
Wordsmith system: Aiming to become the KING!

In the years 2030, the world has been invaded by monsters. Humanity did its best to fight back but the losses were too great, causing people to hide in fear. However, one day, new-born babies began having a type of energy called [Essence]. Every baby that was born after 2032 had [essence]. But what separated people were unique skills called [soul blessing]. Only 1 in 5 had the blessing of their soul, which gave them unique skills such as controlling the air or making steel weapons. This made people revert back to monarchism, with the monarch being the most powerful, followed by nobles, knights, and finally commoners. Our fellow protagonist obtained a wordsmith system that allowed him to imbue himself or objects with words, giving them different properties and effects. He faces many obstacles and challenges trying to achieve his final goal of becoming the powerful king, but will he be successful or die trying? Notice: The upload schedule is irregular. Listening to feedback and suggestions.

Domo_Miko · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs

The beginning of a legend.

Year: 2070, 4th of november

Location: classroom at Feather Academy for elites.




"ADAM THOMPSON, WAKE UP THIS INSTANT!" Adam instantly sprung up, sweat rolling down his cheeks, bloodshot eyes and hearts pounding like drums. He made his best effort to reply back.

"y...yes madam..."

"Don't sleep in my lesson again otherwise, I'll give you detention and stay after class." Adam cowered and shrank down in his seat.

"This fucking idiot."


"Look at this lanky shit."

The teacher quieted the class and continued with the lesson.

Adam, not wanting to upset the teacher anymore, pretended to look at his notes while daydreaming about the events that happened this week.

[3 days ago]

Inside a dirty and messy room layed a teenager with wavy black hair that covered his dark eyes, which seemed to hold the abyss. His leg dangled due to his impressive height of 190 cm (6 feet and 2 inches).

"Dar#### are y#u a##ke?" 

A sweet and caring voice echoed throughout his room, leaving him opening his eyes still in confusion and exhaustion.

"Adam breakfast is ready." 

Adam quickly broke out of his confusion and answered back to his mom. "I'm coming, mom!" His voice was dry and distorted. He was about to get out of bed and head to the bathroom, but was met with the cold and hard wooden floor.


"ADAM ARE YOU OK? WHAT HAPPEND!" Heavy footsteps can be heard rushing towards a certain bedroom. Adams mom, Faith Thompson, was in clear dread when she saw her son limp on the ground with no movement. She quickly called the ambulance while supporting her sons head.

Location: Endseye hospital.




The sounds of a steady heart monitor could be heard.Inside the room was an old doctor with a dark, gray beard standing over a patient with a folder.

"Everything about him is fine actually, his health is too good considering his malnourished body. I believe he might have awakened a [Soul blessing] that would explain his sudden fainting despite his current body condition being great."

"What will happen to him now?" A creaky female voice could be heard from a gorgeous woman with soft, long hair flowing down to her shoulders.She has mesmerising hazel-coloured eyes.She stood at a height of 174cm(5 feet and 7 inches).

Meanwhile, our protagonist had woken up, still in a daze. His eyes opened only to reveal a golden screen with black streaks across the edges with the words [Wordsmith System awakened]. This however made him even more confused. Without being able to understand what happend a voice quickly interrupted him.

"BROUTHER YOUR AWAKE." Adam could feel the warmth of a loving sister hugging him. This caused Adam to calm down and feel more relaxed.

"It seems like the patient is awake. I need to do a quick check on how he is doing mentally, and in the meantime, I have to ask the visitors to leave the room."  

Adams little sister and mother left the room while on the verge of tears.

"Adam Thompson born in 2055 at Endseye town currently attending a prestige secondary school called "Feathers Academy" father died in service and mother works in software design has a 12-year-old sister called Eve Thompson, did i get everything right?" 

Adam replied shyly " y..ye that is correct."

"Good now that thats done I'm going to ask a few questions reply with yes or no." The doctor said it in an assertive voice. 

"First do you feel better than you did before coming to the hospital?" 

"y..yes i feel much better." 

"Good,second do you feel as if your [Assence] has increased?" 


"Ok thank you for cooperating... Im going to call in your family to discuss this matter." 

The old man swiftly exited the room while having a grin on his face.

Left with his own thoughts Adam began to inspect the strange window.

[Wordsmith system]




He began to wonder if all [Blessed] people (A person who has a unique power, better known as [Soul blessing]) had this strange game-like window.

Before he could continue to explore his weird blessing,he got interrupted by people coming into his room.

"Madam Faith, your son is mentally and physically fine however i believe he has been blessed and got his [Soul blessing]. Your son needs to attend military school after his secondary school finishes in one year. i know this is big news so I will inform his school of him being absent for one day. Best of luck to you, Adam Thompson." 

Before anyone could speak further, the doctor left the room with a huge grin on his face, which creeped out everyone.The Thompson family left the hospital to discuss Adams future,while Adam couldn't wait to discover and explore his blessing.

Can everyone please give thoughts about the first chapter and give feedback if i should keep this pace or change it.

Domo_Mikocreators' thoughts