
Wizards of Waverly Place: Troubled past

Abandoned neglected and abused, William Schmidt grew up without the love of his parents and as he grew older he became cold. Years later when the boy is in high school he meets Alex Russo, immediately she grows a hatred for him. Will the hatred remain, or will she warm his cold heart and change it for the better?

Uzumaki_Rikuto · Ti vi
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20 Chs

Alex's' Decision

Chapter 11


"You mean to tell me that you fought against William?" Dahak asked seriously. "How was he?"

The Elemental held his body in pain. "H-He's powerful."

Dahak closed his eyes. "I see."

"How do you want to go about this, boss?" Adrian asked. "Do we send men after him?"

Dahak chuckled. "Continue the plan, how many Precincts have we taken out?"

"We just destroyed our 15th precinct."

"Good. I want you and Allen to take a few men with you and take out as many precincts as you can."

"It shall be as you wish, my lord."

Dahak narrowed his eyes. 'If William is using his powers…. that must mean he has something to fight for again…. he might try to stop our plans.' He thought before looking at Adrian as he bowed to him respectfully before turning around to go gather some men.


"Alex? Are you ok?" William asked as he stared at the older teen.

Alex doubted he even realized that he had used her first name instead of her family name. It was so obvious how he felt about her. "Right. William…. what you're feeling is love."

He looked at her with surprise. "Love? I love you?"

Alex nods. "Love makes you want to go out of the way to please the one you love; they are the ones you want to protect more than anything."

William widened his eyes because that's exactly how he felt. "So…. now what?"

"I guess we can go on a few dates, while I don't care about you in the same way you do for me, our relationship could develop somewhere down the line though."

William stared at her. "What about that friend of yours? Are you willing to ruin your friendship for me? She's your best friend, right?"

"Yes, she is." Alex said with a small smile appearing on her face as she thought about Harper. "I know it'll only cause drama between me and her, but I think I'd be a fool to ignore my heart."

William didn't know how to feel about that. On one hand it made him happy that Alex wasn't going to abandon him but on the other hand he knew he had hurt Harper. He made up his mind that one way or another he'd make it up to her.

"Let's keep this from her."

William folded his arms. "You're aware that will only cause problems to arise right?"

Alex nodded. "Seeing us together is going to drive her crazy. She'll think I betrayed her."

"How long do you plan to keep this a secret? The truth will come out whether you want it to or not."

"I'm aware of that, I'm determined to see this through to the end. No matter what may happen." Alex said.

William stared into the determined eyes of Alex before a small smile formed on his features, an action he didn't do often. Being around Alex would have that effect on someone. while he didn't really want to hide secrets, he knew that Alex wasn't ok with disclosing their relationship to Harper. He could only see this ending in disaster. Hopefully she'd gain the courage to tell harper. He glanced at her as she smiled.

"Come on, we should get going, first period is about to start soon." She spoke.

He nods before walking after her as she begins to head into the direction of her first period class. He walked with her until she arrived at her class, before she entered the room, she turned to him. "Meet me outside the school at the end of the day. I know the perfect place for our first date."

"Alright." He replied. Watching her enter the classroom he heading to his first period. Algebra 1A. It wasn't a subject he was the best at. He so wasn't looking forward to that and who could blame him? He told himself that all he had to do was get through today because he had a date with the girl he loved.


A few hours later-Cafeteria

"You've been hanging around William a lot. That must be rough." Harper said looking at Alex who sighed.

"Tell me about it." She spoke.

"Why do you still hang around him? You finished that project, didn't you?"

Alex nods. "He may be a pain, but we work well together. I figured we could help each other out."

"I see. Well, don't let him get to you." Harper said.

"Don't worry, I won't." She replied. 'It looks like she doesn't suspect anything. Good. I know it's for her own good but…I can't help but feel guilty lying to her.'

"It's good that you're finally taking your studies seriously. That's one good thing that came out of you spending so much time with that asshole."

Alex chuckled. 'She's bitter. It's to expected I suppose.' She thought.


'Me and Alex's date aside I have to keep my guard up. No telling when the enemy will make their move.' Thought William. 'Training a bit could be beneficial as well, I don't know how powerful these guys leader is going to be. I should prepare as best as I can.'

While in thought he paid no mind to the idle chatter around the cafeteria. Some of the students pointed at him talking about what a social outcast he was while others said his looks were wasted on such a cold-hearted person.

Coming out of his thoughts he looked at his food and picking up the pizza he brought it up to his mouth and began to eat his lunch pushing the thoughts of training and the threat he faced to the back of his mind.


After school both William and Alex met each other outside the school both looking forward to their date. William was interested in doing something he'd never done before and he was with the only person that had changed his life. She had taught him how to feel again. How to care. To show compassion.

William was an entirely different person from the cold-hearted individual he was a few weeks ago.

To be continued

This next chapter is going to be slightly longer than the chapters so far, it will mainly focus on Alex and William's budding relationship.