
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 67

Fontana looked at him very sharply then hit his sword to move it away from her but the King did still wound her chin. She slowly put her left hand onto her chin then touch it carefully. When she had slowly put down her hand she saw blood.

She looked at the King and smirked.

"You are talking nonsense."

As she said calmly but her voice was deep.

The King chuckled once then had suddenly attacked her.

"I had already wound you, dear. And with that, it is giving a sign that I can kill you now."

He said while continuously giving her every move to Fontana.


Fontana suddenly shouted and hit the ground with the two swords that she had, caused of the great strength she had made a wind that had suddenly touched their skin and disappeared and the ground did severely crack.

She lifted her head to look at the King with eyes of indignation.