Anna suddenly finds herself on a plane headed towards Forks, Washington. When she arrives and comes face to face with Cullens she not only realizes that she is in the world of Twilight but she is.... If you enjoy please support me on my patreon Future 30+ chapters at Additionally, I have many other works readers may be interested in. Please enjoy!
Edward's POV:
My body was cutting through the air as I was flying through the familiar green of the Olympic forest. I was attempting to break the sound barrier to be able to get to my Anna faster, to be able to make sure my mate was safe.
I didn't register my feet touching the ground as my frame was pressing forward loosing Alice and Jasper somewhere behind me.
The pull I always felt, that was drawing me to her with a force I didn't know could exist was telling me what I dreaded to accept. I was going out of my mind with worry.
Anna had to be fine. Yes, she would be with Kevin and Eve eating dinner and smiling and laughing and talking with them. Denial kept my sanity at bay.
She would be fine. I would have her in my arms in a little while. I repeated the sentences like a mantra, over and over in my head.
Something else was just unthinkable. The fear that gripped every fibre of my being was more powerful then when James had kidnapped her.
Why must this happen to her? Didn't she have to go through enough? First losing her world and her family. Then James and the whole treaty-thing and now...…
I shook my head in an attempt to shake those thoughts out of my mind, succeeding in doing so, the other fear that ruled me in this moment resurfaced in it's place.
She loved me.
She loves me.
That was the other fear that boiled inside of me. It was selfish to think about it while I didn't know if she was safe yet but my mind couldn't stop worrying. I feared for her life. I couldn't lose her. The very thought alone was burning me to ashes.
But a part of my mind couldn't stop worrying for her love for me. What if she chose him over me?
I couldn't lose her.
My mind was a mess. I had to get to her and make sure she would be safe first and then worry about our relationship.
I laughed bitterly at that thought because, probably, if Anna would have heard my thoughts right now. Me doubting her love for me, I would have hell to pay for that.
Empathy stuck me.
Yes, I would. She would be so angry but it would be a relief because it would mean that she really would stay.
She loves me and I would be a complete fool for doubting her. Whatever this mutt did or whatever happened that day doesn't matter.
We will get through it. I know better then to doubt what we have. Our connection can't be broken by something as simple as an imprint.
Our bond is non breakable. This mutt will experience an unpleasant surprise. Though Carlisle won't be happy about the wasted lives but if the mutts are going to get in our way, La Push is going to lose some inhabitants.
I was nearing my destination and I could already see the lights of the street in which Kevin's house was located.
I ran in the protection of the trees up to Kevin's house and already I knew something was wrong. It wasn't only my feeling anymore but I couldn't hear Eve's thoughts.
She was a rather loud person in her mind and I should have heard her by now, seen Anna in her thoughts but nothing. This wasn't good.
A thick lump began to build in my throat as my silenced heart was being caged in a prison of ice. Denial falling to my feet shattering in front of my eyes, my Anna wasn't safe.
Storming into the house I was assaulted with the strong scent of fresh spilled blood and the stench of a wolf. My first reaction was relief it wasn't my loves blood but it almost instantly vanished.
I stopped breathing before moving to inspect the area quickly. Entering the dinning room I discovered Eve lying on the ground her heart beat losing it's strength at a rapid speed.
Not trusting my sense of hearing enough I swept through every room in the house in the desperate search for my Anna.
Broken, having to admit to myself that she was nowhere in sight. I wanted to leap over the damned treaty line and seek out my beloved but I couldn't leave Eve here. Anna liked her and she would be saddened if Kevin's girlfriend were to die.
While finding myself in this predicament my mobile buzzed in my pocket. Getting it out of my backside pant pocket I took a look at the ID. Alice.
"She isn't here:" I cried panicked.
"I know. Her future disappeared. The wolfs in front of our house that had been a trap. I can't see anything with them around damn it." She growled frustrated.
"Listen you have to get out of there Jasper is arranging help for Eve. They will arrive soon."
My mind was made up they...
"Edward NO!!!!!" She barked in the speaker.
"It won't help anyone if you just go in there blind. Anna would kick your ass if you did."
