
World's Strongest Cameraman

[COMPLETED! For more of my work, check out my new book that's coming out: The Fourth Savior is Powerless! https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-fourth-savior-is-powerless_19917082105816805] Pethant Ouph was the laughing stock of the Cameraman's Association in a city filled with superhumans, and his life would be forever changed when he met the unassuming Jon Bo, the world's strongest cameraman. 'With every legendary fight throughout history, there had always been a need for a witness to tell the tale. Some say the one who is able to capture it is logically the strongest of them all.' Be it the groundbreaking clashes of professional fighters, the bloody debut of superheroes, breakouts at the most dangerous prison, a war between the National Treasure superhumans of two tyrannical governments, or a squabble between the two of the world's ten strongest superhumans, the world's strongest cameraman is always going to be there to stand witness. Not only for the content, or the fights, but also the occasional panty shots. Check out the first six chapters and see if this story is for you! The first 3 chapters are like the pilot episode of an anime, and the next 3 is the first mini-arc about the bloody debut of the pro hero. [COMPLETED! For more of my work, check out my new book that's coming out: The Fourth Savior is Powerless! https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-fourth-savior-is-powerless_19917082105816805] [Also, I love reading and replying to comments, good and bad! Just be a professional cameraman about it!] [Chat to me on discord: https://discord.gg/5AAyr5r] [Thanks to the therealsamie_'s IG comment who gave me this ridiculous idea. Writing this for the contest, but had too many wacky ideas to stop there. THE STORY IS ALL PLANNED OUT AND I DO NOT DROP STORIES!]

SomeoneBad · Thành phố sách
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World's STRONGEST Cameraman

'What is the meaning of this, Freya, Imogen?' Jon asked, still holding onto Ally.


Emerging as a figure of light from the smoke, Freya maintained her Valkyrie form and continued flying towards Jon with Imogen quickly approaching too.

'Are you with the android who was trying to kill us?' Freya asked, pointing a finger towards Jon.

'Ally would never do anything like that.' Jon replied, shaking his head, 'all I saw was you two collaborating to deliver a killing blow towards her. Two of the Ten Fingers working together against a single android. How shameless.'

'You have no idea what she has done!' Imogen also chimed in, now more worried about their face rather than the true goals of this fight.

'My-love...' Ally said with a low tone, and Jon looked down to see her on the verge of tears. Grabbing tightly onto her with his hands, he assured her that everything will be all right.

'She said so herself that she is designed to kill us, and she has been trying to ever since coming here!' Imogen explained, 'ask her!'

'Why the hell would she come here with you two anyway...' Jon murmured, looking down at Ally, but she is too embarrassed to say anything. All her aggression is gone, and all that remained in his arms is a hurt little girl.

'Doesn't matter now.' Freya said, shaking her head, 'I don't suppose you will hand her over?'

'You don't know me too well at all, but even I think you know my answer.'

The two fingers shared a glance with one another before both letting out a sigh. Then, the aura of power from the two of them are both turned all the way up with blasts of air coming out from their bodies. Jon stood firm like an anchor amid the storm, and Ally reached out to grab onto his sleeve.


'Of course, my clothes before had a hole in it.'

'Be....be-careful. They-are-very-strong....'

'It's okay, Ally.' Jon said, his body flickering away from the blasts to a safe distance behind him before putting Ally gently on the ground and stepping back into the storm, 'Just watch what this cameraman can do.'

Looking down at her hand, Ally spotted the cap of Jon's lens.

'You may be fast, Jon the Spectator, but we are two of the TEN FINGERS!' Imogen said as she reconstructed the armored suit, though the suit this time is so much larger than the one she was wearing before. It also had eight arms, each holding on various weapons that ranged from machine guns, bows, hooks, knives, spears, blades, and energy projection. The armor set has a heavy samurai theme to it, though the sheer variety of weapons spell a different story.


'Valkyrie's mode....heavy.' Freya whispered, as her initial full body armor set is also entering a final stage power up with thickened strands of light filling in the gaps of the initial armor and laying down even more layers, turning what was a tight-fitting light armor set into tanky battle armor. All of this is then rounded out by a helmet made of constructs of red light.

Jon waited patiently for the two fighters to finish their power-up, and as both of them are ready for the incoming battle, there was a moment of silence on the battlefield.

On one side, two literal deities stood tall in the air with archon lights shining down onto the earth. On the other side, a human wearing a black hoodie with an analog electric camera is looking up at the sight.


The first shot was taken by Jon, and that spelled the beginning of the fight.

The three figures vanished from their starting points before their bodies are morphed into specs of afterimages due to how fast they are moving through the air. Jon's body is nothing more than a black dot even to Ally's eyes, while Freya's heavy Valkyrie armor made her a streak of yellow light and Imogen's God of War armor turned her into a streak of red paint.

Three paths of the three beings encircled around the battlefield briefly before they clashed, again and again, each individual clashing creating bright flashes of light, blasts of air, and shock waves through the ground.

'Damn...' After one clash, Freya was the one taking on the full brunt of the impact as she slid through the mud with her heavy Valkyrie armor cracking at around the chest level. She immediately rejoined the fight as strands of light quickly filled in the gaps.

Then, Imogen was the next one to be thrown out of the high-speed exchanges as she dispelled a machine gun that was snapped in half and conjured up a katana before rejoining the fight. All three figures are moving at much faster speeds than Ally could have imagined and processed, and she soon realized that neither Freya nor Imogen was taking her that seriously in their previous fight.

She may have been a pest, and a dangerous one at that, but she is still nowhere near their levels now.

