
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 12

The night has come, a big fire was at their center while everyone is looking at this yellow-orange color of flame. She was sitting on the ground to take a rest from assisting the healer lately. But this old man still keeps healing the last one and Carter did also assisted him by preparing food and hand them over to the patients.

They took almost 10 hours in saving the survivors. The time is almost 1 am and she felt really tired and as well as the two. She looks at ae the sky. The stars are twinkling beautifully. A smile slowly appeared on Fontana's face.

"Beautiful stars?"

The old man said while slowly sitting about one meter away from her. Then her sight turns in him.

"Yup, so done?"


Then he smiled at her while touching his wound.

"Is it painful? You can rest now. And...and thank you for healing them."

"A little but I could handle it. I'm a brave one just like you said earlier."

Then he chuckled and as well as Fontana.

"And for thanking me? Don't for it is my pleasure."

And smiled again at her. As a sign of respect and assentation she also smiled at him then looks at the sky again.

"How many people had survived?"

Her voice was showing great sadness.

This old man slowly bows his head and sighed.

"Only fifty-three."

She stopped for a moment then sighed in a meantime she bowed her head.

"I am sorry..."

Her heart was full of grief for sympathy and conscience knocks her over.

This old man looks at her with a feeling of sympathy for her.

"It is never been your fault young lady. Never... Don't be sorry

These comforting words had helped her a little by reducing her bad feelings for herself.

A seconds bygone, Carter suddenly sits a half meter from her while a sweet smile on his face was drawn. Then Fontana looks at him with a confused face.

"Hi sweetie, are...are you hungry? What food do you want to eat? You want spaghetti?"

"No, I'm I'll full. Thank you."

And turns her sight to the old man.

"You can rest now for you need it."

He just nods at her and starts laying down but still looking above the sky.

"Take a rest too sweetie. You must be tired."


She answered fecklessly.

Then she starts laying on the ground and as well as Carter.

"Do you ever think of who was that person with a lion tattoo?"

This question suddenly strikes in this old man's mind and then the reason why Fontana stopped in a sudden then slowly looks at him.


Carter answered.

While Fontana didn't respond.

"Me too. But I hope that this person is okay and in a safe place." The old man said.

"Why do you say so? But the King said that this person is dangerous." Carter said.

"Dangerous? Dangerous is the King for he kills the innocent ones."

The old man slowly looks at her without her awareness but turns again his sight to the sky.

"You're right sweetie."

Then he smiled at her.

"Haven't you ever met a girl before?"

Then she looks at Carter while this man's mind begins to think assuming thoughts.

"Ummm... N-no. No, sweetie."

He thinks that maybe Fontana has a feeling for him too and if he'll say he had met so many girls before she would be jealous but, he, never really met a girl for everyone was so serious and careful.


Then she lifted her right eyebrow.

"Y-yes. Yes sweetie, of course."

And then she turns her sight again above the sky while Carter was left being anticipant.

It was just a test for this guy for she feels so much irritation and it feels like Carter was being accustomed in terms to these situations. But she also thinks that maybe because of being in a cage that he felt so alone and right now he feels that his free and tries to do something new that he didn't or cannot do before and for that, Fontana feels happy for him even if it's not okay to irritate someone.


A serious response that she gave for him and because of this Carter felt so much happiness. While the old man was being driven to a deep sleep after about an hour all of them are at sleep except Carter when he was being awakened by a cold breeze of air. Then he slowly turns his body in the direction where Fontana was and realized that she must be freezing so he slowly stood up and near Fontana, he took off his jacket and covers Fontana's upper part of the body with it. He stares for a moment and smiles at the end.

"Sleep well my, angel."

He said sweetly.

Then he returns to his place and goes to sleep again.

In the far away from them, the armies of the King were preparedly gathered. The King was seriously sitting on the throne when a single army arrived. He kneels and bows his head.

"My King, there was still no sign."

The King slowly turns his sight at this army and glares at him.

"The south is finished, continue to the north and, if still none, stick to the plan. Attack west and east. Now!"

"Yes my King, you're command will be granted."

Then he suddenly walks in rush away from the King.

"You'll gonna be caught soon. The protection that you had given is already done, Asher. Done..."

Back to the place of Replecko city, the surroundings were very cold, and the air breezes softly. The sun was not yet visible to her naked eyes. As she was sitting she keeps staring at these people. Wanted to stay here until they are all recovered but she cannot do that for she has work to be done. She looks at the jacket from Carter, she knows that this was Carter's jacket then turns his sight to Carter. She just smiled in silence.

