
Chapter 1

This is crazy.

You can't help but think as you stare at your disguised self through the mirror. Every inch of you is screaming this is a bad idea. But who could you put the blame on?

Baggy clothes complimented your figure to make sure none of your feminine parts were visible.

You huff out your shirt, adjusting the hem of your shorts.

You're hating every part of whats about to take place but you can't help denying you make such a fine handsome young lad.

Your little session takes you back to what had happened a month ago. Where everything had started.

It was during summer break on a Thursday afternoon. For some odd reason, you allowed your cousin to dress you up for an experiment.

A carnival had pulled in to town and students from various school attended the event. Given the fact that it wouldn't be around for too long made the whole scenario much more exciting.

You befriended some, eventually regretting it. If only you hadn't put up to the challenge of walking to a random booth by your so called friends, you wouldn't be in this state.

Either way, there's no turning back. You made sure your cap held your wig in place before exiting your room.

Hopefully by the time you get back, you'll have something to laugh about.

Jimin waits for you in the livingroom with an obvious scowl. Amongst all your relatives, he was the closest to you. So it didn't come as a surprise when you approached him first.

Let's pin one thing down first: he didn't like the idea of you being surrounded by boys. To your defense, responded by saying it was his fault to begin with when you received an email of a place and time just two days ago.

It's not that you didn't try emailing back a rational excuse of how you wouldn't be able to make it-cause believe me you did.

One being: My mom gave birth to my little brother and she needs me to help around the house.

After an hour of waiting, came your reply. They said they understood you completely.  Congratulated you even, but by missing this event you'd end up having to pay a fine. And a big one at that.

Why would anyone come up with such rule? Its ridiculous.

Jimin doesn't hesitate to judge you from head to toe, snickering silently. Guessing by the way his gaze stilled towards your short hair gave out his prominent question.

"I cant believe you freaking chopped your hair." He scoffs. "You look like a damn guy."

And the room goes quiet after that.

Was he for real? Did he really just conclude the obvious?

Sometimes you can't help but wish he'd  use his tongue for something more meaningful rather than to spit out the first thing that comes up in that busted head of his.

One of this days, he'll end up having his throat on the line.

"I didn't cut it." You retaliate with an eyeroll, readjusting your cap. "Its a wig. See?"

You watch Jimin's expression shift from one thing to another. His shoulder blades seem to relax at your statement but his expression remains the same. In disbelief and stoic.

If you didnt know any better, you'd think he was doing all this on purpose just to keep you here.

You're not broke, mind you. But you won't as hell pay such an amount either.

Your cousin eventually breaks out from his trance, shaking his head before looking you dead in the eye. "You sure you wanna do this, Y/n?"

And there he goes again.

The amount of times you had to roll your eyes today would've been able to win you a golden trophy. You helpessly stare at your cousin.

Jimin's just looking out for you. And you know that very well. Whereas you parents strangly found this whole ordeal to be very, very interesting.

"I'm not paying a hundred dollers Jimin. " You push pass him. "So its either you're coming, or I'm going alone."

And that's all it takes to have Jimin pinch himself on the thigh as he grumbles. "Someone wake me up. I cant believe im letting her pretend to be a guy."


"Y/-!" Jimin bites his tongue as he quickly runs up to grasp your arm. "God why are you so stubborn. I told you to wait for me didn't I?"

It's not your fault he had to use the bathroom just as the camping bus started to pull in.

Fuming for a cause you're not accountable for, he begins to drag you towards the bus.

"I can walk on my own." You whine in protest, eyeing the bag draped around your his arm.

With the current situation, it's weird having Jimin carry both your bags. And the fact that he's mumbling incoherent words using female pronouns isn't a good thing either.

One would think he had broken up with his girlfriend or something.

As you get closer to the group of boys huddling around the bus waiting for it to open, you don't miss the weird stares sent your way.

You nibble on your lip when Jimin stops to fall in line, rendering you the chance to get your arm free from his grasp.

It's a subtle movement that causes him to turn from the front to questionly face you. You grab your bag and mumble under your breath. "Four o'clock. They're probably questioning your sexuality."

Fact said, Jimin can't help but turn red when he happens to catch a wink thrown his way. Your jaw drops and your cousin ends up twisting his heel without a word.

"Oh wow." You breath, strucked in awe. Then giggle. "Aw, Jimin has an admirer~"

The shoulder of your cousin tenses with your tease you cant help but playfully poke his rib.

Funny how you're already enjoying the trip when the real thing hasn't even started yet.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Shut up,Y/n."

