

When they reached Eastsea Square, chatting and laughing, many people were already waiting—participants and team leaders for the Skysea Alliance Competition.

Upon seeing Class Zero, Tang Wulin's senior sister, Mu Xi, immediately ran over, grabbing his ear. "Why are you here so late? Do you need to bring so many people for a competition?"

Tang Wulin explained, "The academy signed us up for the three-person team competition in the youth group, so we all came."

"Soul Master Team Competition? Just you?" She looked at the group with disdain, especially at Anping, recalling the incident from last semester. Pointing at Anping, she said, "Apart from him, who else is powerful? Can the others handle it?"

Xie Xie retorted, "What's wrong with us? We're perfectly capable."

"I don't understand why the academy signed you up for the junior team competition. We're also participating. What chance do you think you have?" Mu Xi flaunted her three Soul rings.

Angrily, Xie Xie responded, "We'll see who wins when we meet."

Mu Xi dismissed them, saying, "Let's wait and see. I hope you can play when the time comes." With that, she walked back to her team.

Soon, it was time to set off. Led by Wu Zhangkong, they boarded the No. 6 car assigned to Eastsea Academy.

Finding their seats, Gu Yuena and Anping sat together, Xu Xiaoyan and her brother Xu Xiaoyu sat together, and Tang Wulin was pulled by his senior sister Mu Xi to sit with her.

Xie Xie, the only one who knew Wu Zhangkong on the bus, took difficult steps and sat next to him. Feeling the intensity emanating from Wu Zhangkong, he involuntarily trembled.

It took about four hours to drive from Eastsea City to Skysea City. Anping, having woken up early, started feeling sleepy and unknowingly fell asleep, leaning on Gu Yuena's shoulder.

"Wake up, we're almost there."

Someone pushed Anping's shoulder, and he opened his eyes, realizing he was leaning on Gu Yuena's shoulder. Embarrassed, he said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

He quickly straightened up. Gu Yuena teased, "Wasn't intentional, huh?"

Anping shook his head, "No, no, no, it's not intentional."

"Okay, I won't tease you. We'll be there soon. Go to your accommodation and sleep again." She asked, "Why do you always feel the need to sleep every time you take the soul coach bus?"

"Maybe it's too boring?" Anping admitted he hadn't paid much attention to it.

After being awakened by Gu Yuena, it didn't take long for the soul guide bus to come to a stop. Under the guidance of Skysea City's official personnel, everyone arrived at the hotel arranged for them in Skysea City—a distinctive hotel built on the seaside, with half of it extending into the sea.

Anping was assigned to room with Xie Xie. As soon as Xie Xie entered the room, he kicked off his shoes and flopped onto the bed, exchanging greetings with Anping before drifting into a deep sleep.

Following a shower and changing into fresh clothes, the room's doorbell rang. Gu Yuena opened the door, inviting Anping to join her for dinner.

Returning to their room after dinner, they coincidentally encountered Wu Zhangkong and a white-haired woman exiting Wu Zhangkong's room. Spotting Anping and Gu Yuena, Wu Zhangkong waved them over. "Anping, Gu Yuena, I have something to discuss. Come with me."

The two followed Wu Zhangkong and the white-haired woman into the room, seating themselves on the sofa. The white-haired woman introduced herself, "Anping and Gu Yuena, right? I've been looking for you. I'm Shen Yi, a teacher from Shrek Academy and the accompanying instructor for Shrek Academy students in the exhibition competition."

She continued, "I heard from Zhangkong about your talents, and considering your qualifications, I want to extend an invitation for you to join Shrek Academy. Are you interested?"

Facing Anping's inquisitive gaze, Wu Zhangkong calmly stated, "Given your talents, staying at Eastsea Academy is no longer suitable in terms of resources or the gap with other students. I recommend Shrek Academy for a better education and resources."

Gu Yuena looked at Anping and asked, "What do you think? Will you go?"

Anping shook his head, "Sorry, Teacher Shen. I don't wish to join Shrek Academy."

