
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
89 Chs

The Courtyard of Prince Fu ( Part 3 )

Looking out from the wind, under the moonlight, in the flower bushes, densely crowded figures, there were more than a thousand people coming here. Mu Linfeng was shocked and said, "Even Long Qingfeng has come, what are they going to do?"

Long Qingyun said to Mu Linfeng, "Second brother, don't worry, this is arranged by the eldest brother personally, there will be no mistakes, and the younger sister will be saved!"

At this time, Long Qingfeng had already come near and saw him wave his hands. Immediately, thousands of people scattered around and disappeared in the night, as if they had never appeared before. Only Long Qingfeng, Long Qingyun, and Mu Linfeng were left on the spot, and everything returned to calm.

Long Qingfeng carried his hands on his back. His face still had no expression. Under the moonlight, he was even paler and deeper. He only heard him say to Mu Linfeng lightly, "Mu Gongzi, don't worry, everything is in the hands of Long Mou, and Long Mou will definitely rescue..."

Mu Linfeng wondered in his heart, "Ling? What is this? Should it be round? Ancient people really talk too much!" But on the mouth he said to Long Qingfeng, "Since the little prince has promised to come in person to solve this matter, it should not be a problem. Why did Long brother move so many people?"

Long Qingfeng said lightly, "Since Mu Gongzi is the sworn brother of my little brother, he is also the good brother of my Qinglong Club. Long Mou does not hide from Mu Gongzi. Long Mou does have a plan!" He said to Long Qingyun, "Is everything ready?"

Long Qingyun replied, "The second dragon handles the matter, the eldest brother can rest assured!"

Long Qingfeng nodded slightly, and Mu Linfeng could not see any changes in his face. He could not guess what this person was thinking. Long Qingyun said, "The second brother and the eldest brother, shall we go in now?"

Mu Linfeng had been impatient for a long time. Long Qingfeng nodded slightly, and the three went to the side house of the Fuwang Mansion. From far and near to see the side house of the Fuwang Mansion, it was completely two concepts. Looking closely, he found that the side house was even more grand and luxurious. He did not know how much money the Fuwang Mansion had searched to build this side house. When they arrived at the gate of the side house, the guards stopped the three and said, "Who are you three?"

Mu Linfeng said, "I am Mu Linfeng. These two are brothers Long Qingfeng and Long Qingyun. They are with the little prince. Please report!" The guard looked at the three people and immediately went into the courtyard to report. Mu Linfeng and the three stood outside the gate, and Mu Linfeng took the opportunity to look inside. The courtyard was a standard Jiangnan garden design, very chic. It is expected that the old Fuwang is also a gentleman.

Occasionally, the guard reported back: "Three, the young prince is waiting in the hall!" With Mu Linfeng and the others, they entered the separate courtyard. Everywhere they went, there were artificial hills and pavilions, ingeniously and mysteriously illuminated by the moonlight and lamp. There was also a man-made river that wound its way to the outside of the courtyard, with a white jade bridge on it. After crossing the bridge, there was a long path that led directly to the hall inside the courtyard.

With Mu Linfeng, Long Qingfeng and Long Qingyun arriving at the entrance of the hall, the guard reported: "To the young prince, Mu Linfeng and Long Qingfeng, the two princes of the Long family, request an audience!"

Long Qingyun smiled beside him: "How come I have become a prince too? Haha!"

After the guard finished reporting, Zhu Youcun's voice came from inside the hall, saying, "It turns out that even the leader of the Long family has come. It seems that Mu Linfeng has been in Jinling City for not long, but his popularity is very wide! Please come in quickly!"

When Mu Linfeng and the others entered the hall, they saw Zhu Youcun sitting in the middle of the hall. On both sides of the hall were two rows of people. On the left was the leader of the Jin Yiwei, Dong Li, and on the right were seven or eight people wearing the official uniform of the government. These were people that Mu Linfeng had never seen before.

Zhu You-song saw three people and immediately stood up. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Long Qingfeng say, "Let's not talk too much polite words. Does Little Wangye know what he's looking for?"

Zhu You-song's face changed slightly as he said, "Gentlemen, why don't we sit down and talk?"

Long Qingfeng calmly said, "When I was making a living on the sea before, I was not used to it at first and always felt seasick. But I forced myself to overcome it and every day I stood on the boat. Even when I slept, I tied myself to the door. After so many years, I have gotten used to standing, so if I sit down, I'm afraid I won't be comfortable."

Zhu You-song's face was very ugly, but he couldn't do anything about it. Then he heard Dong Li say, "Big Brother Long seems to be missing the old days? If not, why wouldn't he take the official posts granted by the court and instead go into business..."

The implication of Dong Li's words was obvious: Long Qingfeng was still missing his life as a pirate and was either plotting against the court or expressing his dissatisfaction.

Long Qingfeng looked at Dong Li and said calmly, "Oh? Isn't this the same Dong Li who gave me shoes in the past? Didn't you have your head cut off a few years ago for committing a crime? How are you alive and standing here? Fortunately, I have also gone through fire and water, otherwise I would really have been scared of you in the middle of the night..."

Mu Linfeng knew that they had grievances with each other in the past, so he didn't bother to listen to them and instead said to Zhu You-song, "Little Wangye, if you have already found out, then give us a definite answer. If Zuo Jing is still in the mansion, please ask her to come out. Linfeng will take her back. If she is not in the mansion, please say so clearly, and Linfeng will go look for her."

Zhu You-song hesitated for a moment, and Mu Linfeng could see it in his eyes. He was even more certain that Chen Yuanyuan was in this courtyard. Mu Linfeng said, "Zuo Jing is naturally timid. I hope Little Wangye..."

Before Mu Linfeng could finish, Zhu You-song said, "Ling Kun is indeed in the mansion!"

Mu Linfeng was delighted and said, "Really? Then why can't we see her..."

Zhu You-song's face grew more and more grim, and he said in a low voice, "Young Master Mu, you must stay calm when you meet Lingkun..."

Mu Linfeng heard this and his heart trembled, thinking, "Could it be that someone in the government has plotted against Yuan-yuan?" He then thought, "Yuan-yuan has had a hard life, but even so, I Mu Linfeng will not abandon her. If I do, what kind of man am I? But Yuan-yuan's life is certainly in danger!" Out loud he said to Zhu You-song, "As long as Yuan-yuan is safe, I will not pursue anything else. Please let Zhu Jinger come out to meet me!"

Zhu You-song looked at Mu Linfeng for a long time, then finally clapped his hands. At that moment, several officials emerged from the inner hall, carrying a door panel on which someone was lying, covered with a white cloth. Mu Linfeng was shocked and held his breath, his mind blank as he stared at the figure on the door panel.

The officials put the door panel in the center of the hall and then withdrew. The person on the door panel lay still and silent, as if nothing in the world had anything to do with her anymore.

Zhu You-song sighed and walked to Mu Linfeng's side, patting his shoulder and saying, "Young Master Mu, mourn her death!"