
A Great Approval

"Basemmath is kind of quirk, and it's pretty tough to arrange a meet-up with him unless you're friends," the assistant mentioned with a hint of hesitation.

All Louis did was grunt in reply before hanging up. After mulling it over for a bit, he dialed up Frank.

When the call went through, Louis asked, "Grandpa, by any chance, do you know a rich businessman named Basemmath Boyer? He's about seventy, big on antiques, and has a real soft spot for the art by Santiger Vidosa."

Taking a moment to think, Henry replied, "Yeah, I know the guy. We bumped into each other a couple times years back. What do you need from him?"

"Do you two have a connection?"

"Kinda. About thirty years back, I did him a favor."

"Was it a big deal or a small thing?"

"No small thing."

His casual answer made it clear it was a pretty huge favor. Louis felt reassured, gave a quick reply and prepared to end the call.