
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Yuanyuan Goes Missing, Miko Severely Injured ( Part 6 )

Hu Yan said, "The niece of my good friend?"

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "There seems to be some grudge between the Dragon and Feng families. Of course, I can't say anything in front of Long Qingyun. I'll have to whisper to Hu Laojun." He quietly said, "It's Miss Tian Chuan, one of the two young ladies from the Feng family who went missing."

Hu Yan's face changed, and he quickly said, "Oh, I see. Take me to see her right away!"

Mu Linfeng led Hu Yan to the guest room at the back. As Hu Yan passed by Su Duxiu, his eyes changed, but he quickly regained his composure. Su Duxiu just smiled and bowed, saying, "Mr. Hu, I agree!"

Hu Yan coldly snorted and left in a huff. Please note that Mu Linfeng was surprised for a while and looked at Su Duxiu. Su Duxiu just smiled and shook his head, without explaining. Mu Linfeng sighed softly and followed Hu Yan.

Mu Linfeng led Hu Yan to the room of Tian Chuan Meizi, with Su Duxiu and Long Qingyun following behind. At this point, Tian Chuan Meizi's face had started to turn from pale to dark purple. Mu Linfeng was surprised and quickly said, "She wasn't like this just now. What happened?"

Hu Yan didn't say a word. He just stood in front of Tian Chuan Meizi and cursed, "Quack doctor!" Then he turned around and said, "Since Mr. Mu has already found a doctor to treat her, why bother asking me?"

Mu Linfeng didn't understand what Hu Yan meant and said repeatedly, "We were in a hurry at the time, and we couldn't find Dr. Hu anywhere."

Hu Yan snorted a few times but didn't answer. He put his medicine box on the table and turned around, saying, "What are you all standing here for? Can you help me? If not, do you want to try treating her? Leave one person here, and everyone else go out and close the door!"

Mu Linfeng said to Su Duxiu and Long Qingyun, "Su Xiansheng, please help me inform Second Brother Long. I'll stay here and assist Dr. Hu!" Then he said to Long Qingyun, "Second Brother, I didn't greet you properly earlier. Please forgive me."

Long Qingyun laughed and said, "What are you talking about, Little Brother? Second Brother will go back now and continue to investigate the whereabouts of our younger sister. Farewell!"

Mu Linfeng was grateful in his heart and said, "Thank you so much, Second Brother!" He then asked Su Duxiu to help see the guests off.

Hu Yan coldly said, "You can continue with your pleasantries. If this young lady dies from the treatment later, don't say it was treated by Dr. Hu!"

Mu Linfeng immediately remained silent and closed the door, saying, "I don't know what service Mu Linfeng can provide."

Hu Yan stopped talking and unfolded the cloth he had taken from the medicine box on the table. Mu Linfeng looked closely and saw countless silver needles. Hu Yan pulled out a silver needle and said to Mu Linfeng, "Sit on the edge of the bed and turn her over to lie on your legs!"

Mu Linfeng quickly followed Hu Yan's instructions, turning Tian Chuan Meiko over to lie on his legs. Hu Yan continued, "Untie her clothes and expose her back..."

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "Is this a good thing?" But then he thought, "If I look, I've looked. Anyway, this Japanese girl will be mine sooner or later. But you, old bastard, if you look, aren't you taking advantage of my future woman?" Thinking of this, he didn't untie Tian Chuan Meiko's clothes, but grabbed the cloth behind her and tore it off forcefully, revealing her white skin. Fortunately, Mu Linfeng was a person of the 21st century, accustomed to women baring their chests and backs on the streets. If it were someone from now, there would still be jealousy.

Hu Yan glanced at Mu Linfeng and said nothing. He walked over and pushed aside the broken cloth on Tian Chuan Meiko's back, feeling around for acupoints with his left hand, and then quickly inserted the silver needle. Mu Linfeng had seen acupuncturists using needles to help people in the 21st century, but they all did it slowly and none of them were as fast as Hu Yan. Mu Linfeng was surprised to see Hu Yan insert seven or eight needles in a row with incredible speed, each one finding the acupoint immediately.

In a short while, Tian Chuan Meiko's back was covered with silver needles, like a hedgehog. Only then did Mu Linfeng notice that all the silver needles had turned black in an instant. Mu Linfeng knew that silver needles could be used to test for poison and exclaimed, "Is Tian Chuan Meiko poisoned so deeply?"

Hu Yan coldly sneered and said, "It wouldn't have come to this if that incompetent doctor didn't prescribe nourishing medicine for her. Although it seems to nourish the organs on the surface, in reality, the organs are also absorbing toxins that have not invaded them while absorbing these drugs. If I had arrived one moment later, this woman would probably be on the road to the underworld by now..."

Mu Linfeng listened, his cold sweat dripping, and exclaimed, "Doctor Hu, are you saying that Miss Tian Chuan should be fine now?"

Hu Yan coldly chuckled and said, "Fine? It's a big problem..." Then he sighed and said, "I don't even know if I should treat her. If I can't cure her, my reputation will be ruined, and I might as well die in her hands..."

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "Even if you cure her, your reputation won't be much better. Everyone will say that you have no medical ethics. Do you, an old bastard, still care about these things?" But he said, "Since Doctor Hu has already saved her, then you must be confident that you can cure Miss Tian Chuan. Feng Renao, the old master of the Feng family, is also a good friend of Doctor Hu's. Even if you don't give face to me, you still need to give an account to Mr. Feng, right? If you really can't cure her, Mr. Feng won't say anything in front of you, but who knows what he'll think of you behind your back?"

Hu Yan was stunned and asked, "What do you mean by that, Master Mu?"

Mu Linfeng laughed and said, "It's nothing, it's nothing. It's just that Jingling City is a small place, and there are no walls that don't leak. The whole city knows about the grievances between the Long and Feng families, and they have sworn to be enemies. Doctor Hu just treated the old master of the Long family, and I'm sure Mr. Feng knows about it. As for what the Long family said to you during the treatment, outsiders naturally don't know. Since they don't know, they will speculate, and once they speculate, there will be trouble. If I were Mr. Feng, I would definitely think, 'I've been friends with Hu Yan for decades, and he knows that I have a grudge with the Long family, but he still has dealings with them. He clearly doesn't value our friendship. The Long family must have some conspiracy, and maybe they're trying to win Hu Yan over!'"

Mu Linfeng and Hu Yan's expressions were extremely ugly. Mu Linfeng smirked and turned to ask Hu Yan, "Doctor Hu, does what I said make sense?"

After a long silence, Hu Yan coldly chuckled and said, "Master Mu, you don't need to worry. I have been friends with Mr. Feng for decades, and there is still some basic trust between us. It's you who should be careful!"

Mu Linfeng asked, "What should I be careful of ?"

Hu Yan coldly snorted and said, "Master Mu is a wise man. He knows what he has been up to lately, so why should I need to point it out?"

Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat as he thought to himself, "What have I done recently? I have only visited the Spring Fragrance Tower, attended Prince Xiaofu's banquet, made friends with Long Qingyun, and sworn brotherhood with him. Other than that, there is nothing else. What does this bastard Hu mean by telling me to be careful? Is someone trying to harm me?" After pondering for a while, he suddenly shuddered and exclaimed, "Does Dr. Hu mean that..."

Hu Yan coughed lightly and said, "As I said, Master Mu is a wise man. He naturally understands the underlying meaning. There is no need for me to say more."