"Alice, I can't lose her," I moaned fear thick and raw in my voice.
"You won't. We won't," her voice fierce and determinate. "Those stupid mutts have no idea what's coming at them. Come home we need to plan."
Charlie's POV:
"Do we still have some cake left? I asked in an attempt to find something to eat at the police station.
"Why? I thought Bella was such a great cook?" Steve asked curious as he looked up form his paper work.
"Yeah, she is but today is rabbit food day." I grumbled.
"Rabbit food day?" He asked confused.
"She thinks I need healthy food." I shook my head. "Some green stuff isn't a complete meal but try to explain that to her."
"Well a man around your age…."
"Steve if you value your life shut up."
"Oh come on Charlie," Dirk threw in. I already knew by the tint in his voice that whatever came next...I would like to murder him for.
"I mean let's be honest you could lose some." He laughed the others snickered.
"Yeah, but I'm not taking any advice in that department from someone who looks like he is pregnant with twins."
The entire station roared with laughter.
"I'm stocking for bad times." He patted his big stomach proudly, being one of the loudest to laugh.
I rolled my eyes and finally my eyes fell on a pack of cookies on Dan's desk.
"Dan I'm afraid this has to be confiscated." I told him seriousness lacing my voice.
"Sure Charlie but don't sell me out to your daughter. We don't want the rabbit food inventor to storm the station." He chuckled.
"Sure, sure," I waved him off as I was opening the wrapping. The sweet smell of chocolate entered my nose as I sat down in front of my desk.
I took one cookie out and was about to take a bite of the delicious sin as the phone on my desk rang. I groaned annoyed.
"Someone better be dying." I grumped under my breath as I picked phone up.
"Hello this is Chief Swan how may...."
"Charlie? Thank good! Charlie you have to come here it's awful." I knew this voice. Mrs. Stone the nosy neighbour of Kevin's.
"Selma what is it? Did Chester run away again?" This cat was a pain in...
"NO!!" She shouted into the phone.
Her tone. Something about it ticked me off.
"Selma what is it? What happened?"
I had the feeling that something serious happened. I had never heard such a panic and fright in her voice.
"I had such a bad feeling somehow, all of the sudden... I can't explain why…... I went to Kevin's house to check...…I don't really know why....b-but when I entered..... Oh is so much blood someone broke in and Eve..." She was weeping. Her was voice scared and hysterical.
"What? What happened? Is Eve alright?"
"No, she's not…..the blood….. hurry!...We…..she… needs a Doctor!"
"I'm on my way." I hung up the phone quickly gathering my things.
"Charlie everything alright?" Tom asked looking concerned.
"No, someone broke in into Kevin's house. Eve is injured. Call an ambulance we have to hurry." I growled and flew out of the station into my car.
I shot out of the lot, with sound and lights on and drove at top speed to the scene of crime. I could only hope Eve would be alright.
And what about Anna and Kevin?
Arriving the ambulance had also just parked in front of the house. I jumped out of my car and rushed into the house.
The living room was a mess. Things were lying all over the place indications of a fight that must have taken place here. The EMT'S rushed past me as I inspected the crime scene.
"She is here. Hurry!" I heard one of them yell.
This was the hardest part of my job. Not that I didn't know crime scenes. I saw many of them more then I ever care to remember but a situation like this is different.
Here the victim is not a stranger. The next of kin was not someone I would never see again when the case was over. This wasn't just professional. It was personal. Friends of mine, people I genuinely liked suffered brutality and injustice.
Entering the dinning room I saw Eve. It was worse then I thought. She was lying on the ground, looked nearly dead and was surrounded by her own blood. My blood froze in my veins.
The dinning room was partly demolished. A chair seemed to have been kicked into the wall and stuck half in it and others were lying around the room.
The tablecloth was thrown of the table taking all the dishes laid out for dinner down on the floor to shatter on the ground.
"The back door." Dirk called from inside the kitchen.
My legs moved me into the kitchen. My eyes taking in the back door that was obviously been kicked open. Apparently with such force it even splintered. Who can splinter a door like that? What force that monster must have had.
After doing what they could here, the EMT's had taken Eve into the ambulance and it didn't looked good at all she lost a lot of blood.
