
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
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89 Chs

Yuanyuan Goes Missing, Miko Severely Injured ( Part 5 )

Mu Linfeng said, "Let's talk about that later. Mr. Su has extensive experience in the martial arts world, and has been traveling with his master for many years. He should be familiar with the use of poison and internal injuries. Mr. Su, please go and see how Tian Chuanmei's injuries are first."

Su Duxiu nodded and said, "Yes, please lead the way, young master."

Mu Linfeng led Su Duxiu to Tian Chuanmei's guest room. Su Duxiu took her pulse and observed her complexion while saying, "Miss Tian's injuries are indeed severe, and the poisoning is deep. It has already penetrated into her organs, and her life is in danger."

Mu Linfeng exclaimed, "Even Mr. Su is helpless?"

After pondering for a while, Su Duxiu said, "I have encountered this situation before. At that time, Liu Wandao was secretly attacked, but fortunately, the old master used his internal energy to push the acupuncture points and used various precious medicinal materials to stew him for more than ten days before forcing the poison out. Later, Liu recovered after more than three months of recuperation. If the old master were here, perhaps there would be hope for Miss Tian. I just took her pulse and found that the toxicity in her body that has not yet invaded is gradually decreasing. It should be that the young master has already given her medicine. However, this is not enough to save her life. At most, it can only delay it for a few days. This is not a solution."

Mu Linfeng asked, "So you mean if the master is here, Miss Tian can be saved?"

Su Duxiu replied, "It doesn't necessarily have to be the old master. As long as it's a martial arts expert with profound internal skills, it can be done. Unfortunately, Duxiu, Liu, and Bai only practice external martial arts and don't have any internal skills, so we can't do much. Fang is an expert in internal martial arts, but even with his level of skill, it is not enough to save Miss Tian's life, let alone he is not here right now." Su Duxiu sighed and said, "I don't know if Fang has found the old master yet?" After speaking, he sighed several times.

Mu Linfeng couldn't help but sigh and said, "Yes, I wonder how our master fared in the martial arts competition. I am also very worried!"

When Mu Ren was mentioned, both Mu Linfeng and Su Duxiu couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness. After a long while, Su Duxiu suddenly said, "By the way, there is such a person in Jinling City. This person not only has powerful internal strength, but also is a famous doctor. It's a pity that he has a strange temper. Otherwise, if we can find him, he can definitely save Tianchuan."

Mu Linfeng asked, "I wonder who Mr. Su is talking about?"

Su Duxiu shook his head repeatedly and said, "It's no use, it's no use. This person has a very eccentric temperament. Even if we find him, we are not sure if we can get him to help..."

Mu Linfeng suddenly felt that the person Su Duxiu was talking about seemed familiar and his heart skipped a beat. He said, "Could it be that Mr. Su is talking about Hu Langzhong?"

Su Duxiu asked, "Does the master know this person, Hu Yanci?"

Mu Linfeng thought to himself, "Oh? So this person's name is Hu Yanci, what a strange name?" He said, "Oh, we have had some dealings before. He once helped me treat a friend. Oh, that friend was one of the twin sisters, Zheng Lianxiang, who lived in the mansion a while ago and was also one of the missing daughters of the Feng family."

Su Duxiu asked in surprise, "This Hu Yanci is extremely eccentric in his actions. Although he has excellent medical skills, he has ordinary medical ethics and does not easily save people. I don't know how the master managed to get him to save your friend?"

Mu Linfeng said, "It's hard to explain in a few words, but Hu Langzhong didn't do it for me, but for my sworn elder brother, Kong Wu. I have already sent someone to Feng's Mansion to inform them that Tianchuan is at my mansion, and let them contact Hu Langzhong. According to Kong Wu, Hu Langzhong has a close relationship with Old Man Feng, so I believe that as long as Hu Langzhong is still in Jinling, he will definitely come back!"

Just then, a servant reported, "Young Master, a man named Long Er outside the mansion requests to see you!"

Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat, and he said in a serious tone, "Er Ge? Please invite him in quickly!"

Su Duxiu was surprised and asked, "Er Ge?"

Mu Linfeng explained, "He is my newly sworn brother, the second-in-command of the Green Dragon Society!"

Su Duxiu exclaimed, "What? The second-in-command of the Green Dragon Society? Young Master, how did you get involved with the underworld? If the old master asks, how should I explain?"

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "Su Xiansheng, please rest assured. I have a sense of propriety in making friends. Although Er Ge looks fierce, he is actually a very loyal and righteous man. When you meet him later, I'm sure you won't say anything else!"

Mu Linfeng pulled Su Duxiu towards the hall and glanced back at Tian Chuan Meizi lying on the bed, unable to help but sigh, thinking to himself, "Whether you can be saved or not depends on your fate!"

As Mu Linfeng pulled Su Duxiu, he said to him, "Actually, I asked Er Ge to help find Yuan Yuan. He must have some news now. Why don't you come along with me to hear what he has to say?"

Su Duxiu couldn't stay alone, so he followed Mu Linfeng to the main hall. Long Qingyun had already been waiting in the hall, sitting aside drinking tea. When Mu Linfeng came out, Long Qingyun immediately stood up and laughed, "Second brother, I have good news for you!"

Mu Linfeng asked excitedly, "What is it? Did you find Yuan Yuan?"

Long Qingyun replied, "No, not yet. I have my brothers investigating that matter. But I do have news about your sister. Don't worry, I'll inform you as soon as I hear anything."

Mu Linfeng deflated like a balloon and said weakly, "What good news could there be then?"

Long Qingyun smiled and said, "Guess who I brought with me?" He clapped his hands, and an old man came in, with bright eyes and a strand of green hair. He carried a medicine box on his back. It was Hu Yan, the physician that Mu Linfeng had been looking for.

Mu Linfeng was surprised and delighted, "How did you know I was looking for Hu?"

Long Qingyun quickly explained, "I happened to meet one of your servants at the pharmacy, who told me that someone in your household was injured. And coincidentally, Hu was treating my father's illness. So, after seeing my father, I brought him here immediately."

Mu Linfeng saw that Hu Yan seemed unhappy but didn't know why. He repeatedly thanked Hu Yan, "Thank you for your help. This patient is the niece of a good friend of yours, right?"