This time, it was Jon that was sent flying back, though he landed gracefully on his feet, took a look at the screen of his camera and then headed back in once more.

The three beings separated once more before going towards the center again. This time, Imogen and Freya were linked up by a strand of light, and their attacks are fully synchronized.

'BANNERS OF THE EIGHT!' Imogen shouted as all of the weapons from her hands turned into banners before she threw them down in an octagon pattern around Jon. Then, a field is created from within as Jon felt his movements becoming sluggish and his limbs heavy. A sort of debuff field...Jon thought before he looked up at what looked a sun falling towards him.

'VALKYRIE'S DIVEBOMB!' Freya yelled as she landed in the area, collapsing the ground inwards and crushing everything within it.

'MY-LOVE!' Ally screamed out in fear and started crawling towards the battlefield when Jon reappeared just outside the circle of impact.

'Footwork as quick as shooting stars...'

'Tsk!' Imogen and Freya shared a glance before they continued with their barrage of attacks, though Jon evaded all of them easily as his footsteps only send him going the exact amount of distance required to evade the follow-up attacks. Then, Imogen once again fired a gigantic beam of energy, forcing Jon to leap away from a massive distance when Freya is ready at his next location preparing to slam him down as she did with Ally.

'Valkyrie's SLAM!' Freya said as she brought both hands together with fists overhead as Jon reappeared in front of her. However, he vanished again as Freya hit nothing but air.

'Fingers as accurate as entangled quantums...'

She felt a finger running through her back, and the heavy Valkyrie's armor clicked open from the back.

'Eyes as sharp as a string of molecules....'

'Hand as steady as a black hole...'


Turning around and slashing horizontally across with her hand, Freya once again hit nothing but air. Turning her attention to the greater battlefield and trying to sense the location of Jon now, Imogen's scream drew her attention immediately.

The God of War Armor is also dispelled nearly instantaneously, and that was followed by yet another clicking sound.

'You!' Swiping up with her paintbrush, thousands of dragons rose up from the ground around Imogen, but Jon moved out of the way yet again at impossible speeds before landing gracefully on the ground in front of Ally.

'I think it's about time we call it a day, shall we?' Jon said, 'I don't want to fight, you don't want to fight...let's just pretend nothing has happened.'

'And why would we do that?!' Freya asked, flying towards Jon alone with Imogen still scrambling in place. Then, she froze in place as Jon brought up his camera and showed her what he had on the screen.

It was her lingerie pants that she wore specifically for this occasion as she tried to get with Jon, and Imogen did the exact same thing though her chosen color is red while Freya's is a dark purple.

'You...how is this possible....' Freya reached around her back and felt for her belts with a red face, 'through the Valkyrie's armor too...'

'I am a cameraman after all.' Jon said with a shrug, 'if you forget all of this had ever happened, then those pictures will never find their way out of here.'

'Freya?! What did he do?'

'He....he got our panties...'

'WHAT?!' Imogen screamed out, 'you pervert!'

'....I promise to delete those pictures if you just walk away...'

'Fine!' Freya said, dispelling her armor and letting all of the individual strands of light return to her body, 'this fight is pointless anyway...'

'Thank god you realized it...' Imogen said with a chuckle, shifting all of the blame onto Freya's head as she jumped out angrily to pinch Imogen's cheeks, 'ouch ouch ouch!'

'Phew...' Jon said, deleting the two images and turning off his camera at last. Then, he turned around towards Ally who's sat on the ground with her arms around knees.

'Are you okay?' Jon asked, reaching out with a hand, though Ally stayed still in the current position. Knowing that something must have happened, Jon simply took a seat next to her, where the heavily damaged battlefield is all that the two of them saw.

'My-love...I-need...I-need-to-tell-you-something...' Ally said, her hands shaking and hesitant, but Jon was the one that grabbed onto it.

'Within-me...there-are-these...' Ally said, poking her hand into her chest repeatedly until the silvery skin has begun to deform, 'the-dark-flames...when-they-burn...I-hurt-people...'

'I know.' Jon said, picking Ally up and carrying her in his hands just the way she liked. Her hands found its way around Jon's neck, and he moved across the endless wilderness outside the resort with a single light step. As the dark mountainscape rushes beneath them, Ally can't help but want this moment to last forever, 'I was there when you first lashed out.'


'But you pulled back when I arrived, right?' Jon said with a light smile, 'you are not what they made you to be. Whatever brightness you have inside of you.....that's who you really are, and that's you I see.'

'My...love...' Ally made an ugly face, and that's when Jon realized that she was crying without tears. She did not have any tear glands installed, but she is still capable of feeling visceral sadness and raw joy. Burying her face into Jon's chest and the hoodie she bought for him, Ally stayed there until Jon's footwork as quick as shooting stars brought the two of them back into their suite.

Glancing at the doorway, the shopping bag left behind by Freya was untouched still.

In the meanwhile, walking away and locking arms with one another like girl pals that have known each other since high school, Freya and Imogen instead took a slow way back.

The flash of light that was Jon as he dashed across the sky was clearly seen by the two, and Imogen felt Freya's body tighten up.

'He is really strong, isn't he?' Imogen said, trying to break up the silence.

'Yeah...the world's strongest cameraman perhaps...' Freya said, looking down towards onto the ground though there is nothing except images of Jon going through her head right now.

I WANT HIM, AND I WANT HIM RIGHT NOW! That specimen of a man only belongs to me!

Trying to suppress the surge of emotion within her, Freya took a careful deep breath, stilled her mind temporarily and put up a smile, 'want another drink?'

'Only if you are buying.'

And the man arrives at last with his camera and saves the day with panty shots......

SomeoneBadcreators' thoughts