


Winter fell as it was a frosty night in Akahio, a town placed where the sun sets in the East. It was 10pm central time on the 7th of July, 2031.

Richard wakes up panting like an exhausted bush dog that had just lost a race with a Hare, in a field of frozen grass and plants covered in dew, wondering how on earth he wound up in such an awkward situation and at an odd hour.

The blue sky was dim dark, the unclear fog making his vision blur, the soft rustling of leaves as he walked by, the loud whistle of storm winds approaching the region, the undulating waves of the ocean also could be heard at a distance.

All these gave him an assurance that he was still alive as an human on earth, but... Something felt strange and different, he had this feeling that he had just undergone a great change, and still terrified about the nightmare that he survived some moments ago, his pale face dripped with thick sweats despite the cold.

He was lost in thoughts trying to figure out who he was and how he got to this strange place, but was brought back into reality by the sound of a truck approaching a building which seemed like a house just a stone throw away.

Richard still puzzled, gathered all the courage he had left and raced to the building, getting close, the environment was warm due to the heat that emitted from the truck which he enjoyed.

He walks up to the door and drops two gentle knocks, but no reply, he repeats the process again then a faint voice from inside echoes out but wasn't audible enough for him to hear and as he was about knocking again the door creaks open slowly and a tall manly figure stands in the shadows, richard takes few steps back as fear filled his face and his body began to tremble.

The man walks closer to the light and this time his old wrinkled face was clearly seen, "Hello there, how can I help you?" He let out with a deep yet welcoming voice, "I'm... I'm lost" he stuttered back in response. "Do you mind if I could stay with you till first light? It's kinda cold out here" he pushed on, "Sure, why not come in" the old man retorted, then paves way for him to enter. "Make yourself comfortable" the man said and he walked into a room next to the living room.

The house was very warm as there was a fireplace right there in the living room close to the dinning, various art works and paintings hung on each side of the walls, but something caught his attention at the other end of the living room, there was a gallery of what he could see as Heads which got him startled but as he got closer he realized they were just "Animal heads" placed in an order. He let out a sigh of relief.

As he kept on admiring the paintings and other piece of art a soft calm feminine voice echoed through his ears, and as he turned to the direction of where he heard that amazing voice a slender, fair and elegant young lady probably in her early twenties appeared in a short flare gown staring at him with charming smiles.

For some seconds richard was lost in awe at the beauty that stood right in front of him, before he was called back with a "Hello" from the same damsel.

He quickly pulled himself together and replied with a shaky "Hi" forcing a faint smile on his haggard looking face though he wasn't bad looking afterall, there was a brief silence with both of them stealing shy glances at each other, then the silence got broken by a cleared throat which was that of the old man and both young lads got startled , smiling sheepishly.

"Have you gotten our guest some water to drink?"

" Ohh will do that right away father", she turns away and comes back with two glasses of water for the men, then returns into the kitchen to finish up her cooking. Minutes later dinner was ready and it was served on the dinning, and they all sat down to eat. As they ate, a little conversation ensured between the man and richard;

"So who are you and where are you from young man?"

Richard paused a bit for a while as he thought about what to say "ermm I'm Richard and... I really don't know where I'm from... Sir"

"Hmm, strange. How did you get here?"

"I... Don't have an idea either sir, guess I hit my head so hard I don't even remember who i am"

"Wow, so you just dropped from the sky I guess" The man chuckled

"Guess so too" Richard faked a laugh in response

"Well, I'm Charles and this is my daughter Nancy she's a beauty right? Took after her mother"

"She's very beautiful sir" he remarked looking directly at her while she smiled.

"What of her mother, your wife. Wouldn't she be joining us?"

There was a brief silence in the room before Charles let out an heavy sigh

"She will be joining us from Heaven"

"I'm so sorry about that... Sir"

"Nahh it's fine, atleast she's in a better place ".

Then they continued their chatter till they finished their meals and retired for the night.

Richard slept on the couch in the living room while the old man and his daughter went into their various rooms to sleep.

6.AM and the alarm cock crowed. Richard was already awake because he barely slept that night, his mind was flooded with various thoughts. So he rose up in preparation to continue his journey to " Nowhere" when he saw Nancy dusting the furniture behind him.

"Good morning"

"Morning, you're up quite early" she replied.

"Yeah, I've to get going soon, it's first light already"

"Ohh, but... You don't know where you're going do you?"

"Well, yes I don't but a man like me always finds his way", he replied with a grin.

" Ohh...okay".

"See you around and ... Do extend my greetings to your father when he wakes up"

As he steps outside turning to leave, she calls him back.

"Hey! You don't have to leave you know"

"But I'm not sure father will..." Richard trailed off.

"Father will want it, you can stay with us for as long as you want", Charles cuts in.

Teardrops roll down richard's cheeks and he runs to give him a tight embrace.

" Thank you so much sir"

"It's alright, let's go back inside and have some tea". And they all went inside.