
Wizards of Waverly Place: Troubled past

Abandoned neglected and abused, William Schmidt grew up without the love of his parents and as he grew older he became cold. Years later when the boy is in high school he meets Alex Russo, immediately she grows a hatred for him. Will the hatred remain, or will she warm his cold heart and change it for the better?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Ti vi
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20 Chs


I do not own Wizards of Waverly place. All rights go to Disney. All I own are a few OC.

Tribeca Prep High

A young man with raven hair and green eyes walked through the hallways of Tribeca prep with an emotionless and yet bored expression on his face. He turned around as someone tapped him on his shoulder. When he turned around he was face to face with a red headed girl.

"Um…hi, William. I was wondering if you'd want to grab something to eat sometime. Or maybe a movie?"

The young man, now known as William Quirked an eyebrow before answering. "Not interested. I could be doing other things with my time. Why should I have to entertain you?"

William didn't notice the look of hurt that crossed her face as he turned around and walked towards his locker, after a few minutes of walking he arrived at his locker. Putting the combination in he retrieved his textbook for the next class. Closing the door he came face to face with yet another girl

He sighed. Why was he suddenly attracting women? This one was a bit better looking but still he had no interest in dating. He had other things he had to worry about.

"I've never liked you, but what you did was out of line. You didn't have to do Harper like that."

William stared at her blankly. "You're Alex Russo? The one who flunked History?"

The girl, Alex narrowed his eyes. "Harper told me you rejected her. You told her you wouldn't entertain her. What's wrong with you?"

William sighed for what felt like millionth time today. "I don't see what the problem is. I have better things to do. Of course, I won't entertain her. Why should I take time out of my day to spend time with her?"

"You heartless bastard!" Alex clenched her fists and went to slap him, but he grabbed her hand and narrowed his eyes.

"Call me what you want." He spoke.

"How would you feel if someone rejected you like that? How could you be so heartless. I'm sure your parents raised you better than that! Haven't you ever felt love before?" Alex asked. 'I'm sure he has. Whether it's his family or not.' She thought

William turned around as he let go of her arm. He didn't say anything as he walked away. This angered Alex and so she voiced her anger bower he just ignored her as he continued walking away. He really didn't understand any of this. Why did she get so angry?

'And all of that just because I rejected her friend. Ridiculous.' He thought before he continued walking towards his next class. History. With Mr. Laritate.


Alex's anger hadn't lessened any even as Mr. Laritate listed off the partners for their next history projects.

"Alex Russo. William Schmidt."

William frowned. 'Well, shit has officially hit the fan, hasn't it?' He thought annoyingly.

"Mr. Laritate. Give me a new Parter. At least let me work with Harper."

"You say that like you'll do much work at all Ms. Russo, that however is beside the point. You'll have to put your hatred for William aside. Honestly why can't you be more like him? He's a quiet and reserved young man who always gets his work done. He never complains either. You can learn a thing or two from him. You won't be getting a new partner, Russo."

"Tch." She said annoyed as William walked towards her.

"We should at least get along until our assignment is finished."

Alex simply glared at him but couldn't deny the truth behind his words. Whether she liked it or not her grades depended on him and her getting along. There were many reasons she hated him for. He rejected Harper. Hurt her feelings and now she had difficulty even being at school. William was known to be an aloof individual who didn't particularly care for anyone. It was as if he didn't have any emotions.

"Just show up to the eagerly substation later." Alex said. "We'll talk about the project later."

Willliam looked at her for a few moments before nodding and walking back to his seat.

'Bastard.' Thought Alex angrily.

-A few hours after school- the Waverly substation

Jerry crossed his arms as he watched Alex speaking with a young man with raven hair.

"She's brought home another one." Said Theresa looking at her husband who nodded.

"You say that like she's had many boyfriends." Harper said as she walked up to him. "Besides Alex would never go for him."

"She's not interested in him?" Asked Theresa surprised.

Harper nods before telling her what happened at school.

"That's rough." Jerry said. "But don't you think you guys are judging him too harshly?"

"He told me I wasn't worth his time. That was very cocky of him. Was he searching for someone better looking?"

"From the way you explain it, sounds like he doesn't have time for relationships. Perhaps he's focusing on school."

"Maybe." Harper said. "I doubt that's it; he's known for being aloof and not caring for anyone or their feelings. I just thought he was cute and wanted to ask him out. I hoped the rumors weren't true."

Theresa looked at him. "Maybe it just wasn't meant to be. You'll find someone one day. You shouldn't worry about it too right."



Location unknown

"How's the boy.? Spoke voice one.

"He's abandoned his abilities."

"Good. Should we eliminate him?"

"No. He's no threat to us as he is. Even if he decided to use his abilities once more everyone of us could defeat him easily." Came voice 2. "Leave the boy be."

"Shall we commence the plan boss?" Voice 1 asked

Chuckling was heard. "There's no rush. Let's gather our wits and our resources. Only good things will happen if we plan things the correct way."

"And that's why you're our leader." Voice 1 said.

More laughter was heard.


Waverly Substation

"I'll do the research for our topic once we decide on one and you'll map it out on a piece of paper." William said looking at Alex who didn't seem to interested in the work. "You will do your part do you hear me? I'm not doing this by myself."

"Fuck you." Alex said glaring at him.

"Your hatred is unfounded." He stated simply causing her glare to harden. "Can we at least settle on a topic?"

"Fine. Anything to be rid of you. What did you have in mind asshole?"

"How about Hitler?"

"Sounds good. Of course, you'd choose him. One asshole to another."

"Are you seriously comparing me to Hitler?"

Alex smiled.

"Goodbye Alex." William said irritated as he stood up and gathering his things he walked away.

Alex sighed. "Good riddance."