And your laughter screeches to a halt.

Instead of giving him a reaction, you stick your foot down and zip your lip.

It's a waiting game for now and you're trying to ignore the noisy duo behind you.

And everyone.

As to be expected, you have no clue of who they are apart from the fact that you heard one address the other as Soomin. Or was it Subin?

Doesn't matter.

When you're finally able to step inside the vehicle; it smells like boys.

The place's bustling with noises you can't help scrunch your nose, craning your neck around to whisper-shriek. "I want a window seat."

It sounded more like a demand really.

Jimin hums and schemes for any vacancy, somewhat ending up being the one standing behind you.

After a second of just moving forward."Over there." He mumbles beside your ear yeeting a little squeak of excitement from you.

You've had enough of this musky colognes.

Supposed fellow campers nearby had glanced towards you in question causing your cousin to silently wince.

If you were to survive this camping trip under his surveillance, he'd have to warn you about a couple of things.

Such as to not giggle around like a little high-school girl.

Which you apparently are.

Jimin momentarily closes his eyes in debate. Why on earth was he allowing this to happen. You won't survive at an all boys camping ground. You'll die before the second day. Good grief. If anyone finds out you're a girl you'll end up getti-

"Dude!" Your yell snaps him out of his thoughts. "Get your butt over here already!"

Jimin's taking all the time in the world reaching you and you bet he can see the frustration all over your face.

"I'm here chubs." He drawls in a teasingly manner, lips twisting mischeviously. You cringe at the familiar nickname, pouting.

Under any normal basis, he'd have already fondly pinched your cheek, however.

Not today. He sighs to himself. One way or another, he would have to keep a distance act to avoid any unwanted assumptions.

For both yours and his sake.

"Here." Jimin shoves his backback to you with a stern face.

You're left confused at your cousin's abrupt change of mood.

Jimin nudges his chin towards the cabins above with arched brows once he's taken a seat. "What are you waiting for?"

"Uh? O-oh right." At loss for words, you quickly get ready to place his bag when a harsh jab gets delivered to your ribs.

Something unintentional wouldn't hurt this bad. You'd know from experience. You catch a flash of red passing your side, before the sting settles in. It's like getting stroked by lighting.

It....hurts like crap.

Hopefully no one's noticed the tear in your eye.

But here's a fact.

It's like he's forgotten all about his motives, and next thing you know. Jimin's up standing protectively in front of you.

The grit you hear from him could only mean one thing. Jimin was pissed.

From the corner of your eye, you see he's about ready to lunge at whoever had attacked you, when you quickly throw an arm around his shoulder, applying weight.

There's no questioning your rib forming a bluish bruise later on. What kind of monstrous activity would a guy have to gain such solid arm?

Your cousin struggles between your hold, gritting incoherently.

For a small person, you sure were a feisty one.

"Let go of me Y/-"

Was this guy crazy or what?!

You're not sure how it's possible but it is. Jimin's under headlock whilst the both of you had somewhat landed on your seats. Luckily, you were able to escape having your real name revealed.

"Don't mind us." You try to laugh your way out of embarrassment. Jimin scoffs at your pitiful attempt, pinching your arm.

The guy that had jerked you with his elbow? Yeah, he's glaring at your cousin, but that soon fades into a look of confusion.

When your arm's roughly yanked off  that's when you hear your cousin's name slip his tongue.


Strange how everyone's sliding an eye from what's happening here. As if scared to intrude by how they're ignoring. Even that Soomin from earlier seem to stop his playful chattering.

When Jimin finally epscapes your hold, you expect him to look at the guy and  forget about the minor incident. Cause for all you know, he could be a long lost friend.

I mean, he obviously knows Jimin.

That thought gets thrown out the window when a mocking chuckle leaves your cousin's lips. He looks up with one to zero emotions in his eyes, taunting him.

In return, the guy spares you a glance, momentarily abandoning Jimin's narrowed eyes.

You just stare.

Without your glasses, you can't see. So as you squint your eyes in attempt to catch..something, you remain helpless as a near-sighted sheep wondering in the forest on it's own.

But you're not that blind. You can still shape out his features. At least some of it. Like those doe-like eyes that seem to be calculating. Or his uneven mouth that's slowly starting to coil.

With all the activity you had to deal with this morning, you forgot to put your contacts on.

The guy smirks, then takes his seat.

Whereas you hear Jimin growling before retracting the arm you didn't know had been protectively shielding you.

Settling yourself comfortably, you can't help but think.

What the heck just happened?