
World after Earth

—Note: Please read the tag before reading. — English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. —Please give my story a proper review. — I accept a suggestion, but no spam! —Artwork page —https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088473842323 ———————//———————— —In 2030 the planet was undergoing several changes, with the advancement of technology humans lived longer. Pollution, global warming, deforestation… Natural disasters were much more constant, millions of people died, realizing that the planet was on the verge of collapse, humanity began the race for salvation. In one of the researches of the atom collider, the first stable dimensional portal was opened, a new world was before humans. With technology on their side, humans tried to dominate by force. Unfortunately in this world the unbelievable was possible, magic, beasts, knights... Arthur, one of the survivors of Earth who lost his father in these conflicts, lives with his mother in an attempt to improve the situation they find themselves in.

Bruno_Brunin · Kỳ huyễn
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11 Chs

Chapter 10 - Learning the first skill

Chapter 10 - Learning the first skill

Author's note:



Page for arts:


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The afternoon class passed very quickly, all the students were excited, even the heirs of the powerful families, they didn't have A-level techniques, only the princes didn't show so much emotion.

Learning a technique was not a very big challenge, but improving it was a difficult task.

'Improving the lightning cut won't be as difficult a task as I thought, it is a technique that benefits real combat, so for a hunter like me to train it will be a piece of cake.'

The same could not be said of the lightning step technique, it required delicate mana control in the electrical signals of the muscles, if Arthur used too little mana he failed, if he used too much mana he felt a terrible cramp.

After a relaxing shower to relieve the pain of training, Arthur put on a clean uniform, took the A-class brooch and left the academy.

He was on his way to the Adventurer's Guild, to solve his problem with money, he would need a job, the problem was that he didn't have time for a formal job, so he decided to enroll in the guild and do small quests during his free time. .

Arthur entered the guild hall and walked to the counter, the place was large and had 3 floors, the first was the reception and where the mission board was, the second was where the rewards were received and the mission spoils were sold, the 3rd floor was the meeting place for high level missions.

"Good afternoon, I would like to sign up."

The clerk was about to send the child in front of her away, when her eyes landed on Class A's brooch.

"Could you tell me her name and data to complete the registration?"

"Arthur age 12, white mana core."

The clerk handed Arthur a card that contained his details as he spoke.

"Okay, you will start at rank F and as you complete missions, you can level up to accept more difficult missions."


Arthur thanked him and went to the mission board, he didn't have time to waste, he had little free time from the academy.

Gather herbs, hunt a group of goblins that were raiding farms and get 3 white mana cores.

'These 3 missions I can complete at once, and each F rank mission gives 35 coppers, with 30 missions of this per month I can earn 10 silvers, that's a good start.'

"Here I will stay with these quests."

"Okay, the deadline for each mission is 5 days, in case of failure you will have to pay the same amount as the reward to the guild."

Arthur nodded and went back to school, he would start the missions tomorrow.

Going straight to the cafeteria, he noticed it was pretty empty, it was still 8pm and he could eat in peace, Lucian's last show was enough for him.

'Now it's all right, better mana circulation technique, great fighting techniques, money and work. Only 6 more months!!'

Arthur's plan was simple: buy a house in the capital and bring his mother and Lucious, if he tried to bring her before buying a house she wouldn't accept it, the only problem was getting permission, after all he was still a child.

When Arthur was returning to his room after eating, he found Guth and Kariel standing at his door.

"Need something?"

"Where were you? Some students decided to go out to eat at the restaurant and have fun shall we?"

Guth asked, as excited as ever, while Kariel just stared from the side.

'A good chance to make friends, with the support of a noble will be easy when buying the house.'

"I was solving my problem with money, I'm going to change clothes and we can go."

Arthur took off his uniform and put on a simple set, a white blouse with a black jacket and black pants.

To Arthur's surprise, when they arrived at the restaurant, only the princes and princesses were there.

'So that's what Guth was excited about.'

Arthur greeted everyone and sat down.

'So he came.'

Elric did not like the attention Arthur received and investigated his past, when he discovered that he was from another world, he thought of a way to expose himself in front of everyone.

The only problem with Elric's plan was that all influential people in the capital had already done their research, some didn't care because they recognized Arthur's talent, but some decided to keep their distance from him.

"Why don't we start by introducing ourselves and talking about where we come from, to bridge the gap between everyone?"

The 12-year-old elf's evil plan was in action, perhaps his youth or arrogance made him believe he was the only one who would investigate, the mysterious boy who appeared among the nobles.

"Arthur 12 years old, my home is in Maplewood, I was born in the world known as Terra, too bad I can't introduce you to the place, it was wonderful."

'My original plan was to befriend a son of a Duke or Baron, but Royalty is even better.'

Elric was happy, he thought he had thrown the rope and the boy had hanged himself, he was about to ridicule Arthur when a voice cut him off.

"Alice Dragonsbane, Princess of Bedrock and I'm 12 years old, I enjoy training and hunting."

"Beatrice Arkalis, Princess of Sunnydale and I'm also 12, I love to hunt and read."

"Lucian Wolfswift, prince of Rising, I love to hunt, train and fight, I am also 12 years old."

Guth and Kariel expected Elric to introduce himself first.

'Bunch of hillbillies.'

"Elric Elven, Prince of Greenbow, age 12!"

'What's wrong with this guy, he changes his mood very quickly.'

Arthur was beginning to see through Elric's intentions.

"Tell us about this world, what beasts were there?"

Lucian loved to find out about new places, he was a born adventurer, unfortunately his princely title kept him trapped in the palace, so he loved stories.

When Arthur spoke of Fenrir to him on the last day, he couldn't stop imagining what the world called Earth was like.

Arthur became the center of attention throughout the night, even the other diners standing nearby fell silent when they heard him talking about Earth.

He told about technology, science, stories of the Gods he knew, when he said about humans colonizing the moon, everyone couldn't believe, that a world without mana could be so evolved.

Even Elric was paying attention to his stories, after all he was a 12 year old boy who rarely left the palace, but he still wanted to somehow ridicule Arthur, and started to criticize whenever he could.

"If this world was so advanced, why did you flee to ours?"

"Greed, arrogance, everything bad that a human being could do for the planet, and in the end he got what he sowed!"

"For money and power, human beings deforested, polluted and waged wars, and that ended the stability of the planet, at least that's what my mother told me, after all I'm just a child."

"Guys it's time to go!" Kariel warned everyone, she was silent listening to Arthur the whole time.

'Thanks Kariel.'

Arthur had already started making up stories, from the drawings and movies he had watched, everything had gone better than he planned, even the elf who seemed to want to somehow let him down, was enjoying his stories.

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