"We have to get this monster." Steve said in a stern voice.
"We will." I confirmed.
Just then I heard Kevin's panicked voice outside. Some times I really hated my job.
Kevin's POV:
Just a few more minutes and I would be home. I hoped my girls liked the gifts I got for them. I was incredibly glad that Anna and Eve got along just fine.
I wonder when Eve would like to have children. This is the only topic we haven't discussed yet. I'm not getting any younger it's about time.
And besides Anna would graduate in about a year, I think it would be nice when she could be still here when the little one is born.
That meant if Eve and I got married till then. I was getting ahead of myself. I should really hurry up and pop the question. Maybe I should accept Alice's help on that matter.
She seemed to be quite determinate about the proposal. She is so little and petite but a lethal hurricane once on the roll. I could already see my personal nightmare happening, Eve and Alice organizing big, big wedding.
I shuttered at that thought. I liked it more small and simple but no way Eve would go through with it she always had wanted a big, white wedding.
And then something even more horrible struck me. I would have to go through the white hell all over again once Anna was to marry Edward. The way he looked at her I had no doubt he would marry her off the spot if allowed.
Oh well, I sighed defeated, what I wouldn't endure for the two most important women in my life.
Rounding the corner to my street I could see the blue lights blinking and the police cars parked in front of my house.
I felt like throwing up on the spot. In my stomach a huge knot build all of the sudden. Panic and fear washed over me. I stepped onto the gas out of reflex and then quickly the breaks as I reached my house.
"What the hell is going on here?" I hollered as I jumped out of the car.
Charlie was stepping out of my front door only seconds after my shouted question. His was expression grim and sympathetic. My body went cold at the sight of him.
"What the hell is going on?" I yelled, through with my nerves.
He looked like he wanted to smoothen me with some nonsense but one hard glare of mine and he sighed giving up on that plan.
"Someone broke in...….. They are transporting Eve into the hospital...."
I didn't listen any longer. I couldn't. I turned around, threw myself back into my car and shot like a bad out of hell in the direction of the hospital.
I think I broke all traffic laws known to man kind but I couldn't care less in that moment. My mind was a mess.
I have no idea how I got into the lot of the hospital or how I managed to get here without an accident but I didn't busy myself with such nullities.
I was there running into the building. Passing the front door I nearly crashed into the desk of the information.
"Kevin I'm so sorry." Nancy, one of the nurses, who stood next to the desk, began as she saw me.
I knew Nancy very well. She was married to Stan one of the first people to welcome me in Forks as I moved here. She had her mouth running free most of the time and the sorrowful look on her face and pitiful glances she was giving me didn't fit her personality at all.
"How….W-What…" I couldn't even talk in this moment.
"Kevin, I have some forms you need to fill out. Why don't we sit down….."
"Spare me this shit Nancy," I hissed at her not having the nerves for this.
She sighed heavily again a look of pity and sympathy directed at me.
"We have to operate Eve. It doesn't look good but the Doctors will do everything they can." She explained looking at me worryingly, afraid of how I would react.
My frame was shaking. I was shaking like a leave in the wind. I felt sick with helplessness. Eve was being operated and Anna…..ANNA?!?!? Why didn't she tell me anything about my niece?
"And Anna." I breathed out.
My voice was powerless while my thoughts were screaming at the top of their mental lungs. How as my niece doing?
The poor girl had to go through so much in the past month and finally found stability again and now a....a monstrosity broke in into our home and...….
Nancy stopped breathing and a look of helplessness, confusion and then realization washed over her face.
Oh god! NO! NO! This couldn't be happening. She couldn't be dead.
"What about my niece?" I roared.
"S-She isn't here. Only Eve got...Anna was also…..?" A look of shock masked her expression.
"Where is Anna? Where is my niece?" I roared as cold, icy fear was running through my veins.
Where was my niece? What happened to the poor child?
"What do you mean where is Anna?" Charlie asked as he entered the hospital.
"She and Eve have been together!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.
Didn't they understand what I was telling them or didn't they want to?
"Oh god!" Charlie blanched after a moment.
