
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 59

Taking a careful step towards this young lady who was now under a weird behavior and then he stopped when he was about two and a half meters away for he was a little bit surprised and curious about what she was doing.

He was holding with both hands a small ceramic bowl but very full of rice and there was a piece of roasted meat at the top and a small silver spoon.

"Does she did it?"

As she said energetically as if that she has someone by her side to whom she tried to ask those words.

"Oh my! She truly said it."

She holds her both cheeks with her both hands.

After a second, she coughs once and lowers her voice.

"I'm sorry."

She said. Trying to copy Eliona's voice.

While this young man just continue walking towards her until he had seated at her left side, at where Eliona had seated before.

"Gosh! She-"

Her eyes widen and immediately sit erect when she had seen Domzkie's presence.