Anna suddenly finds herself on a plane headed towards Forks, Washington. When she arrives and comes face to face with Cullens she not only realizes that she is in the world of Twilight but she is.... If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy!
Seth's POV:
A painful whimper escaped her lips before she looked up at me with a final goodbye mouthing that she loved Edward.
Her hands still clutching the roots but her blood was depriving them of any hold. Her hands slid down the root and she was falling.
The expression on her face and in her eyes, in the moment of her approaching death would be forever burned into my mind.
My scream of denial at what was happening in front of my eyes pierced the night air as the furious water swallowed her.
"Seth," It was Edward's alarmed voice that I heard from behind me.
I turned around seeing only a fuzzy shape standing in the tree line because of the tears in my eyes. Blinking the tears away I could see the look of horror that washed over his face as I played the events of just a second ago over in my mind.
Faster then my eyes were able to catch it, he jumped down the cliff only the gush of air against my side, leaving any evidence of his actions.
I wasn't able to move at all. The only thing I was capable of was to stare down at the water. It was black and sinister. To me, in this very moment, the water looked like some dangerous substance out of a horror movie. That would lift it-self up any second and swallow me.
At the place where the water angrily broke against the rocks of the cliffs, white foam arose on the surface, making the scene beneath me look even more sinister.
I eagerly watched the ocean underneath me hoping that with my new sight I would be able to see something, anything...….but nothing.
I prayed that he would find Anna in time. I was hoping that she was alright. Never before was I confronted with the loss of anyone. I didn't want to lose a friend.
Soon the sticky, sweet scent was again powerful in my nose making the presents of a Vampire known.
"A-Anna.." my voice breaking with sobs while I was looking at the wild, dark water.
A sharp gasp emitted from behind me and the two Vampires jumped off the cliff just like Edward did a few moments ago. All I was able to see were a blond and a caramel coloured head diving into the black wetness.
I was praying and hoping that maybe some miracle would happen and that she would have survived this fall. Maybe if they turned her.
Anna as a Vampire was better then no Anna at all.
The council couldn't see that as a break of the treaty since it was a Werewolf's fault they would have to turn her in the first place.
But all my hope was gone as I heard the earth shattering yowls of pain and sorrow that rang through the air. The excruciating screams were crawling under my skin, making me sick and letting everyone know about the loss that occurred.
Miracles didn't happen after all.
All of the sudden I felt a gust of air behind my back. When I turned my head around and blinking my tears away I could see the rest of the Cullen's standing there in different states of grief and denial.
They didn't seem to pay much attention to me after seeing my condition. It seemed that they forgot I even existed.
The beautiful blond Vampire had her hand over her mouth. Her other arms was pressed across her torso, her fingers dug into her side, cringing every time Edward cried out, anew.
The one called Emmett who looked like a giant brick wall was shocked. His shock slowly transformed into a blazing rage. His muscles were flexing as a snarl tore out of his mouth before he was suddenly at the big rock that was placed on the edge of the cliff and was hitting into it while the rock crumbed under his punches to dust.
The little pixie was rolled up into a ball on the ground and was rocking back and froth while heavy sobs were shaking her little frame.
She was held in the arms of another blond Vampire. A male one I think his name is Jasper. He looked like he may pass out any second but there was something calculating in his eyes.
I looked away from them and shifted my position. I put my head between my knees and locked my arms around my legs, sobbing quietly.
I don't know how much time passed but suddenly on of the Vampires behind me spoke up after I heard hushed whispers before.
"We have to come up with a cover story for the humans."
I turned around and saw the male blond, Jasper, looking at me.
"We will need your help for that." He informed me I could only nod.
I was new in this being-a-supernatural-creature-thing but I knew that we had to keep our existence a secret.
"Good. Do you know a part of the cliffs where there are many sharp rocks underneath the surface and where the flux is strong?" Jasper asked.
I thought about that not entirely sure why he wanted to know that but not in the condition to question him on it.
"Ahhh...yeah a little about a mile down this path," I pointed behind him.
"Good, " he nodded and turned around to the bulky Vampire who looked crushed and pissed beyond believe at once.
Jasper said something to him and he took off.
"Listen," but he cut himself off eyeing me, "do you have some clothes with you?"
I shook my head. "No they are home. When we phase..." he grimaced.
"You will have to run home for some clothes and then come back here." He ordered.
"O.K. but why if I may ask." I choked out confused.
"We need the humans to believe that Anna and," his face turned sinister," the Asian wolf," he spat his name with venom, " are dead, for them to close the case." I nodded in understanding of this part.
