"

"I think the important thing to know is, what are your long term plans?" She replied.

Dom put himself in to the role he was supposed to be playing as a Lord type player. Conquest and City building were his plan, whilst getting his real life allies to come and join him so that they could play and explore this game world together. First though, he needed to set up this Village and explore his surroundings, so that he could liaise with Andrew and Alice later.

"Grow the Village to become the biggest and strongest in this world." Dom replied. The game was called World Conquest Online, so why not aim for the top. "I want the Village to become the centre of the World, and for us to conquer it in it's entirety."

"And what kind of leader will you be?" She asked.

"No idea." He replied honestly, "Hopefully a good one!"

"The fire." Lucius added, "I made it, but I expected a slave to make it. You disagreed."

"I did," Dom replied, "Where I am from, slavery is a thing of the past."

"But we are not in the past, we are in the present." Lucius argued back. "Tomyris, who would have made your fire?"

"A slave." She replied her eyebrow raised, "Or a servant."

"If you was hunting, who would light it?" Gan Ning added with a questioning smile.

"Myself." Lucius replied with a smile, "But this isn't a hunt."

"Let's get the Village up and running, and treat everyone with the same care for now." Dom replied, trying to change the topic of the conversation. He was not wanting to play the game as a tyrant. He wanted to role play, but still within the remits of his own character.

"Then let's go meet the Villagers." Lucius commented.

"Yes, lets!" Gan Ning added excitedly.

Dom stood up and walked towards the entrance of the Heroes Hall, followed by his free Grade B leaders, so much for getting S Grades in his S Grade buildings he thought to himself as they left.

"Wow, what is that!" Gan Ning asked, pointing excitedly at the Warriors Hall that was next door.

"That is where the Warriors will be based, should we get them before we get the Villagers?" Dom enquired.

"It wouldn't hurt." Lucius replied. With Tomyris nodding her head in agreement.

Dom smiled, it was time to get started. City Build mode activated!

"System, open warrior spawning." Dom commanded.

The doors to the Warriors Hall opened, and 5 armed Hoplites walked out. They wore bronze chest armour and greaves, covering their white cloth that was underneath. They held their spears up high and the sun glistened off them. They all had individual discerning features, showing them as 5 individuals. The first Hoplite had a Purple crest on his bronze helmet, where as the other 4 did not have a crest. Their helmets covered there faces, with two slits on the front that ran from the chin to the eyebrows.

"This game is going to run out of character designs." Dom said to himself quietly.

The 5 quickly noticed Dom and the others, and got to one knee.

"Greetings my lord." They all announced.

"What interesting weapons." Tomyris commented, whilst Gan Ning had excitement in his eyes. Lucius looked in deep thought, like he was trying to remember something, before a glint appeared in his eyes.

"Get up please." Dom replied, "You do not need to bow. Please come with us to the Town Centre."

The 5 Hoplites stood. With the leader taking the lead in front of Dom and the others, with 2 Hoplites walking on each side of them. Escorting them towards the Town Centre, where his Village would finally get a little noisy.