
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 6

"Okay... Look, he means that we are here to protect you."

Genus added.

'What?', as her mind says. She didn't attempt to make it out from her mouth. She knows that they would forbid her to ask again.

Domzkie sighed and looks at Fontana.

"You're one of us now."

Then he smiles.

She couldn't say anything. She doesn't know whether she'll get happy or sad.

Genus is responsible for getting Fontana home, safe and sound. He cannot oppose what Domzkie asked him to do. Domzkie stands as their leader in that team and he had qualities that they admired as their leader.

"What does it mean that you'll make a change in this world?"

Finally, she talked after almost five minutes of walking in silence towards her home with this guy.

Genus looks at her as he continues to walk.

"We made a plan about changing the world not through war but through convincing people to use the product that we might succeed."


She whispered.

"Yup, a product."

But Genus still could hear it.

"But what is that product that you are saying?"

She asked Genus while looking at him.

"A product that could protect our neck."

She suddenly looks at Genus in a serious look then she suddenly chuckled and continues to walk.

"We're serious about that. We could make a change with that."

As he tries to stand by for his team's plan.

"Really? How could you make a change with that? And who's idea is that?"

"It's from Domzkie, who else? It's not just a fabric that we are using right now in our neck but it is a technology that could hide tattoos and we don't need this fabric anymore."

Fontana stopped and look at him curiously and as well as him.

"Really? But how long does it hide tattoos?"

"It depends. It would uncover tattoos if your neck got wet."

Then they continue to walk again.

"I could say that was an impressive idea... But you need to get the approval of the king before showing it to the public."

"Completion of the product first before asking permission to the King."

And he looks at Fontana and smile.

She just looks at him in seriousness. The silent surroundings again covered them up but Fontana disturbs its state.

"What is the connection of Shan in this situation of mine?"

"Well, Shan was part of our team and she offered Domzkie to take care of you. Oh, I wish I were you for someone do really love you."

"W-what? Shan did that?"

She couldn't imagine that Shan was serious for her. And she felt a little guilt and in fact, she missed and regrets that she didn't give attention to Shan even just a little time. She felt sorry for that.

"Yes! He did that. But he's gone."

Then he sighed, showing his sadness for Shan.

Fontana just remains silent. She don't know what to say after having a feeling of sorry for the loss of the only person who treats her very especial in secret.

"Do you know about the history of this world? I mean about our first king?"

He speaks up to alter the topic so he could change Fontana's mood. As she heard it she suddenly gives her focus to Genus showing that she was interested.

"I had a little bit of knowledge about it and if you're willing to know it I will give time for that."

Smiles at her and he fixed the way his eyeglasses place at his eyes.

After how many minutes later he successfully brought Fontana safe and sound at home. And he makes his way back to their secret place. While Fontana suddenly lay on her bed without taking off anything from her body and in the meantime she closed her eyes then starts to fall asleep.

The time was running fast this night. It was like an unexpected dream that suddenly appeared amid her sleep but it was the reality.

*Cring! Cring! Cring!*

Her alarms ringing and because of that, she got to wake up.

She turns it off and gives a little time to remain lying in bed to get off her sleepy feeling. Then she sits after and does her routine every morning.

After just seconds bygone of waiting the bus came. Before getting in she slides her card at the right side and it beeped. As usual, she took a seat at the last vacant seats. After a long time bygone on this trip, the bus stopped her at the company where she works. Before taking a step she breathes deep at once then continues on her way.

Eventually, she had reached her destination but when she attempts to take a seat the manager calls her name in a cold and serious voice. When she heard that she immediately respond. She walks towards the office of their manager. After entering she saw this manager was sitting formally and was looking at her seriously, as usual. But right now he's more serious and it makes himself horrible.

This was the very first time that Fontana was being called by their manager to come inside his office so she feels a little bit nervous about it. She just stands very well in front of their boss waiting for his talk.

"Ms. Fontana Marie Swundes you were absent yesterday without any reason nor permission? You just did that like you don't care about your work? Ms. Swundes I tell you, this is the first and last warning. Twice would be your end. Don't expect that you could enter this company after your second attempt. Understand?"

To be honest, she felt afraid at this time. She doesn't want to lose her job. How could she support herself when she has no job? Her work is important for her and she must not lose it.

"Yes sir. I will never do it again."