"We can't give them the remains of the monster for obvious reasons. That's why you will have to tell them that you were out here….. and saw them fight on the cliff and fall down. Do you think you can do that?"
I clacked my teeth together and nodded.
"Yeah but I could tell them that Jake and I were searching for Anna on our own. Charlie was at my house and after hearing that Anna was missing and supposed to be here in La Push. I went to inform Jake and we took off."
"Good that's even better."
He nodded and I ran home to get some clothes. Eve, I knew her because my mom was giving her cooking lessons, so she often was at my house. She was such a nice and caring person and now she was fighting for her life in the hospital and Anna was…..was…. I was not able to even think the horrible truth.
Could this day get any worse?
I entered my bedroom through my window. I put some briefs on and grabbed some clothes holding them in my hand as I heard my mom sobbing.
Panicked I threw myself through the door of my room and went into the living room were my mom and my dad sat on the couch embracing each other.
"What happened?"
Leah sat on one of the love seats and had her arms crossed over her chest glaring at nothing in particular. She looked pissed. Well more then usually.
"We just got a call from the hospital." Mom choked out between sobs before she broke down again, not in the frame of mind to wonder about my undressed state.
I didn't understand her statement.
"Emily was attacked. The police found her here in the woods as they searched for Anna." My dad went on his face becoming angry and dark.
"It must have been those leeches. They..."
"No, dad if it was anyone then it was Dylan I'm sure of it." I shouted outraged.
They all looked startled at me after my outburst.
"Son, what are you talking about Dylan is….."
"A lying, cheating asshole but you never wanted to see that. He is the one responsible that Emily is in the hospital right now. You will see I'm right. And he...…."
I was shaking out of fury though the words wouldn't pass my lips. It took everything I had to move my body out of the front door in time before I exploded again.
Luckily I didn't have enough time to put the clothes on, they would have been ruined otherwise. I grabbed he clothes that were now lying on the ground in my mouth and took off.
While rushing back to Jasper and the others I could hear my father screaming after me but I didn't have time for this. I had to clean Dylan's mess up.
Arriving at the cliff. I waited with the others. The big guy had a shoe, a vest, a piece of what once were jeans and a shirt lying to his feet. Some of them looked like the clothes that Dylan had worn and the vest must have been Anna's. Dylan's the fabrics were stained with blood.
His blood.
I understood now the big guy went to Sam's and Emily's place, were this traitor had stayed and got some of his stuff and also get something from Anna's place.
After they explained to me what I had to do and which story to tell we waited until they heard the police near by Emmett threw the stuff over the edge before I started screaming as planned and they disappeared to let me do my job.
I was on my knees screaming down at the still angry waters as I heard someone come up behind me.
"What happened son?" Dirk Alves one of the cops here in Forks asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.
"They…..they ..were fighting…..and then..." I looked panicked as best I could.
"Then what son?" he pressed.
I didn't say anything only looked down at the ocean. As he followed my gaze I heard him inhale sharply.
"Who was fighting?" His voice scared of my answer.
"A-Anna and Dylan," I sobbed.
He closed his eyes in horror.
It wasn't all that hard to lie to them. Jasper's and Alice's cover story was flawless and they believed me.
My dad was furious with me for lying only until he heard from Jake who Dylan really was. As Sam broke down his thoughts seemed to be all over the place and Jake was able to catch them even though they aren't in the same pack.
Charlie's POV:
It had been three days since the horrible events at Kevin's place and our discoveries in La Push. I can't even imagine what Kevin is going through right now.
As Seth told us what he saw I knew immediately that there was no hope anymore but I didn't want to give up.
Guess you hope and pray for a miracle to happen until the very last minute. To the moment when everything you hoped for, everything you prayed for shatters in front of your eyes.
This moment arrived for me when one of the deputies found some pieces of clothing that were washed on the beach in La Push. And Seth confirmed that it was the shirt that he saw this monster wearing shortly before he fell of the cliff.
Dylan Uley.
We don't know who this person really was or where he came from. His fingerprints didn't give us any information. It is as if that person didn't existed at all.
How could I have been so blind? I should have known something was wrong. I'm a cop for god's sake. I know when I meet a foul egg.
I met this guy twice when I was fishing with the guys in La Push. How could it slip me that there was something wrong about this guy?
All the pain and suffering that could have been avoided. I shook my head to let go of those thoughts. It didn't help to dwell on the past.
