
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 75

Addrimos took a single big step up on the rock then he slowly hold the handle of the sword.

"I hope I could pull this out."

He whispered.

While Avador just keeps looking at him.


Addrimos had shouted too loud. Getting out his whole strength to pull out the sword. While endeavoring to pull it out, the drizzle had appeared.

At the end of his shout, he gives his very best until he had successfully done it and the drizzle had turned to heavy rain.

Lifting slowly the sword high by his right hand, showing a sign that he had made it while Avador had smiled because of his success.

"Well done."

Avador said.

Addrimos had looked at unto him with a big smile.

"Then, what should I do next?"

As he asked.

"Strongly hit the ground and you can see the upcoming magnificent things."

Avador answered.