"Good. Now we are clear. Okay, back to work."

Then she bowed once at him and bring herself back to her work.

She sighed while pressing the keyboard. She knew that it would happen but it was still frightening for her.

The almost whole day was being expended into her work but it was nothing unto her.

The surroundings are getting dark and it is time for her to go home but her feet lead her to an old children's playground. The metals started to rust and wild grasses are also started to grow. A single swing catches her attention. She wants to sit in there and take just a little swing for herself.

When she finally reached the swing she slowly sits there and started to swing herself slowly while closing her eyes. She tries to feel the fresh air every time it touches her skin. She feels relieved at this time. Every swing that she takes her mind was being comforted little by little.

'Dad, swing me one more time.'

A woman child sits at a swing while waiting for the push from her father. Her father laughed sweetly and pushed the seat slowly and carefully.


She yelled cheerfully.

Memories were treasured up to be remembered again later and so it was. She brings back their memories again and she cannot help it. A tear drops from her eye. After awhile, she opens her eyes then stopped swinging and remain silent. She slowly looks above the horizon. The stars are now visible to the eyes, it shines brightly and colorfully. It twinkles magnificently.

'Twinkle twinkle little star... How I wonder what you are, up above the world so high Like a diamond in the sky~'

A sweet and lovely voice continues to sing this song while arms were wrapped into her daughter's shoulders.

"Mom, I miss you and dad. I hope you are both here..."

She whispered slowly.

She sighed then stand up and walked. She will take the second trip of the train to Cantanna.

After how many minutes of walking she finally reached the train station. The timing was perfect for the train was there and in just a few minutes it would go. She enters then sits at the very corner on the left side. She made sure that she wears on her hood and the fabric on her neck very well. She didn't noticed that she took asleep until she had awakened by the announcer of this train.

"Arriving in Cantanna. Be ready."

The train slowly stopped at its destination then passengers stepped out one by one.

When she finally arrives at her apartment she suddenly went straight to the kitchen then gets a canned food then that's what she eats for the dinner. She brushes her teeth then goes straight to her bed. She felt very tired on this day, physically tired and even her mind and soul.

About almost three hours bygone since Fontana fell asleep and right now it was about 11:03 of the evening. Outside the house, at the front door, footsteps can be heard. A three times knock from the door can be heard but Fontana was really under her deep sleep. And again it knocked three times but there's no response from the person who was living inside this apartment.

After how many minutes while she was in the midst of her sleep a one by one sound continuously appearing near her. Because of this noise, it starts to disturb her sleep. She slowly opens her eyes then takes a look in the direction where this sound came from.

She was shocked and ensure that she wears the fabric at her neck very well then an immediate sit into her bed follows.

The sound was caused by a continuous stepping at the floor ensuring that the one that would hit the wooden floor was the heel of the shoe by the right foot.

"H-how did you get in here?"

While her eyes widen.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk."

This person slowly shook his head from side to side.

"You forgot to lock the door."

Fontana was shocked again because of her careless action.

"Next time make sure that you had locked the door after entering your home. Don't be careless Fontana."

She just nods. Swallowing her pride even if it is an insult for her is the right thing to do for she knows that this guy is right.

This guy is sitting at the chair on the right side of the bed while his arms are crossed.

"Why are you here?"

"To get you. You're one of us now, remember?"

Then he stands up.

"R-right... Okay, I'll come with you."

She stands up then gets her coat and wears it on and as well as her boots.

She locked the door then look at him.

"You keep surprising me always in a horrid way."

Domzkie just smirked and then started to step forward.

"Seriously, don't do it again."

She said slowly.

Fontana is just afraid to commit mistakes. And she doesn't know very well this man yet, he was still a stranger to her.

He stopped after hearing what Fontana just said. She looks at Fontana with no expression then turns back his sight to the way. Fontana didn't receive any word from him after saying those words but she just let it be. It was not a big deal for her. He began to walk and as well as Fontana.

The air breeze can be heard and there's nothing more and except their footsteps.

She feels that Domzkie is not a person who is easy to get along with for as she thinks for her, he was too serious. She prefers Genus if someone would make her choose. She felt awkward with this guy.

"How was the day?"

She was shocked when Domzkie asked her that kind of question. This was the very first time she received that kind of question. She feels happy but not what she intended to answer, it is Domzkie's question.


After about three seconds he replied.
