
World after Earth

—Note: Please read the tag before reading. — English is not my first language, so there would be grammatical mistakes in this story. —Please give my story a proper review. — I accept a suggestion, but no spam! —Artwork page —https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088473842323 ———————//———————— —In 2030 the planet was undergoing several changes, with the advancement of technology humans lived longer. Pollution, global warming, deforestation… Natural disasters were much more constant, millions of people died, realizing that the planet was on the verge of collapse, humanity began the race for salvation. In one of the researches of the atom collider, the first stable dimensional portal was opened, a new world was before humans. With technology on their side, humans tried to dominate by force. Unfortunately in this world the unbelievable was possible, magic, beasts, knights... Arthur, one of the survivors of Earth who lost his father in these conflicts, lives with his mother in an attempt to improve the situation they find themselves in.

Bruno_Brunin · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

Chapter - 4

Author's note:



Page for arts:


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Arthur woke up with a white-eyed wolf licking his face, the crystal in his hand had shattered, he stood up and stared at the pieces of crystal doubtfully he circulated mana in his body and realized that a nucleus had formed, he was happy now that had a mana core he was sure to stay at least B-class.

'Circulating mana is much easier now that I have a core, even using the ring. I can't wait to get my hands on some high-level technique.'

In Arthur's mind, the ease of circulating mana was due to the core, to a certain extent he was right to form a mana core facilitates the way that mana travels through the body, for the simple fact that now the mana has a certain starting point.

However, in Arthur's case, the number of mana channels also made the process of circulating mana much easier. Even with a ring requiring twice as much effort, he could circulate mana just as easily as a person without a ring could.

He took his faithful little squire and left the forest, if he delays dinner his mother and master will start asking too many questions and might end up finding out that he formed his mana core.

Dinner passed without much trouble, and now Arthur was lying on his bed, holding the pill he had bought before finding the mana crystal.

'This pill can improve my core even more, but I'm not sure I'll be able to absorb it in less than a month.'

Arthur had only a month left before traveling to the gym, he was in doubt whether to keep the pill and use the elixir to remove impurities or try to use the pill.

'Hmmm… What am I thinking.'

Arthur sighed, he used a high level crystal to form a mana core, what was the point of being rational now.

He swallowed the pill and concentrated on absorbing all the mana into his core, after two hours he lay down to sleep, and realized that he was still wearing the training ring.

'It seems my body has gotten used to this ring, I thought I'd have to put it away when the crystal ran out.'

Arthur fell asleep while rubbing the training ring. People used this ring, forcing mana channels to increase was a slow process, but in the future it was very rewarding.

It was like he was always using weights on his limbs to do exercises, and when he took it off he would feel the difference. That was the function of the training ring.

Arthur woke up around 06:00 he washed himself and made coffee, as there was only one month left he decided to spend more time with his mother, she asked for a month's vacation to spend as much time as possible with her son.

Today they were going shopping, she said her son needed new clothes and truth be told Arthur never cared much about his appearance, he only cut hair when his mother dragged you, his clothes were full of patches.

They entered the clothing store, while Arthur didn't make a point of choosing he left everything to his mother, every set she saw he was obliged to try on.

'I think this world has completely changed me, I would really rather be hunting and training instead of doing this...'

While Arthur was thinking about it, Hellen had already separated four more pairs of clothes and was bragging about how beautiful her son was to ladies around.

After buying the clothes they walked around town, enjoying time in each other's company, since his father's death his mother has focused her attention on work, and Arthur has been 100% focused on his training.

So time passed and there were a few days left for Arthur to go to the gym, he and his mother were in a green field with flowers of all colors, Lucious was sitting with Hellen.

Over the last month, Arthur has teased these two so much that they've taken to their romance, which has surprised a total of 0 people. Arthur was truly happy in a long time, his master was the person he most respected in this world.

When everything happened to Earth he and his parents found themselves in a new world, he didn't know if the rest of his family survived, they lived in another country and everything happened very fast.

They were in the military camp when they found out about his father's death, after that the treatment started to get worse, the military didn't want a dead weight.

When Earth's survivors arrived on this new world, they thought they could dominate due to their weapons and technology, but using magic, the Empire basically eradicated all resistance.

Lucious met Helen and Arthur around this time, he was on a hunting mission away from Maplewood. He helped the two and offered a ride into town. After that Hellen got a job at an inn, Lucious became friends with Hellen and started training Arthur.

For Hellen, it was almost an impossible mission not to fall in love, due to the mana purifying her body, people's beauty was literally something from another world.

Lucious was friendly and never asked for anything in return for his help other than treating Arthur like a son.

Hellen discovered that Lucious's wife and daughter had died in a magical beast tide. He became a hunter and moved to Maplewood, he always hunted the beasts around town to prevent a tide from coming in.

"Hey Arthur!" While they were having fun in the middle of the flower field, Lucious got up and called Arthur.

"Hey old man, what a face would that be…!"

Arthur spoke jokingly, but in the middle of the sentence he was surprised. Lucious lunged forward and began delivering one blow after another, each time Arthur parried or parried he increased his pace.

'In three years this boy managed to reach this level, he even managed to form his core without my help, this little monster.'


Hellen who was taken by surprise screamed, making both of them freeze in place.

"Mom, the old man went crazy and attacked me, I told him he couldn't be trusted!"

Arthur replied while laughing and pointing at Lucious.

"Hey kid, you're lucky this fight was our last training session."

As soon as Lucious finished, he took out a sword and handed it to Arthur.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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Bruno_Brunincreators' thoughts