
Wizard Login Cultivation Game

A gaming addict died by electrocution on his gaming pod before he could play his favorite novel that turned into a Virtual Reality game. Reborn as manaless cleaner of artifacts in a fantasy magic world like world of warcraft and found the gaming pod that could transport him to a cultivation novel Virtual Reality game that he wanted to play.

Aweeeeee · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs


"Uncle, we don't have to do this. Just let me pass and we will bygones and bygones. I won't even come back to that old fool if you all don't want me to."

Young master Gao pleaded.

However, there was an intense glint in his eyes while looking at the ten individuals riding a horse in front of him.

'Should I kill them? I remember this old man is in a stage two Qi gathering realm even when he already entered his old age.'

'The others are in stage one only and I am not sure if I could win if I take them all out. I just need a horse to leave and reach that place while conserving my mana.'

His uncles in this cultivation game world are supposed to be an outer disciple of a random sect but because they couldn't improve their cultivation and were not talented enough.

They were kicked out once they reached a certain age.

Plus, joining the bandit group his dad grew up to, Gao Lao knew that for survival battles, he was not a match.

"We will never believe the son of a scum. You think we don't know what is your true motive?"

"You've done a lot of that stuff against those people you assaulted! Promising something and then betray them in the end."

The scrawny man answered as he rode his horse while the young master Gao was following them barefoot, jumping from tree to tree.

The scrawny was also nervous at the young master who seemed like he never runs of spiritual power.

'What is this? I can't sense his cultivation? What she is telling is true... He is really hiding abilities.'

'I'm sure that he dumped those fruits somewhere and did not eat them and hid them like he did at his cultivation.'

However, the scrawny man cast aside the idea.

'His breathing is not normal. He is rushing and looking for a horse. Looks like he ate those fruits, and he was on the run...'

The scrawny man thought as he looked at young master Gao from head to toe.

'He is indeed chased by that beast. Maybe if I delay him for a while.'

The scrawny man made eye contact with one of the bandits.

Young master Gao noticed them with his mage eyes and became prepared.

As the eye contact was done, the bandit raised his hands with a spear.

As he put a spiritual power in his weapon and his hands, it swiftly rushed to young master Gao's direction.

'Martial art technique!'

Young master Gao realized the way he put spiritual energy.

However, as a wizard, he knew that something was off with that attack.


A spear went past young master Gao's ear.

He knew they were not killing or will not because his father would surely know what was going on.

So he didn't avoid it and just kept jumping.


Young master Gao felt something on his cheek.

When he touched it, he realized it was cut, it's bleeding a little as he felt a little sticky liquid and it smelled blood.

'What is that? A warning?'

Young master Gao was shocked at the fact that they dared to do it.

However, it's no surprise they are delaying him while establishing their authority that a young master's status doesn't hold any power to them anymore.


「 Pure spiritual power detected! Spiritual power and Heavenly Origin matter clashed! 」

「 Heavenly Origin matter has no users so the Heavenly Origin matter will reign supreme in the universe, suppressing any kind of spiritual power or elements made from it! The purer the spiritual power, the stronger the suppression. 」

「 User's plus one more percent of statistics activated. Six percent stays activated! 」

Young master Gao was shocked by the notification.

'I thought that these fewer percent statistics were passive but now I understand the reason my attack against those little boars was so powerful that it split them in half even though I didn't mean it.'

A smile resurfaced on young master Gao as he looked at them.

Suddenly, the sword in his hands trembled as he spoke.

"Can you all stop because it's tiring to follow every single one of you?"

However, his words only passed through their ears.

This made young master Gao feel a little unpleasant inside, but he knew how they knew the past young master so he could blame no one.

"How about this, Feyfey was your favorite niece, right?"

The scrawny man's skin crawled.

As the words left off young master Gao l's mouth, his hands trembled and instantly took out his sword from the sheath!

"Damn you! Kill him!"

He said as he pointed his sword to young master Gao.

However, the bandits became frozen to the sudden command.




The bandits thought.

They knew that if they killed the young master directly, their plan would get spoiled.

They hesitated to move upon orders.


Young master Gao gave them a smirk as he hid from the bushes and tall trees to the side.

The scrawny man became even more pissed as the bandits were too slow to react as the young master was planning something on Feyfey.

"Protect the carriage! Protect our hope! Protect my niece!"

Instantly, all the guards understood and lined up their horses to surround the carriage.

'Don't I won't let you all die. After all, you'll be clearing my path to the village just like what happened in the novel or else I won't be able to make it.'

Suddenly, young master Gao burned his Mana faster to move at a lightning speed while jumping from tree to tree. When he found an opportunity, he instantly disappeared.

'Where is he?'

The scrawny man thought.

Concerned for Feyfey's safety, he went forward to check on her but as soon as he lost his focus, a shadow like sword whirled towards him.


The scrawny man was dumbfounded to the accuracy, and he was surprised.

At first, he is not interested in how the young master Gao does this, but also wonders what happened to the young master entirely.

'Did he really change so much without our notice?'

He trembled thinking that it was the leader's scheme to strengthen his son so they would underestimate the brat.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Countless branches would land on them like a bullet.

All of them had a blue light that would dissipate whenever they cut it into pieces.

"Where are you!? Show yourself!!"

The scrawny man shouted with intense anger. It's clear that the young master's attacks were all inside the carriage, targeting his niece.

'This damn coward! If he dares to show himself, I will make sure that I will kill him again with this sword!'

He thought as he prepared himself for other incoming attacks.

However, all of a sudden, the wood trees that were cut cleanly began rolling onto them and the carriage.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

'No! Feyfey!'

The scrawny man thought as he hurriedly tried to run and whip his horse to perform to the max.

Neigh! Neigh!

Their horses jumped and evaded it casually.

This is the immortal world horse, the horses on earth cannot be compared to this as the immortal world normal horse can jump 20 inches high from the ground, hopping on the rolling wooden tree like a kid picking up a candy.


The scrawny man opened the door with a hint of Panic.