Anna's POV:
The first thing I noticed when I started to regain my conscious was that my head hurt. It was a piercing pain in one of my temples. And my neck was killing me. The right side of my neck was lightly burning. I groaned as I was slowly waking up more.
My throat was dry and I felt a dull ache. I tried to reach for a bottle of water on my night stand but instead something hot and soft/hard gripped my hand.
Shock, of the bad kind, shot through my system. My eyes opened immediately and my head shot up, too quickly as my head throbbed now with fresh pain.
I hissed at the torture, taking deep breaths to breath the pain away before my vision sharpened and I looked up in the face of the monster responsible for all of it.
There right in front of me was the predator that broke into my house, hurt Eve, had drugged and as it looked like kidnapped me.
It all came back to me.
My eyes franticly roamed over the room I was captured in with him. It was just one single big room equipped with some old, wasted furniture.
It looked like a hut or something like it. A club house for some teenager judging by the empty beer and coke cans and bottles lying all over the floor and the empty chips and snacks packs right next to them.
"I knew you would quickly see reason." He said as he squeezed my hand.
He looked like the boys here in La Push, tan, bronze skin, pitch black hair and build like a bear. He was a wolf. One I had never seen before. So he could only be the Asian wolf.
"Who the hell are you?"
"I'm Dylan Uley. I saved you." He smiled broadly.
O.K. the psycho lost his mind. Wasn't that the reason he was a psycho? He thought he saved? He was clearly out of his mind!
"You are mine now!" He growled now, his expression changing.
His eyes were becoming darker and his expression was turning sinister. There was something about him that screamed, crazy and dangerous murderer.
I somehow had this really, really bad feeling about him. I already had my share of run ins with monsters, namely James and Victoria, but this one was a complete different dimension of creepy, dangerous monster.
Despite that feeling in the pit of my stomach I couldn't keep the sudden anger that rushed through my veins at bay.
"You are crazy." I spat into his face. Not a smart move on my side but I was pissed.
As soon as the words left my mouth I chastised myself. I had to keep my temper under control. This was not the moment to tell this sick jerk what I was thinking of him and his idea of saving me.
Not if I wanted to see my Edward again.
"You know I'm really dissatisfied with you." He used his other hand to stroke my cheek.
I haven't thought it was possible, so god help me, but his touch disgusted me even more then the one from James had.
I had to suppress the gagging that was threatening to make itself known but I couldn't stop my stomach from turning. If he kept that up I would throw up.
"A leech lover that's disgusting." He growled into my face as if wanting to hammer his believes into my mind.
"You were born to destroy them not to fuck one of them." he shouted now.
What was his problem? Why did he care what I did with whom? I honestly rather would have had James back. Being in his clutched wasn't that bad compared to this.
Maybe it was because I did like Vampires better and I would rather be in the hands of a crazy Vampire then in the hands of a crazy Werewolf.
"Alone the thought that that blood sucking monster touched you is disgusting." He gripped my throat and was squeezing tight.
His eyes were blazing with anger and betrayal. As if…..Was he some kind of stalker? I had the feeling it wasn't just me thinking he was crazy he really was crazy.
Now I was afraid. Crazy persons are unpredictable. I couldn't argue my way out of this one. Maybe that's why I'm wishing James back he was a sadistic monster but one with all of his marbles present.
This one on the other side lost all of them. He would be only acting on impulse and his mood was changing faster the one of a pregnant woman.
And on the top of at I wasn't getting enough air. I was choking. He was choking me. His black eyes twisted and crazy burning into mine as I started coughing.
He brought his mouth to my ear.
"I think before I kill you will have some fun with you." He murmured as his grip on my throat loosened.
I coughed and was desperately gasping for air as he grabbed my chin roughly and forced me to look at him again.
"You have been such a good pawn." He stroked my cheeked. Disgust doesn't even begin to describe how repulsed I was in that moment.
"You deserve your reward." His chuckled darkly.
That repulsive monster could take his damn reward and shove it up his...…
Just you wait the second I recover from those drugs your balls will get to know my keen very well. My mind screamed at the top of my mental lungs. I had to bite the inside of my cheek to avoid screaming it out loud.
