
Wolves of the Force: Star Wars Fan Fiction

Axle Tinguard was born in 36 BBY and was brought to the temple in 33 BBY. He meets Ahsoka Tano the same week they were brought in. Throughout their lives, Axle and Ahsoka would fight in the Clone Wars side by side. Everyday becomes a constant struggle and the battles leave bigger scars. It’s only a matter of time before the galaxy falls.

Ax_to_the_max · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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63 Chs

Just a feeling

Axle's POV

After the destruction of the droid factory, Barriss, Ahsoka, and I are escorted to our gunship. "Sorry to leave you here Rex. There's still so much to do." Ahsoka said to the Captain. "You kids have done enough destroying that factory. Go get some rest. And Axle, you proved you are deserving of that promotion. You stepped up and took charge. We're all proud of you." Rex answered. I smiled at him, "Thanks. I'm just glad we pulled through." Rex saluted towards me, "Great job kid." We boarded the gunship and it lifted off back towards the fleet.

We landed in the hangar and walked out. Blaster walked up to us, "Hey Commanders, great job down there. Considering you're all covered in sand, I say you deserve a couple hours off." I laughed, "If it wasn't for you and your squad, we would have been toast at Point Rain." Blaster walked us out of the bridge and down the halls.

We arrived at the barracks level when Blaster had to go report to Admiral Yularen. "I can see why Anakin hates sand." I said which caused the other two to giggle. "Why? Is it getting everywhere?" Ahsoka laughed even more. I rolled my eyes as we got to the showers.

Ahsoka's POV

Barriss and I walked into the women's shower room while Axle headed to the men's room. I walked into a stall and turned on the water. The soothing feel of a river flowed down on my body. The dirt slowly slipped off my skin. I wonder how Axle is going to get all that sand out of his hair. It's easy for me because I don't have any. I can picture him getting frustrated by it and laughed to myself. "So I imagine you and Axle have a history considering you both teamed up on Master Skywalker." Barriss asked from the other stall. "Yes. We have been friends ever since we were brought to the temple. Master Yoda even assigned us to the same youngling class." I answered. I thought more about our youngling classes. "Most other younglings in our class did around the average of what needs to be done. But Axle worked day and night on his skills. I guess that's why he was highly recognized by the high council. I even heard rumors that Master Yoda considered picking him as a new apprentice." I added. Barriss took notice of this fact, "Wow. He seems to be very dedicated. So what drew you to become his friend?" I thought for a moment. Normally when someone is drawn to another it's their looks or personality, but it was more than that. "I...can't really describe it. It's just....his calm and cool attitude and his determination to always want to be better. He also cares deeply for all of his friends. Axle is the one who would motivate you to be the best you can be." Barriss smirked to herself, "I could tell by the moment we met. He is very charming."

I enjoyed the warm shower. Normally, we would need to be in and out for another mission, but this time there was no hurry. The water carried my stress down the drain. There was hardly ever a time I felt this relaxed. I didn't keep track of the time, but I know that at least 40 minutes have passed. I turned off the shower, grabbed a towel and walked out of the stall towards my clothes. Barriss walked out as well. We got dressed and exited the room.

I saw Axle walking down the hall. He was playing around with his hair to try and get it into the style he preferred. I laughed a little because I know he did it mostly to stand out for girls. Even though attachments are forbidden, he still likes to make himself look appealing. "That feels so much better." Barriss sighed in relief. "Agreed. Well, I'm hitting the mess hall if you two want to join." Axle answered. I was pretty hungry so I nodded accepting his invitation. "I'm afraid I have some work Master Unduli assigned that I must attend to. I shall see you two later." Barriss answered and walked off.

We arrived at the mess and grabbed some food. There weren't many clones here as most of them are down on the surface. We sat down at one of the empty tables and started eating. "So how are you feeling?" Axle asked me. I smiled at him, "Better. I had a huge headache before washing off, but it's gone now." He nodded, "I know the feeling." "I wonder where Master Skywalker and Master Kenobi are right now." I said. "Considering their usual success, I'd say they're probably in a hole in the ground." Axle answered which made us both laugh. "So how's being First Commander?" I mocked by making a silly, but serious face while putting my hands on my hips and sticking out my chest. We both exploded into laughter. It took several minutes to calm down. "Honestly, it's not that different from being a Commander like you. The only difference is that I'm trusted to run bigger operations." He finally answered. I smiled, "Well I prefer staying a regular Commander. I don't want all that responsibility just yet." "No one does. But you don't work hard and only expect the bare minimum." He answered, taking another bit of food. I was a little surprised by that, "It looks like Master Kenobi rubbed off some of his wisdom on you." He paused for a second, "I guess, but I work hard everyday ever since I was brought to the temple. You never know when the day will come when you have to make a decision that will change your life forever. That's why if you do the best you can every day, then you will be prepared for the coming moment of fate." I took a couple minutes to let that sink in. I knew that Axle worked hard to prove himself, but this is a whole other level. "Dang that was like a wisdom storm right there." He acknowledged. I laughed with him again as we enjoyed the rest of our meal.


It's been a few hours since we ate. All three of use were in our quarters on three separate beds. Axle was the first to pass out which let Barriss and I play around with his hair. Barriss didn't want to restyle her hair and of course I don't have any so we decided to give Axle a makeover. Nothing fancy, just changing his hair style. After the little playful banter, Barriss went to sleep and I did shortly after.

After a little while, I felt something strange. My eyes peaked open just a little bit and I looked at Axle who was still sleeping. Something was pulling me toward him. I could sense his heart. A steady and relaxed beat. I could feel his warmth and it felt soothing. A thought crossed my mind. "Should I get into his bed?" I asked myself. As much as I want to do so, I didn't and stayed on my bed. However, the warm, relaxed feeling still flowed between us as I drifted off.


I woke up the next morning and slowly sat up. I turned my head to see Axle rising from his deep slumber as well. I laughed a little as he gave me an annoyed stare and rolled his eyes after noticing his messed up hair. Barriss was the last to wake up. She walked into the refresher and closed the door. Axle spun around on his bed and faced me. "I felt it too." He answered. I was very surprised by the sudden answer and stared into his eyes.


We all walked onto the bridge where Masters Kenobi and Skywalker were on the other side of a transmission. "Looks like you got Pogol." Axle said, smiling and folding his arms. "We did. Easily." Skywalker answered. Kenobi rolled his eyes, "Right." he said sarcastically. Anakin smirked at his old Master, then turned back to us, "Anyway, we need you three back down here. More assignments just came through." "We're on our way Master." I responded and ended the transmission. Axle and I locked eyes again. I quickly turned away smiling and biting my lip. I felt my cheeks get hot as Axle winked at me. He walked up and got close to my ear, "You're blushing. Don't fight it." He whispered and brushed his hand across my cheek. I followed him out of the bridge still sensing that warm feeling.