Shen Yi's confident expression faltered slightly as she said seriously, "Do you understand what Shrek Academy represents?"

"The top academy in mainland ?" Anping replied.

Shen Yi affirmed, "Yes, as the top academy, Shrek Academy may seem like just a name to you. I can assure you it boasts the best teachers and resources. With your talents, Shrek Academy will provide unparalleled training. Even so, are you still declining to join?"

Anping nodded, maintaining his firm stance. Shen Yi asked curiously, "May I inquire why?"

When asked why, Anping couldn't reveal that he disliked the presence of an Eternal Tree in Shrek Academy. He didn't want to be exposed to that tree yet, so he chose not to join.

Anping pondered for a moment and stated, "The reason? I'm accustomed to laziness. I don't believe I'm suitable for a place like Shrek Academy."

Wu Zhangkong's tone turned cold, "Do you understand what you're saying? I hope you're thinking clearly. Inviting you to join Shrek Academy is for your benefit. I don't want your talents to go to waste. Do you realize how many people aspire to join Shrek Academy?"

"I'm aware, but I don't want to." Anping remained calm.

"It's simply unreasonable." Wu Zhangkong's demeanor became stern, and the room's temperature noticeably dropped.

"Why argue with a child? If he doesn't want to, just let it be." Shen Yi gently patted his arm, urging him not to be angry. She then turned to Gu Yuena, smiling, "He doesn't want to join, little girl. What about you? Willing to join Shrek Academy?"

Gu Yuena replied, "I won't join either."

Shen Yi frowned, as this was the first time she recalled someone actively refusing a Shrek Academy invitation. In the past, she couldn't fathom such a scenario. Reflecting on her own excitement when offered the chance to join Shrek Academy, she found it difficult to comprehend their decision.

Although she suspected that the little girl's refusal was likely influenced by Anping, she still wanted to know the reason. She asked, "Can you tell me your reason?"

Gu Yuena glanced at Anping and calmly replied, "If he doesn't want to, I simply doesn't want to."

"Have you genuinely considered it? I'll be staying in Skysea City for a while longer. If you have a change of heart, your teacher can contact me." Shen Yi observed them closely.

Anping and Gu Yuena exchanged glances and simultaneously said, "No need."

Sighing, Shen Yi remarked, "I hope you won't regret it in the future."

"You two, leave!" Wu Zhangkong commanded with a cold tone, pointing to the room's door.

As Anping and Gu Yuena exited, Shen Yi turned to Wu Zhangkong, asking, "Do you know what's happening with your two students?"

"I'm not sure." Wu Zhangkong shook his head. Then, a thought crossed his mind, and he added, "Perhaps it's related to the Spirit Pagoda."

"The Spirit Pagoda? What does it have to do with these two children?" Shen Yi inquired with doubt.

Wu Zhangkong explained, "If their talents weren't exceptional, they wouldn't have any ties to the Spirit Pagoda. However, given their remarkable talents—potential future Titled Douluo—I took them there because of their abilities. I initiated the Hall of Heroes Trial for them."

"But when I extended the invitation, they mentioned they had already accepted an invitation from the Spirit Tower. Considering their talents, it's likely that a formidable figure in the Spirit Pagoda has taken them as disciples. This figure could be a legendary person, a high-ranking individual within the Spirit Pagoda, and someone not on good terms with Shrek Academy."

After hearing Wu Zhangkong's analysis, Shen Yi thoughtfully responded, "Senior brother, are you suggesting their master advised them against joining Shrek Academy? Even if they have a strained relationship with Shrek, wouldn't they still encourage them to join? It's in their best interest, isn't it?"

Wu Zhangkong shook his head, "There may be other reasons I'm not aware of, but the Spirit Pagoda is the most plausible explanation."

Shen Yi still found it hard to believe that someone would jeopardize their apprentices' future. "With such exceptional talent, it would be a shame not to join the academy. Here's what we'll do—I'll report it to the academy and have them investigate. I can't bear to see them waste their talents."

"Agreed, okay." Wu Zhangkong nodded.

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