If he thought that I would just surrender to him because of fear then he was sadly mistaken. Was I scared? Hell yes, I was scared witless and the fear that was running through my body laid itself upon my frame like a thick blanket, nearly paralyzing me under it's weight.
But simply giving in because I didn't see a way out..... NEVER. I let my anger rule out the fear. I used the passionate temper that I inherit from my mom to my advantage. Luckily I was able to control it better then my mom.
I tried to look scared to lull him into thinking that I was a scared and a helpless victim that was completely at him mercy. I only hoped that I would have enough time to recover.
Pawn?!? The words suddenly popped out in my mind. He called me a pawn. But for what was I a pawn? What was his plan? Did he want to kill my family? But then why all of those troubles?
I had the feeling that there was a lot that I was missing here just as I was mulling this over he starting to move his hand from the base of my throat, were it was lying after he drooped it off my cheek, down my body but suddenly stopped with a sigh and an annoyed expression on his face.
"Time to sleep again. You will have to wait a little while longer. But don't worry I'm going to make it worth while."
I left sick to my core. The very thought of him touching me. I wanted to die. No, I wanted to rip him to pieces!
He let go of me and reached for something. It was another injection. I wanted to run away to move but the drugs in my body wouldn't allow me to move too much.
The injection pierced my skin and the drug entered my body with the same slightly burning feeling like before. I hated feeling so helpless and to be the useless victim.
"Time to get to the next phase of my plan." I heard him say as I was beginning to drift of into darkness again but I thought against it.
Did he really think this was so easy? That I wouldn't murder him the first chance I got after the effects of the drugs faded?
If he dared to as much as touch my Edward or any other member of my family he was dead meat! He was anyway!!
Dylan's POV:
This was actually working out better then I thought. The leeches were back in Forks and they even had the perfect pawn for my use.
I was actually planning on this to a later date, thinking I could make it worth while more if I wait for him to have something I can destroy that would break him if I did before I eliminated him.
Who would have guessed he was a Werewolf just like myself and had imprinted. I've seen what it did to a wolf if something happens to his imprint.
After I saw her and that leech with the Black kid in the lot I had to get away. I nearly attacked them. It was too much fun to destroy his kind and by accident I could have gotten rid of my other problem. But in doing so I would have ruined the best chance for my revenge. Luckily I did get a grip on myself.
I had enough time to work out a good plan how to set everything in motion and avenge the injustice that had been done to me.
They shouldn't have betrayed me back then. We were pack brothers and we should have had our backs no matter what. Now the sons had to pay for the sins of their fathers.
This time they would really pay I won't do it as quickly as I did the last time. I thought killing the old trash would be satisfying but it was too quick. I should have made him surfer more.
My luck there is one leftover and this time I will draw this out and enjoy it. The drug was taking a toll on my pawn and she sank motionless to the ground just in time.
"Dylan...what did you do?" Sam asked horrified as he entered the small hut that was hidden between the rocks above first beach.
It was time to play my part.
"He wanted to kill her. I had no other choice but to safe her." I explained in a broken voice.
I was an experienced actor. None was able to see through my mask and the fact that none of those fuckers spoke mandarin made it even easier to hide my thoughts.
"Who wanted to kill her?" He asked stupidly.
So easy. He's just too stupid.
"The leech of cause! Who else?" I growled.
"She told him that she wanted to be with me and the monster lost it. I knew you told me not to go to her place but I couldn't stay away from her and it was good that I did go or else..." I was getting into it.
"You should have seen what he did to the other woman who was there as well."
Sam growled angered by my lies he so easily believed to be the truth. He was just too easy to play.
"I knew it. They can't be trusted." He spat.
I had to suppress the smile that threatened to show. Intelligence had never been a strong trace in his blood line.
"We have to kill them. They won't let go of my imprint."
"What happened to her anyway?" Sam asked as he saw her lying on the old couch, stirring.
Hmm…..interesting even though I gave her enough of the tranquilizer for her to be out a few days, she was still conscious.
Conscious half way but not able to move or to speak. Works for me.
"He pushed her and she hit her head against a wall and then she fainted but I can't bring her into the hospital. The other leech is working there. The police would never believe us that they are dangerous."
