
Wizards of Waverly Place: Troubled past

Abandoned neglected and abused, William Schmidt grew up without the love of his parents and as he grew older he became cold. Years later when the boy is in high school he meets Alex Russo, immediately she grows a hatred for him. Will the hatred remain, or will she warm his cold heart and change it for the better?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Ti vi
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20 Chs


Dahak watched with amusement as the fire spread across the area and engulfed the present officer's, setting them ablaze. He seemed to take pleasure in watching them burn. After they fell to the ground, unmoving, he noticed they were nothing more than charred bodies. "Boys, I have a mission for you."

Allen and Adrian looked at their leader, who glanced at the bodies before them before looking at them; the fact that none of these people were affected by the smell of death indicated how morbid each one was.

"Anything you ask of me, I shall do, my lord." Said, Allen

Adrian looked at his leader. "You know id do anything you ask of me, Lord Dahak."

Dahak gave a dark smile and opened his mouth to speak.


William uncrossed his arms and simply walked away.

"Where are you going?"

"I told you my story; I'm going home, Russo."

"Hold on!" Alex exclaimed as she jogged to

catch up to him, William regarded her for a moment before he continued walking.

"How come you just didn't report them? You could've just gotten rid of them that way." She said

"I was a child. Could I afford to do that? Besides, we didn't have any phones around the house."

"Are you still getting beat?"

"No. I don't live with my parents anymore. I moved out when I was ten."

"Then where have you been living?"

"Either abandoned apartments or I would find some woods to camp out in,"

"But, thats..."

"It's not ideal, but I wasn't gonna stay in that place forever. I had to get out. The only person who would help me is myself, my parents only showed up today to ensure I was still alive. It would be bad for them if the cops caught wind of me leaving the house all those years ago and not reporting it immediately. Sooner or later the cops would connect the dots."

The two of them walked out of the building.

"Are you gonna follow me all the way home?" William asked

"I have to make sure you get home safely or I won't feel right," Alex said

William rose a brow. He simply didn't understand her; didn't she hate him? Not only that he couldn't understand her desire to help another person. When they left the school they passed by a few trees and turned a corner which led to a series of buildings. He noticed what looked to be a young girl in front of one of the buildings. When they approached the girl, her appearance became clearer. She looked to be around the age of nine or ten; she had blonde hair and green eyes, she had on a pink dress. The little girl had tears in her eyes, she was upset about something. He stopped walking and stared at the girl as she cried.

Alex glanced from the Child and back to William, it looked like this girl was affecting him but how could that be? He didn't care about anything or anyone, despite knowing why he had this outlook on life. It was the truth. Seeing a boy in pain with a scraped knee didn't faze him.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt somewhere?" Alex asked. Slowly the girl looked at her revealing a tear stained face.

"M-My b-Broth-er-" she didn't say anything further as she continued to cry her eyes out yet again.

'What is this feeling?' William thought. 'It's like I want to help her. Like I want her tears to stop, what is this?' He didn't know what he was feeling but seeing that girl crying reminded him of the past, back when his father would beat him. To this day, William still doesn't know why he was beaten like he was, he just assumed his father went crazy one day. He could see himself in place of this Child, back when he wanted the beatings to stop, back when he wished for someone to be there for him. Back before he didn't care about anything.

"What about your brother?" Alex asked as she knelt down to her level.

The Child sniffled. "H-He died. E-Everyone he worked with d-died."

William glanced at the Child. 'Her brother was murdered?' He thought

Alex widened her eyes. "Died..."

"He was a policeman." The Child said

William looked surprised. "Child, are you trying to say that your brother's entire precinct was murdered in cold blood?"

The little girl nodded, which caused his eyes to widen, and for a good reason. 'aren't precincts supposed to have hundreds of officers? Who could of..?'

"Emma!" a woman with blond hair and brown eyes ran forth, and seeing them before the girl now known as Emma caused a wave of relief to wash over her. One moment they were told about her son's demise and the next, her daughter had run off, unable to contain the grief.

"Bless your souls." The mother said as she took her daughter's hand and began to walk away. Alex glanced at him. "This is beyond disturbing."

William couldn't help but agree. "To take out an entire Precinct is insane..."

"Someone could have planted a bomb," Alex suggested

"Maybe, but who could sneak inside a police precinct filled with hundreds of Officers?"

"It could be an inside job. I feel bad for the kid..."

William remained silent, and it was apparent he had gone silent like usual, but she could tell something was up with him, so she just decided to ask him. "Are you ok? Something has been bothering you since before, right? Spill it." She said

He looked at her and frowned. 'Guess it couldn't hurt to have a second opinion.' He Thought.

"I can't explain it. I've never felt something like this before. It was like I wanted to help her. I wanted those tears to stop...Do you know this feeling? What is this...?"

Alex could tell he was genuinely confused and struggling with this. "William, that's compassion. Kindness. You saw that girl crying before her and wanted to help her, right?" She asked, which caused him to nod his head at her question.

"Compassion...Kindness...that means to help others? I...Don't understand."

"William, you didn't ignore that girl like you would've before. That's an important first step. You saw her in pain and wanted to help her; that's kindness." Alex said. "Not only that, but you felt her sorrow and wanted to take further steps to make her feel better. Let me ask you something, how did you feel when you saw the Child being led away by her mother?" she asked.

"I felt...Relief. She has family and unlike me I'm sure they care for and take care of her."

Alex smiled. "Good, That's good. I've finally come to a decision."


"I'm going to teach you what it means to care for others, to be considerate, and also what it means to feel love towards others. The things that you don't understand."

William looked surprised as his mouth opened, shocked at her words.

To be continued.