I had the presents to worry about. We found only one piece of his clothing but nothing of Anna. The flux where the two of them fell into the ocean is pretty strong. I doubt we will find anything.
Poor Kevin he didn't take the news well. His niece was most likely dead and his girlfriend still fights for her life. The monster caused her a serious head injury.
Doctor Cullen was the one who operated her yesterday after she had a stroke. He came only for the operation into the hospital.
From the moment they returned to Forks from their little trip to Seattle and heard of the news the Cullen's didn't leave their house.
I was there to tell them. I arrived at their house about half an hour after they were back. Doctor Cullen had responded to the calls the nurses left him but thankfully they didn't tell him what happened over the phone. The kids were already asleep and I talked to Doctor and Mrs. Cullen. They had been shocked to say at least.
I feel sorry for the bronzed haired boy who was Anna's boyfriend. It must be horrible to lose his first love like that. And the little pixie girl who was always with her.
I'm not much into gossip but as the police chief I have my eyes and ears wide open and Anna was the first and only one to ever hang out with the Cullen kids. It must have hit them hard.
"Ch-Dad you did everything you could." Bella's voice ripped me out of my thoughts.
"Don't beat yourself up about it. You've done everything you could." She told me again sitting on the opposite couch in the living room.
"I know honey. I know." I grumbled under my breath.
"How is Kevin doing?"
"Not good Bella. I'm worried about him."
"Maybe I should cook him something. He needs his strength right now."
"That's nice of you, Bells. I will bring it to him later when I go to the hospital."
"Any news about Emily?"
"The physicians say that she will have to be in the hospital at least for the next two weeks. She barely made it but she will be O.K. though scares will remain."
Bells looked saddened by the news. She was such a good girl.
"And what about those reporters? Some of them were even at school."
"I know Bells but I think the worst is over now. Only the local newspapers are going to bring it. We are a small town, thank god."
I hated this aspect of my job, to have to talk to those...luckily I could protect Kevin from them. They had enough willing persons to answer their questions like Maggie Stanley and Connie Mallory.
The Cullen's weren't even mentioned in any articles. Guess because they don't give any interviews. Doctor Cullen even asked me to keep them off his property to protect his kids from more pain.
Bells nodded grim biting her bottom lip.
"Any news from Doctor Cullen?"
"No, Bells not since he operated Eve. Anna was really close to them they need time to grief." She nodded and stood up to go to the kitchen.
She was really easy to read like an open book. She didn't want to know about the Doctor but about his son. She is worried about him.
I know my baby girl. She is worried about him and wants to be there for him because she loves him. I can see it in her eyes and she feels bad because she has the feeling that she is misusing the horrible happening to get closer to him.
My poor Bells I know how a broken heart hurts. Her mother...
But something tells me the two of them will never be.
Seth's POV:
"So how does it feels like to be the alpha?" I asked Jake as we were at his place.
He shrugged, "guess it's alright but a lot of responsibility."
Silence fell upon us again and my mind wandered into the direction of the memories I so badly wanted to forget. Shaking my head I thought of something to talk about.
"Did your dad tell you what he and Doctor Cullen talked about yesterday?"
"It was about the treaty. We are in the debt of the Cullen's because of what Dylan did."
"Do you think they will kill Sam, Paul and Jared?"
Jake sighed heavily before answering me.
"I think.....I think if they wanted Paul and Jared dead then they would have done it three days ago instead of using tranquilizer though I'm not sure where Sam is concerned."
I nodded at that falling into dull silence again. This was really quite a mess.
Suddenly Jared stormed panicked through the door.
"Guys come quick the leech is killing Sam." He screamed, turned around, went out of the door and phased.
Jake and I exchanged a look and went after him.
Quil called he said that the leech sought Sam out after he left the hospital. He saw how he dragged Sam into the woods behind the hospital that's all I know. They are to far away to hear anything. Jared informed us.
But you do know that even when we get there in time there is nothing we can do. None can fault Edward for wanting revenge. I warned.
Anna wasn't Dylan's imprint and that means that he or the pack had no claim on her. She wasn't a member of our pack, she wasn't an imprintee.
I know that Seth but.....
Sam's life is Edward's to take if he wants to and you know it. I sighed sadly.
You've seen how they fight. We don't stand a chance. If the treaty is erased then we will all die. I stated soberly.
Damn this asshole Dylan or Jobaar or whoever the hell he was. Jared cursed angered in his mind.
We could hear the fight from far way and as we arrived which was nearly at the same time as the Cullen males, Sam was only a bloody mess.
