Held back by Diego, Leanda had no choice but to turn around and look at the Mafia Lord.
Her heart beating with worry, wondering what he wants from her after everything.
"I've already done the task. What else does he want from me?" She asked within, looking directly into his scary eyes.
They shimmered in a flash, with his hand, which held her arm, now sliding against her skin.
This left Leanda's body shivering at his touch.
Even if she wanted to draw back to stop this, she didn't want to annoy a dangerous man like Diego, especially when he's the one giving her the money she needs badly.
"Tomorrow," He started in a husky tone.
"I want you to be here at around seven in the morning, on the dot. Don't be late, " He said, sliding his hand to her cheek, with his fingers caressing her face.
Leanda was getting uncomfortable. She had her face turning the other way just to avoid Diego from touching her lips.
When the Mafia Lord saw this, he smirked out with delight.
"You can go," He permitted, stepping back from her.
Hearing him, Leanda immediately rushed from his point, heading for the gate of the mansion.
She was running like one who was in danger. She didn't look back at all but kept running straight.
When Diego saw this, he grinned out with a chuckle, swaying his head at her.
"Ravishing," He uttered, stepping back into his mansion.
After a long drive through the night, Leanda arrived home to meet her father shivering in bed.
"Father!" She called out in worry, hurrying to meet him.
The old man curled himself up, shaking like a fish out of water.
When Leanda touched his body, she realized her father was burning up like hell.
"Oh goodness! Father, please. I'll... I'll call the hospital," She said, panicking.
The old man couldn't speak out to his daughter, due to his pain. All he could do was look at her, watching the young lady taking out her phone to contact the hospital.
Bitterness filled his heart, with his eyes streaming out droplet of tears.
He couldn't bare to see his daughter struggling hard to keep him alive.
It was hurting.
"Hello! Please I need an ambulance. Yes, yes, that's the address. Please hurry up," She communicated with the hospital support, dropping her eyes on her father.
When she looked at him, Leanda noticed the tears flowing out of her father's eyes while staring at her.
This broke the young lady, who dropped her phone down after the call, drawing closer to him.
"Father, please don't cry. The ambulance is on its way. You'll be admitted soon, okay?" She smiled, taking hold of his arms, kissing them.
Her sick father, Mr Fermi, managed to give a smile, nodding at his daughter's words.
Leanda smiled, caressing his face.
"You'll be fine, I promise. Everything will be well soon," She said, assuring him.
Her mind went to Diego and her mission she carried out in killing Dominic. Her whole body shivered, just looking at the same hand she used in killing her coworker, caressing her father's face.
Feeling troubled and unable to wipe the flashes of Dominic's blood from her eyes, Leanda drew her hand back, suggesting to her father, "I'll get things ready for the hospital before the ambulance arrive."
Just as she was about to rise to her feet...
"I'm sorry," Her father uttered weakly, leaving Leanda's heart aching with emotions.
"I'm sorry for all the trouble. I never wanted this," He apologized, crying.
Hurt, Leanda knelt beside him, taking hold of his hands.
"Don't apologize for something that was never your fault. You never planned to be sick. As your daughter, I'll do everything in my power to get you better. You'll be fine, " She assured him.
They both hugged.
"When you're better, I'll try to gather enough money and take us away from here. Far away from that man's eyes," She planned within, thinking of Diego.
Leanda no longer wants to work for him. She just wants to get her father well and run far away from his reach.
Soon, the ambulance arrived and took both Leanda and her father to the hospital just in time before the closing hour.
She met up with the doctor she spoke to the last time, showing him the money she got.
"Please, start the treatment now. Save my father, " She begged, handing the money to the doctor.
The doctor, nodding his head at Leanda's request, handed the money to a nurse who was with him, ordering her to take Leanda along for her father's registration.
"I hope it's complete?" He asked Leanda, getting set.
But Leanda's voice got stuck. She found herself calculating the amount in her head.
"Is it complete Miss Fermi?" The doctor repeated, lifting his brow at her.
And Leanda...
"It's not. But it's just for the registration for now. But I promise to pay the remaining money, just please consider," She begged, joining her hands together.
"Miss Fermi, I told you to... Gosh!" He groaned, rubbing his forehead.
Leanda felt ashamed when the doctor uttered her name loudly. She had her head lowered down, ashamed to look at those passing by.
The fee for killing Dominic wasn't enough to reach the remaining expenses. In fact, the money could only reach for her father's registration into the hospital.
Just then, the doctor spotted the old man being brought in on a stretcher. Seeing the condition he was in, he couldn't bare it.
"Fine, let's start, " He accepted, leaving Leanda happy.
"Thank you so much, "Leanda appreciated.
"Take him to the Emergency room, " He ordered the nurses bringing in the old man, following them from behind as they moved quickly with Mr Fermi.
Leanda took a look at her father with worry before following the nurse to register him.
After what felt like an hour, Leanda was sitting with the doctor in his office. He had sent for her to discuss something.
"How's my father, Doctor?" She asked.
The doctor gave a sigh out, swaying his head at Leanda.
His action only troubled the innocent lady's heart, pushing her to ask more questions.
"Is my father okay? Please tell me he's okay."
"He is. He's alive... For now."
That statement left Leanda puzzled.
"For now? What do you mean by that? " She asked, feeling her heart racing.
That's when the doctor revealed the shocking report about her father.
"Your father is suffering from a heart disease and needs to undergo the highest and expensive treatment, if he wants to survive."
"What?! A heart disease?" Her whole body froze.
The doctor went on to tell her the high risk of losing her father, if she doesn't pay down the money to start the treatment at once.
"His heart is really bad. He has very little chance of surviving if we don't start on time."
"Is there no other way out? Maybe a drug that can be sustaining him for some while? As we speak, I don't have a dime. All that money..." She points at the door, shivering over her father's condition.
"I had to sweat before getting it. How am I going to raise that amount now? Please, you have to help me" She begged, feeling scared.
But the doctor couldn't help out.
He swayed at Leanda with a sad face, apologizing to her over the misfortune.
"I know it's not easy, but it's important," He said.
Pained, Leanda lowered her head down, feeling tears welling to her eyes.
"Where am I going to get the money? I don't know what to do. Oh God please help me."
Just then...
"But we do have a way to sustain him. That process is also expensive, but it's something you can still pull off, " The doctor tabled.
Curious, Leanda asked, " Tell me more please. What am I to do?"
Outside her father's room at one in the morning, Leanda was lost in her thoughts.
The Doctor had told her what she has to do to keep her father alive before she can gather all the money needed for the operation.
But her issue was the amount she has to pay monthly. It's fifty thousand dollars per month to sustain her sick father, before she can gather the millions needed for his surgery.
"Why are we so unlucky God? This amount can take care of a home for a year plus or even more. Fifty thousand dollars per month? God!"
She tightened her fist in bitterness, turning her head back to have a look at her father in the room.
The old man was asleep after undergoing his first treatment.
He looked calm in his sleep, giving Leanda little peace in her heart.
"You're the only one I have, Father. I don't want to lose you, " She said, with her voice sniveling.
That's when her thoughts went to Diego and the order he gave her before she left his place.
"At this point, he's the only one I can run to for help. But I don't want him to have control over me fully. I just don't want to dwell in this life," She sighed, feeling trapped.
She recalled her deal with Diego, realizing how hard it would be for her to get away from him, especially when she has promised to work for the Mafia Lord.
"There's no other way out. I need this money badly. I need to save my father at all cost."