
Woe's World: Strangers' Thriller Land

A world where creatures just ignore their past, doesn't care where and whom they came from. But who could imagine that there was a young woman who's different from their perspectives and aims in this demon-like world, Fontana Marie Swundes was her name, she was lost from her past just like all of them but would try to unlock the doors of curiosity to just find the golden truth. Will she find the answers? Come, let's unveil the truth.

paintasy18 · Kỳ huyễn
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109 Chs

Chapter 100

"That's a successful punch. You impressed me just like your lions but let us see if they can manage the rest."

King Suduro said while smirking.

He slowly lifted his right arm while his hand was open and then suddenly closed it.

The armies at the tower suddenly positioned themselves and then they ready their bows and arrows.


As the King shouted too loud.

Then arrows started to fly in swift with great force towards the great lions.

"Oh no..."

As Sakar said while looking towards the arrows.

"Protect Addrimos! Stop the arrows, great lions!"

He shouted while running too fast towards the arrows then took leaps and then he catches every arrow that are about to land towards them.

While Fontana is about to run towards the great lions' direction to help them but-

"I'm still here. Deal with me or I will kill the rest before you."