
04. Her

Late night thoughts turned into a poem...


Her childhood full of liveliness

Love and happiness and smiles

Her dreams in her mind

And her life ahead of her

Somewhere along the way, she lost it all

Her liveliness, love, happiness and smiles

Her dreams broken

And life shattered beyond repair

And now....

Her soul empty of the stars

That once burnt to brighten other's life

Her soul devoid of any

Tender touch of loved ones

Her heart devoid of love

Unconditional to friend and foe

Now replaced with the ever growing

Hatred, sadness and solitary

Her tender and innocent eyes

Shining like the moon in the night sky

Now hides behind a veil of

Burning anger and crumpled hopes

Her lips of sweet smiles

Never failing to show up

Now turned into a permanent frown

And voice silenced by a thousand secrets

Her mind filled with dreams

Of flying into the infinite sky

Now wandering in different directions

That can be caged by freedom alone...