"You are right their reputation in Forks is flawless."
"Sam, stay here with her and watch my imprint make sure she will be safe. I know only you can." I told him looking pleadingly at him. Damn was I good.
"No Dylan, I'm the alpha. I will fight with you and more important I'm your brother." The stupid fuck tried to argue.
"Sam, no," I shook my head. "I can't trust anyone else with her but you. Please."
"If they find her here..." I swallowed hard for effect. "I need to know that someone is with her who is able to take care of them. And that is only you."
The stupid fuck was clenching his jaw. I wanted to smack him but I suppressed that need. It wouldn't do me any good to do that now.
"Of cause brother you can count on me." His voice shaking with emotions and honesty.
He was touched by my faith in him.
Awww..., isn't that just adorable?....And unbelievably stupid I can't say that often enough.
Sam placed his hand on my shoulder in a brotherly gesture to convey his feelings. Idiot!
"Thank you," I breathed.
I should really get an Oscar for this shit.
"What is your plan, Dylan?"
"I will go to find the others and we will have to take them down."
"Wouldn't it be better if we moved her into the centre of our town? It would be harder for them to get to her there then it is here." I shook my head.
Of cause it would be harder for them to get to her if she was hidden somewhere in the middle of La Push but also harder for me to kill you asshole.
It would be too hard to pull that off. I didn't have enough time to from a plan to push the blame on the leeches in that setting and besides he of all people couldn't come.
He was the alpha, the fucker could be able to see my real intentions if I let myself have too much fun killing the blood sucking monsters.
I grabbed his arms and squeezed them, looking directly into his eyes.
"No, Sam. It would endanger the people in town too much. You have to stay here. Please brother, protect my soul mate."
He crumbled to my will like I knew he would. That fucker was such a pansy. He was so desperate for a family that he didn't even question my story that I told him of me being his half brother for a second.
Like I said before, stupid fuck and the others aren't any better. Not wanting to destroy his happiness they just let me in.
Those people here always have been hopeless. Good for me!
"I will brother." His eyes shinning with determination.
"One more thing. There is something you should know. That leech threatened her."
"What? With what?"
"He told her that if she left him he would kill her uncle and everyone else in Forks and La Push she cared about."
Sam growled again and started shaking.
"She might want to run to him to protect everyone. She is scared for the lives of the others. She might lie to get away. Don't believe her."
"Poor girl." Sam looked at her with pity and sympathy.
She won't need pity or sympathy once this is over. In fact she won't be off need at all anymore neither will he be but only after he suffered enough to my liking.
"I'm going now. I have to inform the others of what happened."
"Dylan wait." I was at the door turning around, pissed wondering what he wanted.
"Since I won't be there you need to be the alpha and lead the others."
I smirked on the inside. This was going better then I planed.
Carlisle's POV:
This whole situation was a nightmare. My youngest daughter was kidnapped by a Werewolf. And my oldest son was a mess.
Hurt, pain and misery were mixed with the raw and primeval need to kill whoever did this to her. Whoever took away his reason for existence!
I am not one for violence but none attacks my family!
"Who kidnapped her? Which one of the mutts was it?" Emmett growled as we all gathered in the living room.
Emmett was very protective of our family. He was always the first ready for a fight and this time there might just be no other choice.
"The Asian wolf." Edward growled as he clenched and unclenched his fists in an attempt not to lose it.
"This isn't like them to do any thing like that…" Jasper stated what set Edward off.
"WHAT!?!?! Are you defending them!"
"Of cause not Edward!" Jasper quickly threw in.
A wave of calm washed over the room. Jasper was working over time to keep us all calm especially Edward.
"I know you are about to lose it. I feel it but we need to stay rational to get Anna back. Acting harshly might put her into more danger."
"I'm sorry Jasper...I'm just…" Edward moaned painfully as he let himself fall into the couch behind him. His face in his hands.
Esme was at his side in an instant wrapping her arms around him, tying to give him what comfort she could. It was in vain.
"Don't mention it Edward. But it is weird the Wolfs regard themselves as protectors they wouldn't kidnap anyone or hurt them like he did." Jasper explained his suspicion. The tragic news about Eve left us rather puzzled.