He was resting to Edward's feet, his body broken, black and green bruises and red stops all over him, visible where his blood didn't cover it up.
His right leg was twisted into a disgusting angel and his left arm was broken. His bone broke through his skin and was sticking out. It was hard for me to keep my lunch in at his sight.
Paul who arrived just now wanted to stop Edward badly but knew the consequences when he did. All we could do was to watch and hope...
Just as we all thought that Edward was going to kill him he stopped. He stooped looking like a man possessed starring at what he had done.
As he Sam's opened his good eye to look at Edward, he snarled at him in an ice, cold voice.
"I will not grant you the salvation of death. You will life. You will life every single day with the knowledge that this is all your fault. Anna's blood is on your hands." Edward seethed at him.
His eyes were pitch black and murderous despite the immense amount of pain and sorrow that was swimming in them. He wasn't the same guy I had met only a few days ago at the drive in anymore.
Once he conveyed his message the only thing in his eyes was death. That night not only Anna died but also Edward.
He didn't even look at the other male's of his coven who came to stand by his side but rushed passed them into the direction of his house.
The Doctor seemed to be struggling wanting to help Sam, wanting to stay true to his duty as a physician. I saw the struggle in his eyes but his loyalty to his son won and resigned he went after him.
"Oh man! Sam!" Jared panicked as he phased back and went to Sam's side.
"What do we do now?" He asked none in particular.
"I'll go and get my Van to transport him to Sue." Paul announced before he phased back and taking off to La Push.
"Don't worry man you'll be alright." Jared said. I don't know if it was for Sam's sake or for his own.
It took Sam nearly a full weak but his physical injuries healed perfectly while the ones on his soul were wide open gashes.
"If I should die and leave you here awhile, Be not like others, sore undone, who keep, Long vigils by the silent dust, and weep. For my sake—turn again to life and smile, Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do. Something to comfort other hearts than thine. Complete those dear unfinished tasks of mine. And I, perchance, may therein comfort you...."
Pastor Weber was reciting a poem from Mary Lee Hall as nearly the whole town of Forks was assembled at Anna's funeral.
Anna lived her only for a few months but the tragedy and brutal crime surrounding her death had shocked Forks to it's core.
The rain was softly falling down mourning her death as well as it seemed. Kevin stood broken and dissolved in tears at his niece's coffin.
Doctor Cullen, his wife, the blond Vampire, Alice and Jasper were attending the funeral as well. I could imagine where the bulky one, Emmett, was. He must have stayed with Edward.
Who I do feel sorry for aside of Edward, Kevin and the rest of the Cullen's was Emily. She had to endure more then a human should have.
First the break between her and my sister. Then being accidentally attacked by Sam. The nightmare that Dylan put her through...…
She survived all of this but would she be strong enough to deal with a broken, guilt-loaded Sam? The happenings of that night destroyed him.
The emotional and spiritual gashes he has received that night are still as open and painful as on the first day. I doubt he would ever recover.
I do understand his need, the wish for a family. He didn't want any of this to happen but his desire made him blind and allowed the disaster to take place.
After the funeral was over I walked up to Kevin and the Cullen's who were talking.
"Carlisle thank you for coming and for everything you did for Eve." Kevin sobbed.
"Don't mention it. In a few weeks she will be released out of the hospital. I don't believe that there are going to be any further complications." Doctor Cullen smiled sympathetically at Kevin.
"How is Edward doing?"
Doctor and Mrs. Cullen's faces fell as the ones of their three attending children.
"Not good." Mrs. Cullen choked out.
"I'm sorry about that. He really loved her. The way he looked at her and took care of her, as if she was the centre of his universe." Kevin sighed heavily.
"I heard that you are moving away?"
"Yes, after what happened we can't live here anymore. It wouldn't be good for Edward." Doctor Cullen answered.
"Of cause," Kevin smiled sadly and both men shook hands before saying their final goodbye to each other.
As Kevin walked to Charlie I made my way over to the Doctor and his family.
"I just wanted to say how sorry I am that I couldn't….." Doctor Cullen placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Don't be Seth. You are a good boy. Thank you for trying to safe my youngest child." Sincerity was swimming in his eyes I nodded not able to say anything more.
Fork will forever be a dreadful place for the Cullen's from now on. In the end the tribe had to admit that Vampires weren't the only danger and that we "protectors", I think it's laughable to call us that after what happened, were also to regard with caution.
Nothing was as it was before after the waves of horror died down and allowed a look at the debris that were left behind.