A few seconds bygone, she made sure that she wears her fabric at her neck very well before standing up and she picked up the sword at the ground which was just beside her lately. Also picked up the jacket and walks near to Carter then used it to cover his upper body just like he does to her.

She was ready to take a step away from them but someone holds her left shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

She stopped then slowly turns into him.

"I need to leave."

He put down his hand from her shoulder then looks at her seriously.

"You really need to do it?"


Her sight travels to these people who are under convalescence and lastly to the sleeping man then back to this man who was in front of her.

"Take care of them. I need to leave."

Then turns backward from him.

"What is your name, young lady?"

Then Fontana slowly turns again at him.

"I am Fontana Marie Swundes. What is your name?"

"Well, Fontana Marie Swundes, nice to meet you."

Then he smiled and handed over his right hand to her.

"I am Martin Zuela."

And Fontana looks at him for awhile and then handed over her right hand too for a shake.

" Nice to meet you too."

Fontana smiled at him.

After all of this, she turns back taking steps away from them.

"Be always careful young lady!"

Almost about fifteen meters away from him and she heard him shouted from there. She just lifted the sword too high while smiling but without turning in his direction. After seeing what she had responded, Martin just smiled while looking at her disappear.

Continuously and silently walking forward while seeing the visible serious damage caused by the unexpected chaos. The smell was impossible to bear anymore. Other wild animals from the wilderness are here to feed themselves with the human flesh. By this unbearable situation in terms of smell she already put off a fabric being coiled, covering her whole nose downward.

'Wickedness does take undue advantage.'

A whisper from Sakar again suddenly appeared.

"Why is it getting predominant?"

'For justice had not yet arrived to judge them.'

After hearing it she just remains silent while her mind can't stop thinking about it. About half of an hour bygone and still walking forward to cross the city of Replecko for this city was too vast. A sound of a single wild animal can be heard at her back but when she turns in this direction there was nothing.

She wondered in silence what it was. Bring back her sight forward again while pretending that nothing has happened. A sound that he heard earlier appeared again at her back and she feels that it was very near to her.

In a very quick action, the sword's edge was at the front of this very big and tall dog with a color of black but its fangs are unbelievably too sharp and prosy. It was as tall as her shoulders. She was astonished of seeing this kind of creature.

"What is this Sakar?"

She was slowly stepping backward while observing this monster's action in keen.

'It is one of the pets of the dark keepers and it was unintentionally loose. It can't control itself unless its master is here to control it.'

Fontana suddenly felt confused.

"What is a dark keeper? I've never heard that before and I've never seen like this creature before."

'Dark keepers are creatures who live in the middle of the forest which was at the west side.'

This horrible creature was surely ready to make her his lunch.

"What is this creature then?"

'It is called deleterious dogs for when it bites you you'll get poisoned by just a few seconds and would immediately end up dead.'

Fontana was sure that this dog is hard to kill and she felt scared right now.

This horrible dog suddenly runs too fast at her then luckily she immediately runs as fast as she can too.

"Sakar! Sakar help me! Sakar!"

She was catching her breath too as this creature keeps chasing her while still firmly holding the sword in her right hand.

"Sakar! I said I need your help!"

But even if how much shouting she had done there was still no helped that had appeared from Sakar and there's no voice that can be heard from him or them. She thinks that Sakar would never hand her over a help right now. She holds tightly the handle of the sword and gathers a whole strength for just a small amount of time. She saw a car at the front and she was running quickly towards it and an idea suddenly popped up in her mind.

When she had arrived in that car, she powerfully hops into the surface of it and when this monster had tried to hit her with its right paw with sharp claws she immediately somersaulted then give this monster a twice strike by her sword which had formed a letter x. When she had perfectly made a good landing, a one-by-one fall of the pieces of the flesh also happened at the same time.

She was seriously gasping while looking at this fragmented creature.


Then a proudly whisper appeared.

Fontana stood up very well then wiped up the blood at the sword by her upper clothing.

"You're not helpful Sakar. You didn't help me."

'I did help you.'

Then she steps forward again to continue her peregrination.

"Really? What kind of help? Come on Sakar. You didn't help me, okay?"

'I did Fontana. You had earned you're great experience.'

She just sighed too deep and never respond to Sakar. Fontana realized a little that Sakar was right after all. The sun was shining too bright which gives a very high temperature in the surroundings and it was so dehydrating. She must feed and get a drink for herself.