"So what now?" Rose asked.
"It might be only the Asian wolf who is different. Unfortunately it's not like they will believe us." Jasper sighed frustrated.
"So your discovery, who is behind it doesn't help at all. It's useless." Emmett voiced impatient.
"Not really but it's only useful in the sense that we know who exactly we have to pay attention to but it doesn't help us with the wolfs. The others are with him. Like they told us, he imprinted on her. From all Anna told us I can tell that they think she is their property. They won't let her go." He looked at me now.
"I'm sorry to say this Carlisle but it seems like we won't have much of a choice here." I nodded in understanding.
I didn't like to kill but they wouldn't release Anna and I had the feeling that they would go over her safety just as we.
Is the threat to serve it has to be eliminated. I care about every life but the ones of my family are the most valuable.
"I will call Tanya and ask them to come down here, just as a back up."
"You think we aren't enough to deal with those pups?" Emmett questioned flexing his muscles.
"Emmett it's better to be safe then sorry."
Alice went rigid and Edward cursed. It was the first time I had ever heard a strong word leaving his mouth.
"Carlisle you have to call Tanya quickly. They are coming for us." Edward growled.
We all sprang into action.
Charlie's POV:
"I will find her. I promise you. I will find Anna." I assured Kevin who was breaking down right in front of my eyes.
"This can't be true..... This isn't happening…..God please no, please no.." Kevin was shaking.
He was white as a sheet. This was taking quite a toll on him. The woman he loved was being cut open and the girl he came to love like a daughter...….
There were no traced of Anna in the house. I didn't even think of her anymore after I saw Eve.
Kevin bent suddenly and started throwing up. The nurses rushed to his side to help him. I ran my hand through my hair in desperation.
I leaned against the counter of the information for support as I took a deep breath, seeing a friend of mine in such a condition wasn't easy for me.
How long did it take the nurses to get me Eve's clothes? I needed to send them to the Crime Scene Investigation lab in Port Angeles. There had to be some traces of that monster on her clothes. I prayed they would lead us to him.
"Could you finally reach Doctor Cullen?" I heard one of the nurses ask.
"No, I left him at least nine messages but he still hasn't called back." Another one answered.
"Doctor Cullen isn't here?" I asked chiming into the conversation.
"No," the both of them answered.
"Of cause not you know that none can reach him on his free days." The chief nurse who just arrived at the information said.
"Do you know where he is? If he is at home I can get him if he is needed here." I offered hoping to be of real help for once since this nightmare started.
"Sorry but I heard him say something about a trip to Seattle with the whole family. I think but I'm not sure. They often go camping or do trips together but the other physicians here got it covered." She murmured. I sighed frustrated and dejected.
"Chief Sawn here are the clothes you asked for." Nancy said with a worried tint in her voice as she was holding the bag out to me.
I didn't even notice her arriving. I nodded shortly and grabbed the bag. Leaving the hospital I handed the bag to Dan who was already waiting to drive it up to Port Angeles.
I couldn't do any thing for Kevin in there but I could do something. I could, I would do anything in my power to find Anna.
Arriving back at Kevin's house I needed a trace anything at all. Anything that would lead us to the monster who did this.
"Any traces?" I asked none in particular.
"I think I have something here." Said Steve.
"What is it?" I rushed to his side.
"Look this necklace." He showed me the piece packed in a plastic bag.
"Where did you find this?"
"It was lying on the ground near the table. It has some blood on it." He answered before handing me the plastic bag.
I looked at the necklace in my hands. One the chain was a little blood. Anna must have ripped it off her attacker's neck and cut herself in the process. I looked at the necklace more closely and immediately I knew where we had to search. It was only a small clue but I placed all my hope on it.
The necklace. I had seen so many like them.
This necklace belonged to someone from La Push. It wasn't long after the incidence happened that meant the chances that Anna might be still alive were pretty good. We had to hurry now.
"Dirk put a searching party together whoever did this is coming most likely from La Push." I shouted for everyone to hear.
"Alright Chief I'm on my way."
I squeezed the little plastic bag in my hand, my mind set and my will burning with determination. I would get him.