
Author's Note & Some Bad News =(

Ok. So. I have some kinda bad and kinda alright news.

Bad news first:

My midterms are next week and I am taking the SAT (for people who don't know what that is, you honestly don't want to know...actually, I envy you for not knowing what this stupid, torturous, 4 hr long exam is) two weeks after that (on the 28th which also happens to be the night of Yule Ball for our school's Harry Potter Club...just throwing it out there). So I am uber busy. In fact, I'm suppose to be studying for my Physics midterm right now...Anyways...So I wont be able to upload this week...or next week...or the week after that. So in a way, I'm taking a 3-week hiatus from Wattpad =(

But, Good News:

I promise I'll upload again either in late January or in early February. And because I feel terribly bad for not being able to upload for three weeks, I will upload at least three chapters when I get back to Wattpad World =)

So *sniff, sniff* goodbye Wattpad people. See you after three weeks...And now back to Physics *slowly raises a basilisk fang and cautiously approches the horcrux (aka the physics book) with a murderous glint in her eyes*...